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The Ottomans are back! (and so are the Safavids...)

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I grew up in an anti-muslim family and everybody in my family is super Western so once I break the ice with an anglo here, I get on with him/her quite well.

I also don't see life here an option when the difference in wages are so insanely high. I actually worked at the HQ of a transportation company here when I was still in school getting my business degree. I would suit up, wear a stupid tie and fancy shoes just to go to an office for 8 hours at a time talking on the phone. I was literally going insane after 2 months. And you know what the wages are like. Heck, managers here get like 50K and they're happy!!!

That's not an option when the province next door is giving away 6 figure salaries for fun jobs. I'm lucky that I actually enjoy that kind of a redneck lifestyle. Plus I'm not into relationships so I don't have that on the back of my mind. It's perfect. I can EASILY save 400K-500K dollars over there after 4-5 years. After that I will either buy a Tim franchise somewhere or will go back to school for an engineering type of a degree. With 4-5 yrs of experience over there plus an enginerring type degree/diploma a person can move on to management and make even more money.

This is the opportunity of the life time. If I had moved there right after high school I would be making 200K dollars a year after tax at the minimum.

Okay it makes sense now. I respect your view.
If thats what you want all i can say is best of luck. I wish you success.

Since i have lived in like many different cities and countries around the world you could say i know my ways around if making money was a wish. Apparently thats not i want to do in my life. I have seen the world. I feel sad to see my country, Pakistan's current situation and my true heart is there to help it in every social way as possible. I'm currently a University student and i plan to study Medicine in the future, if i get in to a Canadian med school, i'm not going to practice in Canada. I'll be grateful to them for giving me the opportunity, but i will have to go on and do what my country needs me in.

it seems more fun than England

I have lived in England. Both have their own pros and cons....
Okay it makes sense now. I respect your view.
If thats what you want all i can say best of luck. I wish you success.

Since i have lived in like many different cities and countries around the world you could say i know my ways around if making money was a wish. Apparently thats not i want to do in my life. I have seen the world. I feel sad to see my country, Pakistan's current situation and my true heart is there to help it in every social way as possible. I'm currently a University student and i plan to study Medicine in the future, if i get in to a Canadian med school, i'm not going to practice in Canada. I'll be grateful to them for giving me the opportunity, but i will have to go on and do what my country needs me in.

I have lived in England. Both have their own pros and cons....

Ah, anybody that has a shot to go to med school or law school in Canada should stick to that, otherwise Alberta is the only other option in my eyes. My brother is a damn genius and he wants to go to med school as well, and he will with the insanely high GPA that he has right now (3.9/4 cumulative 2 year GPA at UBC studying science). If he didn't have that going for him I would force him to come to Alberta with me as well.
Ahem, *cough*, to get back to the topic, the title itself is unfortunate because it puts the focus on history and, therefore, historical rivalries. That is the problem plaguing all of Middle East (and beyond); this obsession with how things used to be in the past.

If Iran and Turkey (and others) will think about the future rather than the past, they can see the value in cooperation instead of confrontation. The EU did it.
Ah, anybody that has a shot to go to med school or law school in Canada should stick to that, otherwise Alberta is the only other option in my eyes. My brother is a damn genius and he wants to go to med school as well, and he will with the insanely high GPA that he has right now (3.9/4 cumulative 2 year GPA at UBC studying science). If he didn't have that going for him I would force him to come to Alberta with me as well.

I'm not a great student to be honest but I made to UWaterloo and studied Science for 1 year. I hated living there. Its ranked as Canada's 2nd worst place to live and i agreed to that. I transferred to YorkU because it was closer to home and i had lots of friends there as well.

Nice to see your bro having a shot. With that GPA he is in. All he needs to do after is get a good MCAT score.

My elder brother as compared to me is a genius. He went to a Business School at McGill with 94% average. Apperently, after his degree he didn't get a job and he hated business life. So he is now studying Law at Oxford University in England. Later he plans to use himself as a corporate lawyer...
Ahem, *cough*, to get back to the topic, the title itself is unfortunate because it puts the focus on history and, therefore, historical rivalries. That is the problem plaguing all of Middle East (and beyond); this obsession with how things used to be in the past.

If Iran and Turkey (and others) will think about the future rather than the past, they can see the value in cooperation instead of confrontation. The EU did it.
I refuse to talk about Turkey-Iran issues with Ottoman Troll and Ata gooz on this site. It's pointless.
I'm not a great student to be honest but I made to UWaterloo and studied Science for 1 year. I hated living there. Its ranked as Canada's 2nd worst place and i agreed to that. I transferred to YorkU because it was closer to home and i'm doing much better now.

Nice to see your bro having a shot. With that GPA he is in. All he needs to do after is get a good MCAT score.

My elder brother as compared to me is a genius. He went to a Business School at McGill will 94% average. Apperently, after his degree he didn't get a job and he hated business life. So he is now studying Law at Oxford University in England. Later he plans to use himself as a corporate lawyer...

If you major in smtg technical at business school (like accounting, finance...) than business won't be a complete waste of time. Otherwise it is a complete and utter waste of money and time (I found that the hard way). I did business management lmao < talk about useless. If I don't go to Alberta I'm gonna be stuck trying to climb the corporate ladder at some transportation company here for the next 20-30 years while trying to find the courage to kill myself haha

Corporate law is great. They're the highest earning lawyers.

btw, I just talked to my brother and he was busy studying for his MCAT. The mofo has 2.5 yrs to go and his GPA is off the charts and he's studying for his MCAT already lol. He says he wants to have time to take his LSAT as well just in case he doesn't make med school.
Ahem, *cough*, to get back to the topic, the title itself is unfortunate because it puts the focus on history and, therefore, historical rivalries. That is the problem plaguing all of Middle East (and beyond); this obsession with how things used to be in the past.

If Iran and Turkey (and others) will think about the future rather than the past, they can see the value in cooperation instead of confrontation. The EU did it.

Yeap. It's a koni thread.
Ata, my Turkish side wants to know what's in it for him if he joins your side? He's quite comfortable right now and getting along with the Persian side quite comfortably. He says he can poison the Persian side, but he doesn't see a reason why he needs to this. Please advice. He's confused and needs your guidance, Ata please help him.

Haci, sen önce bir benim dilimde konush da göreyim. ihtimal ki bu sözleri anlamazsin, sizin tarafin dilinde danish da görem men.

Dude, educate yourself.

"The Safavids by the time of their rise were Azerbaijani-speaking although they also used Persian as a second language. The language chiefly used by the Safavid court and military establishment was Azerbaijani."

"The Safavid state, which lasted at least until 1722, was essentially a "Turkish" dynasty, with Azeri Turkish (Azerbaijan being the family's home base) as the language of the rulers and the court as well as the Qizilbash military establishment. Shah Ismail wrote poetry in (Azerbaijani) Turkish."

Mazzaoui, Michel B; Canfield, Robert (2002). Turko-Persia in Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press. pp. 86&#8211;7.

"In day-to-day affairs, the language chiefly used at the Safavid court and by the great military and political officers, as well as the religious dignitaries, was Turkish, not Persian; and the last class of persons wrote their religious works mainly in Arabic."

Zabiollah Safa (1986), "Persian Literature in the Safavid Period", The Cambridge History of Iran, vol. 6: The Timurid and Safavid Periods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 948&#8211;65.

"The (Safavid) Shah was a native Turkic speaker and wrote poetry in the Azerbaijani language."

Price, Massoume (2005), "Iran's Diverse Peoples: A Referrence Sourcebook".

"Qizilbash normally spoke Azari brand of Turkish at court, as did the Safavid shahs themselves."

Savory, Roger (2007), "Iran under Safavids".
Can someone tell me why it matters if the safavids spoke Turkish, parsi or Martian?! I consider them an Azeri/Turkish dynasty, whatever you wanna call them. WTF does it matter? Koroush was mede/Parsi and he created Iran zamin. The Parthians were a Greco Persian dynasty, and they are an Iranian dynasty. Later we had many Azerbaijani dynasties. I really don't understand the significance. Khamenei is Azeri, so what? My grandfather was Qashqai, so what?

Why is it so impt for you Turks to say Iran=Persia????? On one side you say Persians are occupiers, on the other side you go around saying 99.999 percent of Iran is Turk and 99.999 percent of IRanian rulers and dynasties have been Turks. WTF! Make up your minds at least.

You turks are so stuck with this 20th century concept of ultra nationalism/fascism that you simply can't stand still and let and let live.

Yeah, Safavids were Azeris, the Pahlavis were Parsi, Khamenei is Azari, Koroush was half kurd/half parsi, the Parthians were Greek/Parsi mixture, the goali from my grade 10 football team was a full on Azari from Tabriz, my grade 8 crush was a native Kurd from Iran who spoke both Parsi and Kurdish fluently, my grandfather was a Qashqai who didn't bother teaching his children and grand children the language, some of the people in IRan's current regime are Iraqi born, some are arabs... I can go on and on. This is the reality of Iran.

Today only you turks and maybe some arabs, care about such insignificant matters such as race.
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