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The movie '300' - The West Should Stop Killing Ancient Persians


Looks like a sadistic villainous character out of some BDSM comic :lol:
I dislike the movie because of course even though it is not claiming to be an accurate description of the past, it is however nevertheless engaging in the reproduction of thousands of years old stereotypes, in which the tyrannical authoritarian east is pitched in binary fashion against the freedom loving west. Indirectly thus no matter how much we like to brush this under the carpet and claim this movie is purely for entertainment and not a "history" movie, 300 and similar works of art do affect the mindset of the common man who has little or no knowledge of this "east".
In those Hollywood flicks I find it so amusing that whenever the world is about to end and US (offcourse) is leading the battle, in the run up to final showdown u will always see Indians in ancient clothing praying to God sitting besides Taj Mahal....every freaking time :lol:
300 and its sequel is just mere propaganda,like many other Hollywood Movies(actually,every cinema industry has this bad habit,be it Korean,Chinese,Indian or others.but I love Israeli Movies in that matter).They touched only those points they could use for Propaganda.thats why one user commented "Enjoy its Slow-Mo.but don't learn history from it".
lets see the fact.
Persian Empire fought series of war and then,its Sequel,Greco-Persian Wars(which actually Greek States mount the offensive and Persian Empire defend it) due to Greek States' meddelling in Ionian Revolt,which actually wasted a large amount of time and resource of Darius just to suppress it.in fact,these rebels,who got help from Athens and Eretria,burned Persian regional Capital Sardis.but this part,this movie completely missed,made this movie,partial.
to revenge this,Darius made "First Persian Invasion",aimed to punish those states.they captured Thrace and forced Macedon to remain as Client State.then they captured Eretria.then they lost the Battle of Marathon.in fact,it was Darius,who made all the preparation of "Second Persian Invasion",but delayed due to some internal strife and later,Darius died.
Second,the movie showed excessive number of troops.Xerxes Pontoon Bridge was one of the MARVELS of that time.I wonder if anywhere same kind of technological feat was achieved at that time.but even then,modern estimates of Persian Force is somewhat around 65000.
another point,Greek Showed that Xerxes burned Athens.but most probably the fire was either started by accident,or its Athenians who used "Scorched Earth Policy",as destroying an important trade center like Athens is simply without any merit.
Next,The movie didn't properly show how many ships got shipwrecked.if 1200 Persian ships(which is quite exaggerated) were there,atleast 1/3 of ships got shipwrecked.its more than what Greek States owned that time,and one of the major reason why Battle of Artemisium wasn't decisive.
plus,the movie ended just after Battle of Salamis.but it was completely wrong.they fought another major battle,"Battle of Plataea",in which,Greek soldiers were numerically more than Persians,yet they performed poorly.it was their shear luck that they won that battle.also,some historians tend to say that Xerxes fleed Europe after Battle of Salamis fearing destroying the Xerxes Pontoon Bridge at Hellespont might trap them.but,it was unrest of Babylon which forced him and his force to leave Europe,as they still had massive armada into Aegean Sea.
last,but not the least,the mockery of characters.Potraying Xerxes and Artemisia using completely biased picture is completely wrong.Xerxes was a great emperor.nobody doubts his capability.Persian empire flourished under him.plus,he loved technology and made many marvels,which was gigantic,which amazes people till this day.
oh,and another thing.Greeks tend to gloat about their "Free Society" while Persians were shown as "Slave".its more contradicted than all the other facts.greek states were heavily relied on Slaves.eg.Helot,which was the very stone why Sparta flourished and how they actually could perform their duty as full time soldier.

anyway, @Chinese-Dragon ,don't forget to give me one positive rating. :D
Well, that is assuming ancient aryan Persians (who were white) are related to today's Persians who look a little bit different to say the least.
Well, that is assuming ancient aryan Persians (who were white) are related to today's Persians who look a little bit different to say the least.

Modern day persians have a striking resemblance to gypsies. It is true.
Well, that is assuming ancient aryan Persians (who were white) are related to today's Persians who look a little bit different to say the least.
ata, we all know that you're a loser without a life that spends his days in front of his computer. For the love of whatever you find holy, do smtg useful with your time. Maybe do a google search, read an article or two, read a book etc... That way you won't write such nonsense garbage here.

The inhabitants of the Iranian plateau have always looked the same. If by white you mean European white than you're even dumber than I thought. You're telling me that we somehow magically went from looking like a Swede to what we do now in 2000 years?? Are you retarded Ata? Do you have an ounce of logic or any understanding of biology or evolution?

Look at pictures of statues from Perspolis and try to use all of your brain cells to understand what you're looking at. Those statues from 2500 years ago all look like modern day Iranians.

Lastly, the term Aryan DOES NOT describe physical attributes nor does it relate to biological and racial features. It's a term that describes superior status through cultural superiority.

In any case, wtf did your post have anything to do with what's being discussed here? You seriously need to get that head of yours checked.
ata, we all know that you're a loser without a life that spends his days in front of his computer. For the love of whatever you find holy, do smtg useful with your time. Maybe do a google search, read an article or two, read a book etc... That way you won't write such nonsense garbage here.

The inhabitants of the Iranian plateau have always looked the same. If by white you mean European white than you're even dumber than I thought. You're telling me that we somehow magically went from looking like a Swede to what we do now in 2000 years?? Are you retarded Ata? Do you have an ounce of logic or any understanding of biology or evolution?

Look at pictures of statues from Perspolis and try to use all of your brain cells to understand what you're looking at. Those statues from 2500 years ago all look like modern day Iranians.

Lastly, the term Aryan DOES NOT describe physical attributes nor does it relate to biological and racial features. It's a term that describes superior status through cultural superiority.

In any case, wtf did your post have anything to do with what's being discussed here? You seriously need to get that head of yours checked.
God bless you brother :)

Iranians/persians are bad/terrorists
Germans are evil
Russians are evil
Pakistanis/army/ISI are evil terrorists
Saudis/over all Arabs including Palestinians are animals
WWII japanese and worst humans on the earth
Chinese are the new evil in the list
All south americans/nations are evil

the only rescuers and saviour of mankind are US/UK/Israel

The funny thing is most of their movies are creators of terrorism and "how to" and full of violence yet the consider the entire world as violent except for themselves and their couple of true allies. Moronic hollywood logic.

The brits were very offended by "Braveheart" and "The Patriot" and i can quote many examples were American wars/policies were portrayed in a bad light.
What is wrong with this forum ? why is every single jealous , retard posting anti-iranian crap ? get back to your retard country and live your life

Use the report button. You're not the only one suffering from trolls. Check the Pakistan defence section its full of Indian trolls.
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