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The movie '300' - The West Should Stop Killing Ancient Persians

Honestly, this movie,filled with historical inaccuracies was a crap.The content was a direct onslaught on ancient Persian history and culture. But one thing for sure, to make the Spartan military might more glorified than their oriental enemy, often the effort crossed the limits of sanity and looked utterly hilarious.
Bhai tumhe koi saram haya hai :P Khule aam :o:
some reviews of the love making scene now beat diz :D

"There is a sex scene in '300: Rise of an Empire' that is an all-timer. Put it right up there on the shelf next to 'Don't Look Now,' 'A History of Violence,' 'Blue is the Warmest Color,' '9 ½ Weeks' and any of the others that make those best-of lists. Actually, put next to that insanity in the pool from 'Showgirls' (you know, with the dolphin statue?), because there's a level of playful absurdity that changes it from a representation of love (or, more accurately, lust) to something of a Broadway choreographer's interpretation of a fight. Like a 'West Side Story' rumble, but with Eva Green moaning and bent over a table with maps and war figurines. A rise of an empire, indeed." — Jordan Hoffman, Screen Crush
Indeed even a love scene is filmed like a brawl; a literal battle of the sexes that's more erotic than it has any right to be." — Chris Tilly, IGN Movies

The Art of Artemesia "Really, the film belongs to [Eva] Green — maybe the only actress ever to 'graduate' from being a Bertolucci muse to a bloodthirsty action-flick dominatrix. With her raven hair, smoky voice, and leather fetish wear, she gooses the repetitive carnage into something deliciously sinister. In the movie's best scene, she and her enemy Themistokles turn a discussion of surrender into a rough-sex brawl. Henry Kissinger she's not." — Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly
'300: Rise Of An Empire': The Reviews Are In | MTV.com
I am not a Persian but as an Asian still feel offended by the way they chose to present one of our Asian groups in this movie. They always like to portray us as inferior barbarians while history tells a completely different story.

Anyway these are the kind of movies that white people watch when they are feeling low about themselves. This is their feel good entertainment. I also watch it just for the entertaining fighting scenes.

As long as Westerners are only treating it as entertainment and not taking their history lessons from this, it's alright.
Although the movie is not meant to be a history lesson.....people still take a lot of info from movies and believe them to be true....a very well known case would be the misconception of the Roman use of the 'thumbs up' sign to signal life granted to a defeated gladiator....whereas the Romans never used any thumbs up sign at all!
Mark Twain was wrong when he said "god created wars so Americans would learn geography" lol
Hollywood have been the propaganda voice of America for almost one hundred years.
In case you didn't notice, Hollywood is a district in the central region of Los Angelos, California, in the United States, that is the home of the entertainment industry.

It is also known by the slang name Tinseltown. Because of Hollywood's association with the film industry, the district has become almost a magical place for some Americans, who romanticize both the region and the people who live there. The term is also used to describe films, often scathingly, to dismiss them as shallow. The original meaning of “Tinseltown” is not complementary. People have used the word “tinsel” since the 1600s to describe something that is showy or even gaudy, but ultimately worthless. When people used this term to refer to Hollywood in the 1970s, they obviously meant to cast aspersions on the film industry and the people who powered it. The implication is that Hollywood is all celebrities and glitter, but no real substance.

Iranians/persians are bad/terrorists
Germans are evil
Russians are evil
Pakistanis/army/ISI are evil terrorists
Saudis/over all Arabs including Palestinians are animals
WWII japanese and worst humans on the earth
Chinese are the new evil in the list
All south americans/nations are evil

the only rescuers and saviour of mankind are US/UK/Israel

The funny thing is most of their movies are creators of terrorism and "how to" and full of violence yet the consider the entire world as violent except for themselves and their couple of true allies. Moronic hollywood logic.
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