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"The Japanese see India as the land of Lord Buddha ,which is why they have a lot of respect for Indians"

I don't want to comment on the 'respect' part, but Buddha was certainly Indian. A small technicality about his place of birth being within current Nepal's political map doesn't change a thing. Eastern UP and Bihar have the holiest sites of Buddhism - Sarnath (near Varanasi) and Bodh Gaya. Ashoka, who patronised Buddhism and spread it was of Bihari origin. The most spectacular ancient surviving monuments from Buddhist era are in India - in Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta in Maharashtra and some in Hampi in Karnataka. Smaller sites are found all over the Deccan plateau of various vintage. Most of these coexist with Hindu and Jain temples.

It is a pity that persecution of Buddhists by some political minded Brahmins is blown out of proportion. Buddhists monks were largely non political in nature due to the concept of detachment being integral to their religion. This made them shun politics and as a result they lost out to Hinduism whose priestly caste was very active in politics.

At the same time I don't want to indulge in trumpet blowing. Buddhism has taken many forms over the centuries. There is a South East Asian version, a Srilankan version, Indian version, Tibetan version and I am sure the Japanese have added their own local flavors to it. To say that it is all a gift of India would be stretching it. But being treated as the holy land for Buddhists is undeniable.
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No he didn't. I am pretty sure it is my dad's ancestry. I have relatives from Gaya too. We are Sharif which is Deva in Sanskrit. Historically, it is Sumerian origin.

I have provided some text in the link to consider. Please read it. And what is this Sharif you often speak of ?
Sure....the noble deeds of such preservations are often heard of in your lands....

I can understand the hate and frustration in you regarding the West.... by the way Bamiyans were destroyed during Taliban rule ... quite before US or Australian or any other country's troops entered there for bounty hunting.

I smell a rat , a hypocrite of a rat.
Try looking around, there is a place called Latin America and south america if you don't want to look at USA, and there is a place called Africa,
and look, you wear the kiwi flag .. i mean come on ...
The purpose of such articles written by Indians is to make themselves feel good
This writing style, we call it 意淫。
意淫Meaning, a man, sees a beautiful woman. He had sex with this beauty right in his head. make yourself feel good
Perhaps you need to wash your mind out.

I have told you earlier and will repeat it again, Hindus consider Lord Buddha to be an avatar of Lord Vishnu so there's no reason to hate Buddhists.
That was a very late absorption into the Dasavatar lists, and has very little in practical life to recommend it. Brahmins always preached that Buddhists were heretics. We are not talking here about 'reasons' to hate Buddhists. There is never a good reason for one human being to hate another.

There should be a better source for this. I don't know what the author means when he says that the story of Jalauka is legendary. Does it mean its a fable or is it real?
It is a fable with no substantiating evidence.

"Dharmarajika stupa was completely demolished and only its foundation exists today while Dhamekh stupa incurred serious damage. During excavation a green marble relic casket was discovered from Dharmarajika stupa which contained Buddha's ashes was subsequently thrown into Ganges river by Jagat Singh according to his Hindu faith. The incident was reported by a British resident and timely action of British authorities saved Dhamekh Stupa from demolition.[11]"

No one knows who destroyed it.
Clearly, beyond a doubt, the Chechen.
I have provided some text in the link to consider. Please read it. And what is this Sharif you often speak of ?
Why would I read it when I know Sharif is my blood identity. Bihar Sharif is Nalanda. Quran Sharif. Kaaba Sharif. Ibrahim Sharif. Muhammad Sharif. Sharif is spread across wide area. Aryan and Scythian originated in Southern Russia and Central Asia, but Sharif historically originated in ancient Sumeria, and it likely has some prehistory in Anatolia.

This is just speculative. Jain accounts treat Durdhara as the mother of Bindusara. There are no recorded accounts to the contrary. Modern historians can twist anything by prefixing "It is believed that.." and make it a free-for-all.

When you have exotic looking foreigners roaming around the land and making royal alliances, it is tempting for some juicy gossip to flow about the real DNA of Rajkumars
Idiot, the Afghan cosmonaut, Abdul Ahad Mohmand, prayed on the USSR space station Mir. He was not deprived of his choice. For his help and persistence during trouble in the Soyuz spaceship during the return to Earth he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Hero of the Soviet Union. Where the USSR acted against was against the mullahs like you and so right that was.

1. List these "Islamic scholars" you are so keenly repeating.

2. Unlike you Tableeghis I use my intelligence and put things to the test of reason and rationality before saying if something is right or wrong.

3. Those atheistic Communists were much more Islamic than you. You seem to be just a ritualist, like an all-day praying Brahmin priest, with no understanding of the philosophies of Islam.

The Western governments were the ones doing everything since 1945 to sabotage all those individuals, movements and countries allied with the USSR. They successfully found idiots willing to be their proxies. This was true also in Afghanistan where they found regressives and criminals will to kill their own progressive Afghan co-citizens for the sake of a perverted interpretation of Islam. Criminals from all over the world participated in this fake jihad. Western governments wanted a regime change in Afghanistan, replace the governance system with a mullah-based one pliant to puppet-string-pulling by the Western governments. Such has again happened in 2011 in the Western governments' / NATO's regime change operations against the Libyan Jamahiriya and Syria. It is sure that you hate Muammar Gaddafi and Bashar al Assad.

No, you shoo, slave of the Saudis and slave of NATO ! The whole internet can see who is making an idiot out of himself.
I don't have to spoon-feed you.

Go google the Islamic scholars who were against the Communists in Afghanistan and the Soviet Union.

lol, are you that retarded to say that the Communists in USSR were good to its Muslim population.

No, you shoo you moron.

When the entire Muslim world was against the Soviet Union.

Idiot, the Afghan cosmonaut, Abdul Ahad Mohmand, prayed on the USSR space station Mir. He was not deprived of his choice. For his help and persistence during trouble in the Soyuz spaceship during the return to Earth he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Hero of the Soviet Union. Where the USSR acted against was against the mullahs like you and so right that was.

1. List these "Islamic scholars" you are so keenly repeating.

2. Unlike you Tableeghis I use my intelligence and put things to the test of reason and rationality before saying if something is right or wrong.

3. Those atheistic Communists were much more Islamic than you. You seem to be just a ritualist, like an all-day praying Brahmin priest, with no understanding of the philosophies of Islam.

The Western governments were the ones doing everything since 1945 to sabotage all those individuals, movements and countries allied with the USSR. They successfully found idiots willing to be their proxies. This was true also in Afghanistan where they found regressives and criminals will to kill their own progressive Afghan co-citizens for the sake of a perverted interpretation of Islam. Criminals from all over the world participated in this fake jihad. Western governments wanted a regime change in Afghanistan, replace the governance system with a mullah-based one pliant to puppet-string-pulling by the Western governments. Such has again happened in 2011 in the Western governments' / NATO's regime change operations against the Libyan Jamahiriya and Syria. It is sure that you hate Muammar Gaddafi and Bashar al Assad.

No, you shoo, slave of the Saudis and slave of NATO ! The whole internet can see who is making an idiot out of himself.
How were the atheistic Communists more Islamic than the Muslims?

You sound like an idiot. The Communists in the Soviet Union banned religion and promoted atheism in the Soviet Union.

You don't sound like a Muslim. Or are you an Indian pretending to be a Muslim?

What would an Indian Muslim do on a Pakistani forum anyways?
Go google the Islamic scholars who were against the Communists in Afghanistan and the Soviet Union.

Don't repeat till eternity. Provide me a list of names and details. And not that age is related much to intelligence or lack of I must ask you yours.

How were the atheistic Communists more Islamic than the Muslims?

You sound like an idiot. The Communists in the Soviet Union banned religion and promoted atheism in the Soviet Union.

Regardless of the recommended or preferred atheism nature of the USSR establishment I will post two sections from this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is an article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and chronicles Communist and Socialist activism among Muslims since the early 1900s and most of these Communists and Socialists were aligned with the USSR. The first section is the finding of an Islamic scholar from a 100 years ago who would have been in opposition to those so-called Islamic scholars you have been pattering about :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.
Roots and Trees
Though one can struggle to pinpoint the exact starting point (or points) from where the many ideas that became associated with Islamic Socialism emerged, historians and intellectuals, Sami A. Hanna and Hanif Ramay – who specialised in critiquing and compiling a dialectic history of Islamic Socialism – are of the view that one of the very first expressions of Islamic Socialism appeared in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century.

A movement of Muslim farmers, peasants and petty-bourgeoisie in the Russian state of Tatartan opposed the Russian monarchy but was brutally crushed.

In the early 2oth century, the movement went underground and began working with communist, socialist and social democratic forces operating in Russia to overthrow the monarchy.

The leaders of the Muslim movement, that became to be known as the Waisi began explaining themselves as Islamic Socialists when a leftist revolution broke out against the Russian monarchy in 1906.

During the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that finally toppled and eliminated the Russian monarchy and imposed communist rule in the country, the Waisi fell in with the Bolsheviks and supported Russian revolutionary leader, Vladimir Lenin’s widespread socialist program and policies.

However, after Lenin’s death in 1924, the Waisi began to assert that the Muslim community and its socialism in Tatartan were a separate entity from the Bolshevik communism.

The movement that had formed its own communes became a victim of Stalin’s radical purges of the 1930s and was wiped out.

One is not quite sure how the Waisi defined their socialism in a country where (after 1917) atheism had become the state-enforced creed. It was left to a group of influential thinkers and ideologues in South Asia and the Middle East to finally get down to giving a more coherent and doctrinal shape to Islamic Socialism.
A Communist truly can understand the justice and equality based political and socio-economic system in Islam.

You don't sound like a Muslim. Or are you an Indian pretending to be a Muslim?

What would an Indian Muslim do on a Pakistani forum anyways?

Like I told you, go ask Xeuss, Indian Muslim friend of Areesh.

And why do I not sound like a Muslim ? :lol: You don't sound a sophisticated and educated person. Learn some history of the 1900s and the current including through the Nadeem Paracha article I linked.

Why would I read it when I know Sharif is my blood identity. Bihar Sharif is Nalanda. Quran Sharif. Kaaba Sharif. Ibrahim Sharif. Muhammad Sharif. Sharif is spread across wide area. Aryan and Scythian originated in Southern Russia and Central Asia

Why are you stubbornly refusing to read a small text ? :)

And where ever the Aryans originated in far history, in relatively recent ancient history they lived in Iranic lands before 1000 BC, were part of the Iranic religion and came to India around 1000 BC and then formed the oppressive socio-economic, social and political caste system and called the new system as Sanatan Dharma.

And I am totally confused by your Sharif this, Sharif that. Please simplify.

but Sharif historically originated in ancient Sumeria, and it likely has some prehistory in Anatolia.

Eh what ! You are sounding like our nationalist Turkish friend @MMM-E who believes all advanced civilizations across the world spread from the Turkish people.

Do you know Japanese use Chinese writing , their traditional ideologies are most Chinese and they even use Chinese chopsticks to eat?
Sounds like India being named after a Pakistani river and claiming K2 is the highest mountain of India
Don't repeat till eternity. Provide me a list of names and details. And not that age is related much to intelligence or lack of I must ask you yours.

Regardless of the recommended or preferred atheism nature of the USSR establishment I will post two sections from this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is an article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and chronicles Communist and Socialist activism among Muslims since the early 1900s and most of these Communists and Socialists were aligned with the USSR. The first section is the finding of an Islamic scholar from a 100 years ago who would have been in opposition to those so-called Islamic scholars you have been pattering about :

A Communist truly can understand the justice and equality based political and socio-economic system in Islam.

Like I told you, go ask Xeuss, Indian Muslim friend of Areesh.

And why do I not sound like a Muslim ? :lol: You don't sound a sophisticated and educated person. Learn some history of the 1900s and the current including through the Nadeem Paracha article I linked.

Why are you stubbornly refusing to read a small text ? :)

And where ever the Aryans originated in far history, in relatively recent ancient history they lived in Iranic lands before 1000 BC, were part of the Iranic religion and came to India around 1000 BC and then formed the oppressive socio-economic, social and political caste system and called the new system as Sanatan Dharma.

And I am totally confused by your Sharif this, Sharif that. Please simplify.

Eh what ! You are sounding like our nationalist Turkish friend @MMM-E who believes all advanced civilizations across the world spread from the Turkish people.

Stop being a moron.

No I will not spoon-feed you. Go google it.

I do not need to name what is common knowledge.

At that time the entire Muslim world and the West were against the atheistic Soviet Union.

All the Islamic scholars of that time were against the atheistic Soviet Union.

You are entitled to your opinion no matter how idiotic and wrong it may be.

However I base my judgments on logic and evidence.

No Islamic scholar would support Soviet Union, because Soviet Union oppressed Muslims and shut down mosques, etc.

Go shoo.
Stop being a moron.

No I will not spoon-feed you. Go google it.

I do not need to name what is common knowledge.

At that time the entire Muslim world and the West were against the atheistic Soviet Union.

All the Islamic scholars of that time were against the atheistic Soviet Union.

You are entitled to your opinion no matter how idiotic and wrong it may be.

However I base my judgments on logic and evidence.

No Islamic scholar would support Soviet Union, because Soviet Union oppressed Muslims and shut down mosques, etc.

Go shoo.

OK, if you don't have the confidence to provide me a simple list since yesterday then fine, be happy with your victory. :enjoy:
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OK, if you don't have the confidence to not provide me a simple list since yesterday then fine, be happy with your victory. :enjoy:
Looks like you cannot even google search or do the effort yourself hypocrite.

For an Indian pretending to be a Muslim, and doing a pretty bad job at it. ;)
Looks like you cannot even google search or do the effort yourself hypocrite.

For an Indian pretending to be a Muslim, and doing a pretty bad job at it. ;)
Are you saying that he is an Indian who is not firm in his faith as a Muslim, or does not know all that he should, or are you saying that he is an Indian, but is not a Muslim?
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