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The Iraqi deteriorating security and rogue elements - why it could lead to potential operation in Iraq and invasion

Iraq used to have no drug addicts under Saddam, today south of Iraq is full of cocaine, heroine and drug gangs.

I blame Afghanistan and Iran, as well as our failed undisciplined Shia dogs. Landmines should have remained, good use for smugglers

I told you often what I think of this erroneous designation of a culprit. It's the US regime, which strangely enough you're pinning your hopes on, that methodically dismantled the Iraqi state and undermined Iraqi society since 1990 (and in certain ways, since the late 70's or 1980). This was done through systematic, carefully planned destructive policies from Bush senior to Bush junior via Clinton. And ever since, Washington hasn't done a thing to seriously strengthen the Iraqi state either. Case in point, their laughable military aid to the Iraqi army even in the face of "I"SIS, their delays in delivering fighter jets and other such behaviour which forced Iraq to go purchase UCAV's from China instead. The way in which the US regime uprooted Iraq over the years means that it will take several generations to rebuild the country in the best case.

And I've no clue why you'd blame Iran for the drug use, it's not as if Iran is deliberately sending it to Iraq. Iran has lost over 3000 border guards, police and IRGC forces in the fight against these drug gangs and smugglers, and is the global leader in opium and heroine seizures... cocaine on the other had won't be entering Iraq through Iran.

Instability can always potentially spill over the border. Iran has no interest in Iraq being a failed state, the US and zionist regimes do. One US think tank scholar publicly stated that they don't want to see stability in Iraq, that they don't want stability in Iran either, and so on (he cited several countries of the region). That was one frank admission.

Iran forewent her demands for war reparations (while US-protected Kuwait didn't), the US pillaged Iraqi resources after the illegal 2003 invasion (even archeologic heritage wasn't spared). This should also tell you something about the way each of these states views Iraq.
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I told you often what I think of this erroneous designation of a culprit. It's the US regime, which strangely enough you're pinning your hopes on, that methodically dismantled the Iraqi state and undermined Iraqi society since 1990 (and in certain ways, since the late 70's or 1980). This was done through systematic, carefully planned destructive policies from Bush senior to Bush junior via Clinton. And ever since, Washington hasn't done a thing to seriously strengthen the Iraqi state either. Case in point, their laughable military aid to the Iraqi army even in the face of "I"SIS, their delays in delivering fighter jets and other such behaviour which forced Iraq to go purchase UCAV's from China instead. The way in which the US regime uprooted Iraq over the years means that it will take several generations to rebuild the country in the best case.

And I've no clue why you'd blame Iran for the drug use, it's not as if Iran is deliberately sending it to Iraq. Iran has lost over 3000 border guards, police and IRGC forces in the fight against these drug gangs and smugglers, and is the global leader in opium and heroine seizures... cocaine on the other had won't be entering Iraq through Iran.

Instability can always potentially spill over the border. Iran has no interest in Iraq being a failed state, the US and zionist regimes do. One US think tank scholar publicly stated that they don't want to see stability in Iraq, that they don't want stability in Iran either, and so on (he cited several countries of the region). That was one frank admission.

Iran forewent her demands for war reparations (while US-protected Kuwait didn't), the US pillaged Iraqi resources after the illegal 2003 invasion (even archeologic heritage wasn't spared). This should also tell you something about the way each of these states views Iraq.

GCC countries are little dogs of America, no one's denying that. Hope you strike them hard and flatten them.

They'd deserve it. Or maybe our KATAEB Hezbollah is going to do that with some drones. They'd deserve it for the 90s blockade. Keep supplying us.
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Iraq's state needs to purchase some capable jet fighters and air defense to deny air capabilities to the Gulfies. Then we can let our terrorist shia militias continue harassing the gulf.

I must say these shia terrorists come in handy at times. Sometimes the Iraqi army can't directly act against the KRG, but our militias can.
One of my biggest sadness in recent years is that the Dayrabun-Ovaköy Border Gate could not be opened. An Iraq-Turkiye border crossing under the control of the Iraq central government and army had a strategic value that could solve many problems of both Iraq and Turkiye. The shipment of logistics from the American bases in Iraq to the proxy structures in Syria would also become more problematic, and in this respect, Iraq's political power in the region could increase. Direct trade between Turkiye and Iraq would begin and common economic interests would be strengthened. In 2017, preparations for this operation were made, even Iraq and Turkiye held joint exercises on the border. However, I guess that there was a very intense external pressure to prevent this project at that time. More urgent problems were opened up bu someones to both Turkiye and Iraq.

Iraq's state needs to purchase some capable jet fighters and air defense to deny air capabilities to the Gulfies. Then we can let our terrorist shia militias continue harassing the gulf.

I must say these shia terrorists come in handy at times. Sometimes the Iraqi army can't directly act against the KRG, but our militias can.

Nothing will shield you against us.. Harrasing us will only give us a pretext to act and claim all oil fields along the way..

We also need that euphrates river could become a lifeline and Iraq use to be the breadbasket of the region..
Nothing will shield you against us.. Harrasing us will only give us a pretext to act and claim all oil fields along the way..

We also need that euphrates river could become a lifeline and Iraq use to be the breadbasket of the region..

You can do nothing, Arab forces in Iraq would be buttraped 50x worse than Yemen.
You can do nothing, Arab forces in Iraq would be buttraped 50x worse than Yemen.

You have no fight besides they are scared of us.. they will get in line or face music.. If you think these ragtags can stand against that firepower you are day-dreaming..

I really hope this occurs seeing Baghdad turned into ruble you will be saddened saddam
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You have no fight besides they are scared us.. they will get in line or face music..

I really hope this occurs seeing Baghdad turned into ruble you will be saddened saddam

Which country are you from anyway, Abi Salool can't target Baghdad without American permission. You don't understand how Arab states are American dogs.

MBS tries to be like Saddam but he's not on the same level
Which country are you from anyway, Abi Salool can't target Baghdad without American permission. You don't understand how Arab states are American dogs

Try to see if Americans can save you in that situation.. They will cut there losses short and issue statement saying KSA and gulf has the right to defend their security and secure thread routes inside irak
Try to see if Americans can save you in that situation.. They will cut there losses issue statement saying KSA and gulf has the right to defend and secure thread routes

Say where you're from don't be BIETCH

Americans don't have to save us, they saved you from us in 1991 lol. Americans simply tell you what you can and can't do and you obey.

If America didn't save KSA in 1991, you'd be in some deep shit.
Say where you're from don't be BIETCH

Americans don't have to save us, they saved you from us in 1991 lol. Americans simply tell you what you can and can't do and you obey.

If America didn't save KSA in 1991, you'd be in some deep shit.

You put down your arms in 2003... these shia in iraq aren't about this life you know it yourself.. Saddam was not satisfied with them either.. It was these in falluja and other fanatics who were the backbone now you have peasants from basra roaming around:lol:

They aren't about this life and you know it.... If you flinch once it is over... They never fired bullet against invaders as a matter fact they are an embarrasment that needs to be erased based on that alone
You put down your arms in 2003... these shia in iraq aren't about this life you know it yourself.. Saddam was not satisfied with them either.. It was these in falluja and other fanatics who were the backbone now you have peasants from basra roaming around:lol:

They aren't about this life and you know it

You can't take our oil, you're too scared. We invade you in the future
You can't take our oil, you're too scared. We invade you in the future

invading 400m strong foe that is more advanced and better economy... :lol: Ask you masters the turks why they didn't want to drink from that cop in sirte...

We will open your head into two from one blow....

Edit: I am arab
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invading 400m strong foe that is more advanced and better economy... :lol: Ask you masters the turks why they didn't want to drink from that cop in sirte...

We will open your head into two from one blow

My unwelcome non-Arab friend, stay out of internal Arab affairs.

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