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The Iraqi deteriorating security and rogue elements - why it could lead to potential operation in Iraq and invasion

The more i open this thread the more weed I feel. I'm starting to question whether all my trolling is trolling or my genuine self now.

Think it's time for a break before I go insane
That's one retarted combination lol
Which part is retarded?

He is grandson of saddam so he has dna and character of grandfather Saddam and his uncle uday and he grow up/educated in Turkiye.

Is it so hard to understand?
There actually was a global so called "islamic" alliance that tried to attack us, in which extremists from all over the world tried to establish a "caliphate", it was called ISIS. Now they have been reduced to nothing more than sleeper cells.

Now this is the part that actually made me laugh at your post, I mean come on man. If you really think Egypt is going to invade Iraq then you need to check yourself in a lab.

This thread is nothing more than a fanfic of a terrorist sympathizer who can't sleep at night unless he Google searches "dead shia muslim pics".

The likes of you are like the cancer that is eating the muslim world from the inside out, well it's a good thing you are in the west now and not in a muslim country anymore, keep your cancerous ideology to yourself, or well if you want to spread it you are welcome to spread it in the west.

One of the dumbest things the west did (which I'm glad they did since this would weaken the west) was to have an open door policy towards people with low IQ & extremist ideologies like yourself.

Quite true, the retards of the middle east have spread in Europe and are giving us a bad image. London, Berlin, Sweden, Paris all need to be cleaned. I've lived for years in Denmark (studied) and saw some of the ghetto areas in Copenhagen, unfortunately Arab areas with young drug runners driving their Mercedes cars. Police should find Titanium and rip him a new asshole
He is Qatari.
Probably a "Bidoun", qataris are in general decent and educated people, definitely in can't believe he's a real Qatari.

Or maybe from Al Murrah tribe, newly given citizenship in Qatar, they are believed to have an external agenda.

Last suggestion : Indian ....
Iraq's state needs to purchase some capable jet fighters and air defense to deny air capabilities to the Gulfies. Then we can let our terrorist shia militias continue harassing the gulf.

I must say these shia terrorists come in handy at times. Sometimes the Iraqi army can't directly act against the KRG, but our militias can.
is F-16 any good for the role ?

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