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The Iraqi deteriorating security and rogue elements - why it could lead to potential operation in Iraq and invasion

is F-16 any good for the role ?

There F-16 is basically a mock up.. It doesn't have Amraams bvr and alot other componants it is basically only for militia airstrikes the US doesn't wanna arm countries with militias inside there borders such ISIS, katib Hezbollah etc etc in case these tech fall to them..

Besides the Iraq gov't is good by all means the quarrel is just with unsanctioned elements if they undermine the security and make the place a safe haven for terrorists that are rogue we will be forced to react but other then that there is no quarrel just security measures.. We wish for stability in Iraq and that the gov't prevails and brings stability..
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is F-16 any good for the role ?

Oil price is up, Iraq has enough money for proper aircraft but th fat bastards are stealing

Iraq's F16s do not even have JDAM kits for the GBU bombs. Instead older paceway laser guided versions are offered.

No aim 9x, no AMRAAM

The F16s only have 90s versions of Aim-9, aim7 sparrow, paveway bombs and Maverick missiles. It's not going to deter any neighbor.

Apparently in the war against ISIS, Su-25s did more sorties than the F16s.
You're still a child based on the things you write, get checked given your bloodlust it's not toughness

This thread got really under your skin bro besides you are a patriotic iraqi and you are all about iraq unlike some elements but ppl like you serve with honesty and they need more of you not these who were putting there arms down and cross over to kuwait some real men fought just not these rogue entities I know them better then myself.
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This thread got really under skin bro besides you are a patriotic iraqi and you are all about iraq unlike some elements but ppl like you serve with honesty

Nothing on PDF gets under my skin, but you need to be re-Arabized given your failed view on Arab matters.

Bombing Yemen and Iraq (Arab states) to hell is an insult to Arabism
There F-16 is basically a mock up.. It doesn't have Amraams bvr and alot other componants it is basically only for militia airstrikes the US doesn't wanna arm countries with militias inside there borders such ISIS, katib Hezbollah etc etc in case these tech fall to them..

Besides the Iraq gov't is good by all means the quarrel is just with unsanctioned elements if they undermine the security and make the place a safe haven for terrorists that are rogue we will be forced but other then that there is no quarrel just security measures.. We wish for stability in Iraq and that the gov't prevails and brings stability..
first you must manage to take of with them , apparently they are only good for museum

Oil price is up, Iraq has enough money for proper aircraft but th fat bastards are stealing

Iraq's F16s do not even have JDAM kits for the GBU bombs. Instead older paceway laser guided versions are offered.

No aim 9x, no AMRAAM

The F16s only have 90s versions of Aim-9, aim7 sparrow, paveway bombs and Maverick missiles. It's not going to deter any neighbor.

Apparently in the war against ISIS, Su-25s did more sorties than the F16s.
no matter what airplane you get if you can't maintain them then they are useless and those su-25 managed to do the bombing because we maintained them for you
first you must manage to take of with them , apparently they are only good for museum

no matter what airplane you get if you can't maintain them then they are useless and those su-25 managed to do the bombing because we maintained them for you

What's your point in this, that we need Iran to maintain jets for us? Lol

Su-25s maintenance is very easy compared to f16. And f16 maintenance has more to do with lack of spare parts.

American equipment is a pain in the *** for many known reasons. Iraq is more familiar with French and Russian jets, there's a will to fill the gap, we may see a deal soon given budgets increased related to the rising oil price.
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What's your point in this, that we need Iran to maintain jets for us? Lol

Su-25s maintenance is very easy compared to f16. And f16 maintenance has more to do with lack of spare parts.

American equipment is a pain in the *** for many known reasons. Iraq is more familiar with French and Russian jets, there's a will to fill the gap, we may see a deal soon given budgets increased related to the rising oil price.
F-16 maintenance is a lot easier than F-14 maintenance and we managed to do that without parts.

and no my point is you need somebody hit hard on your head so you guys learn you must stand on your feet and cant rely on foreigners to do your work for you.
and let be honest when you needed technicians to maintain those Su-25 there were not enough , the generation who were familiar with Russians and French equipment , where no where to be seen so we had to do that .
Support of Iraqi Sunnis, enabling them to have autonomy in their region and establish a defensive force modeled after the kurdish peshmerka.

Iraqi Sunnis are screwed beyond belief. They would have no ability to maintain a defensive force of their own, let alone gain autonomy.

Both the Iraq invasion and war against Daesh has bled Iraqi Sunnis absolutely dry. None of the men remaining are willing to fight especially considering that all those who actually were willing to fight are dead in mass graves or ditches now.

The sheer size of slaughter and destruction of Sunni institutions has effectively nullified any capacity of resistance. Any infrastructure in Anbar has been completely wrecked. Sunni cities are crawling with PMU and IRGC units who pillage with complete impunity and run smuggling routes between Iraq and Syria. It's a sad state of affairs. Shia militias have definitive control over the region and will continue to control it for the foreseeable future.

Peninsula shield, Egypt, Jordan can deploy upto 700k without exhausting resources

Peninsula shield isn't going to defend GCC countries, let alone invade Iraq.
Pakistan could deploy stragetic weapons, including tactical nukes and a team of special forces
much apetite for fighting as they were the once who put down their weapons when the Americans came they don't have much fight in them.
I imagine that has a lot to do with the fact that Saddam wasn't actually quite liked by anyone. And that they didn't have the weapons they do now. Having suicide drones and ballistic missiles courtesy of the IRGC is a much different state of affairs than it was to be disarmed and crushed under the boot of Saddam.

was a tactic used thru out the islamic dynasties in how to pacify conquered areas you incite extreme terror.

No, that's totally wrong.
F-16 maintenance is a lot easier than F-14 maintenance and we managed to do that without parts.

and no my point is you need somebody hit hard on your head so you guys learn you must stand on your feet and cant rely on foreigners to do your work for you.
and let be honest when you needed technicians to maintain those Su-25 there were not enough , the generation who were familiar with Russians and French equipment , where no where to be seen so we had to do that .

We used to produce alot prior to the wars, one country standing in the way of Iraq's local production is Iran as it wants to maintain the export market.

There are Russian technicians in the country and mi17s are being maintained by Iraqis.

Maintenance is not that difficult, but it takes time to set up such teams and supply chains.

All Iraq needs to do is throw out the Iran aligned Islamist retards as a first step, they're striking their own airbases.
We used to produce alot prior to the wars, one country standing in the way of Iraq's local production is Iran as it wants to maintain the export market.

There are Russian technicians in the country and mi17s are being maintained by Iraqis.

Maintenance is not that difficult, but it takes time to set up such teams and supply chains.

All Iraq needs to do is throw out the Iran aligned Islamist retards as a first step, they're striking their own airbases.
how those Iran allied groups stop you from produce anything , do they attack factories , did they assassinate engineers ? did they disrupted supply chain .

and again instead of you yourself do the maintenance on mil-17 you asked Russian to do that .
well you seriously need persianization , we do those maintenances ourself. we operate Chinese , Russians , French and American airplanes and we do all maintenances ourself , there is no Chinese , Russians or American or French technician in our airforce

Oil price is up, Iraq has enough money for proper aircraft but th fat bastards are stealing

Iraq's F16s do not even have JDAM kits for the GBU bombs. Instead older paceway laser guided versions are offered.

No aim 9x, no AMRAAM

The F16s only have 90s versions of Aim-9, aim7 sparrow, paveway bombs and Maverick missiles. It's not going to deter any neighbor.

Apparently in the war against ISIS, Su-25s did more sorties than the F16s.
I think all F16 grounded, but SU25 is the best plane for anti terror ops. Iraqi pilots are more comfortable with Russian weapons, which they have been using for decades. Russian ones are rugged and technicians are available. They basically fought WOT with few Su25.


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how those Iran allied groups stop you from produce anything , do they attack factories , did they assassinate engineers ? did they disrupted supply chain .

and again instead of you yourself do the maintenance on mil-17 you asked Russian to do that .
well you seriously need persianization , we do those maintenances ourself. we operate Chinese , Russians , French and American airplanes and we do all maintenances ourself , there is no Chinese , Russians or American or French technician in our airforce
Iraq got doomed in every way, it's a shithole that is corrupted by everyone. It's a miracle they manage to run the country in any way
Iraqi Sunnis are screwed beyond belief. They would have no ability to maintain a defensive force of their own, let alone gain autonomy.

Both the Iraq invasion and war against Daesh has bled Iraqi Sunnis absolutely dry.

What? you clearly not versed in the area and probably some weird indian.. ISIS had no more then 50k supporters in Iraq meaning majority of sunnies were fighting against ISIS such as peshmerge, arabs etc etc.. some confuse isis with sectrian conflict:lol:

34% of population are sunni mostly liberals tho and hold many regions as part of the government.. Iraq is not as sectrian as outsiders assume.. Besides this thread was not about sect but rather security don't know how you found space to include it.. This is second time YOU violated rules.. The Sunni triangle is held by sunni tribes not even the americans could go in there had to make deal with them.... But Iraq is not as sectrian as some assume..

@The Eagle @waz @LeGenD why give him temporary ban his an indian whos member here and I know his username @lightoftruth After that one was perma-banned this is his new username..


Joined Mar 10, 2012

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Iraq got doomed in every way, it's a shithole that is corrupted by everyone. It's a miracle they manage to run the country in any way

Give it a time it will slowly recover probably will take 4-5 decades but nonetheless it will slowly recover

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