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The Iraqi Armed Forces

Iraqi defence ministry announced that an agreement was reached with the American side to jointly counter terrorism, develop arms and improve training relations.

In a statement, Iraqi defence minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi discussed with Assistant Secretary of US State Department the developments of the Syrian question.

Both sides agreed for joint action to counter terrorism and Qaeda organization, as the statement added.

Bilateral arms and training relations were also tackled in the talks according to the agreement signed between the two countries.
Doesn't change the fact that you were too pushy ;)..

Any talks reveled regrading the purchase of the MiGs or second batch of the F-16s?

Second batch deal of F16 is already signed, 36 F16s currently delivery starts 2014.
Still no information about MIGs, news says KORNET E ATGW and MI 28 or/and MI 35 are to be delivered this month though ill just wait for when they are delivered as this news always seems unreliable.
Second batch deal of F16 is already signed, 36 F16s currently delivery starts 2014.
Still no information about MIGs, news says KORNET E ATGW and MI 28 or/and MI 35 are to be delivered this month though ill just wait for when they are delivered as this news always seems unreliable.

How long will the delivery take?

You guys are getting more and more Helicopters ;)
How long will the delivery take?

You guys are getting more and more Helicopters ;)

2 F16s per month once delivery starts till 36 are delivered.

deals with the US are much more clear then with Russia, they are still negotioating about the Apache no deal yet.
So it will take ~2 years. Interesting.
2 F16s per month once delivery starts till 36 are delivered.

deals with the US are much more clear then with Russia, they are still negotioating about the Apache no deal yet.

The Russians are the Mafias of the world, their country is the Mafia state.
So it will take ~2 years. Interesting.

The Russians are the Mafias of the world, their country is the Mafia state.

36 is still way too little maybe not even enough to use as quick reaction alert force.
Anyway I heard there were problems with Algeria buying Migs, Russia trying to rip them off selling 2nd used parts, also the MIG has a bad reputation Iraq should only go for Sukhoi jets. Either SU 35 or no Russia jets just western then.

This one is my bestie Aircrafts



UK offered Iraq Typhoon but they were tranche 1 so they rejected it.
Tornado is too old to be purchased now.
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