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The IAEA Board of Governers Passes the Resolution on Iran

Supreme leader with his supreme wisdom was fooled by the west, once again.. and Iranian consider him Ayatollah. :hitwall:
you know actually the supreme leader has been talking about american deception since 1980 already. even in 2014-15 negotiation era he told the iranian negotiators what will happen to this deal and he warned not to trust the americans. he just allowed the negotiations and deal to take place to open the eyes of the newer iranian generation that has not really witnessed american hostilities. the supreme leader is the older generation and saw with his own eyes the deception and sneakiness of US himself through the US-Iraq imposed war on Iran

here, when the deal was even fresh he warned about it


Iran’s top leader said Friday that trusting or cooperating with the United States would be a big mistake, an assertion that seemed to rule out any greater collaboration despite the nuclear deal reached nearly a year ago.

with that being said i totally reject his passive response regarding the nuclear issue and brought up some nonsense fatwa about nukes being haram while 2nd biggest muslim nation on earth (pakistan) has it. what kind of haram is it ?

i really do not know what the supreme leader is thinking he should make a firm decision and safeguard the nations interest for the coming centuries by getting nukes. or maybe iran already has, no one knows.

time will tell.
you know actually the supreme leader has been talking about american deception since 1980 already. even in 2014-15 negotiation era he told the iranian negotiators what will happen to this deal and he warned not to trust the americans. he just allowed the negotiations and deal to take place to open the eyes of the newer iranian generation that has not really witnessed american hostilities. the supreme leader is the older generation and saw with his own eyes the deception and sneakiness of US himself through the US-Iraq imposed war on Iran

here, when the deal was even fresh he warned about it


Iran’s top leader said Friday that trusting or cooperating with the United States would be a big mistake, an assertion that seemed to rule out any greater collaboration despite the nuclear deal reached nearly a year ago.

with that being said i totally reject his passive response regarding the nuclear issue and brought up some nonsense fatwa about nukes being haram while 2nd biggest muslim nation on earth (pakistan) has it. what kind of haram is it ?

i really do not know what the supreme leader is thinking he should make a firm decision and safeguard the nations interest for the coming centuries by getting nukes. or maybe iran already has, no one knows.

time will tell.
Sounds like lot of confusion. Nuke is haram and cannot trust US but still Iran wants to work on Nukes and eager to do deals with US. Either supreme leader is supreme confused or he is not really supreme and someone else is calling the shots.
Sounds like lot of confusion. Nuke is haram and cannot trust US but still Iran wants to work on Nukes and eager to do deals with US. Either supreme leader is supreme confused or he is not really supreme and someone else is calling the shots.
there is no evidence iran is working on nukes or signing up deals with US except jcpoa
Iran has to move out of NTP. It couldnt get harder with sanctions. But within the next 2 years either there is war with US or it is multipolar world. In both cases Iran has to use this time without wasting time and ressources to any of this western offers.
Iran has to move out of NTP. It couldnt get harder with sanctions. But within the next 2 years either there is war with US or it is multipolar world. In both cases Iran has to use this time without wasting time and ressources to any of this western offers.
They've damaged our economy and growth for 40 yrs, by pulling out of deals and away from the world has demonstrated that it hurts us and not them. So at the end of this shitty road is a deal weather we like it or not. But I do agree with you on the coming of the multipolar world, China is coming out of the shadows and the stupid foreign policy of Trump has made sure they'll become a rival to U.S. instead of a lukewarm ally.
Well that’s was a quick U-Turn. What next, you will deny that Iran even existed. :wacko:
Which part of what he said was wrong?

You cannot say that Iran has a military nuclear program now. Can you?

And at this point, there is no sign of a new agreement with the US.
Leaving the NPT is an option. and I think for the first time a senior Iranian official has even threatened it.

but I think People are overreacting to the damage the nuclear deal did to Irans capabilities.

Sanctions wipe out over $100 billion dollars a year of direct government revenue in oil prices alone. far more if oil sells at a premium. that is direct foreign currency in government hands. that is huge money.

It also prevents hundreds of billions in economic activity and investment in the country.

Iran never yielded on its core nuclear demands (domestic uraniaum enrichment, and full cycle). it instead agreed to officially remain a threshold state months away from officially building a bomb. (official being the key word)

in exchange the US agreed to lift the sanctions and supposedly "pivot to asia" to stop their superpower competitor china instead of chasing their tails around for a few decades and wasting trillions of dollars in the middle east.

its easy to stand and in hindsight of trump pick it apart.. but at the time it was actually a very favorable deal to Iran and I think Obama was very desperate to get a" legacy deal " done to put his name into history... virtually any neutral observer (and especially Iranian enemies like SA and israel) were shocked at how badly Obama was shafted by the "master negotiating Iranians"

the Zionists were furious for good reason.... nuclear was never their problem. their problem with Iran was geopolitical and Obama completely omitted that and negotiated on the Zionist excuse (nuclear).
Leaving the NPT is an option. and I think for the first time a senior Iranian official has even threatened it.

but I think People are overreacting to the damage the nuclear deal did to Irans capabilities.

Sanctions wipe out over $100 billion dollars a year of direct government revenue in oil prices alone. far more if oil sells at a premium. that is direct foreign currency in government hands. that is huge money.

It also prevents hundreds of billions in economic activity and investment in the country.

Iran never yielded on its core nuclear demands (domestic uraniaum enrichment, and full cycle). it instead agreed to officially remain a threshold state months away from officially building a bomb. (official being the key word)

in exchange the US agreed to lift the sanctions and supposedly "pivot to asia" to stop their superpower competitor china instead of chasing their tails around for a few decades and wasting trillions of dollars in the middle east.

its easy to stand and in hindsight of trump pick it apart.. but at the time it was actually a very favorable deal to Iran and I think Obama was very desperate to get a" legacy deal " done to put his name into history... virtually any neutral observer (and especially Iranian enemies like SA and israel) were shocked at how badly Obama was shafted by the "master negotiating Iranians"

the Zionists were furious for good reason.... nuclear was never their problem. their problem with Iran was geopolitical and Obama completely omitted that and negotiated on the Zionist excuse (nuclear).
اگر رژیم ایران بمب هسته ای نمی خواد، برنامه هسته ای ایران جز پول دور ریختن هیچ چیزی نیست. همه اون میلیاردها دلاری که شما می گی آزاد شد، به خاطر برنامه هسته ای ایران بلوکه شده بود. خود برنامه هسته ای ایران به ویژه راه اندازی راکتور نخست بوشهر پیش از برجام بالای 10 میلیارد دلار برای ما آب خورده بود، زیان های اقتصادی غیرمستقیم اش بماند که شاید بالای 100 میلیارد دلار در بیاد

ما برای فقط یک راکتور نیروگاه بوشهر، سالی 180،000 سو (کیلوگرم هگزافلوراید اورانیوم در سال) برای غنی سازی نیاز داریم تا سوخت اون رو فقط برای یک سال تأمین کنیم. الان کمتر از 9،000 سو توان غنی سازی داریم. در پیش از برجام 11،000 سو بود. این یعنی 20 سال طول می کشه تا سوخت فقط یک راکتور نیروگاه بوشهر تأمین بشه

این یعنی وابستگی کشور به روسیه برای فرستادن سوخت نیروگاه بوشهر. این یعنی وابستگی کشور به اروپا و آمریکا برای تأمین سوخت نیروگاه های هسته ای ایران چون خوب می دونیم اونها همیشه پشت میز با روسیه می سازن و آخر هم سر ایران بی کلاه می مونه. پس باید به اونها هم مستقیم و غیر مستقیم باج بدیم

با این شرایطی که برای ایران پیش آوردن، ایران در عمل برنامه هسته ای نداره و همه چیز نمایشی شده. ما اگر بخوایم برنامه هسته ای خودمون رو داشته باشیم باید توان غنی سازی خودمون رو نزدیک 20 برابر الان کنیم که کلاً با متن برجام تا سال 2025 در تناقض هست و حکومت هم دو دستی چسبیده به برجام و ولش نمی کنه

حتی اگر بخوان مذاکره هم بکنند که به نظر من نباید بکنند، با دست خالی که نمی شه. مگر اینکه انقدر بی غیرت باشن که سر موشک ها و نیروهای منطقه ای بخوان مذاکره بکنند

واقعاً نیازمند یک استراتژی درست هستیم. یا برنامه هسته ای رو کلاً بذارن کنار، یا با جدیت با تمام نیرو برن جلو. شترسواری دولا دولا نمی شه​
اگر رژیم ایران بمب هسته ای نمی خواد، برنامه هسته ای ایران جز پول دور ریختن هیچ چیزی نیست. همه اون میلیاردها دلاری که شما می گی آزاد شد، به خاطر برنامه هسته ای ایران بلوکه شده بود. خود برنامه هسته ای ایران به ویژه راه اندازی راکتور نخست بوشهر پیش از برجام بالای 10 میلیارد دلار برای ما آب خورده بود، زیان های اقتصادی غیرمستقیم اش بماند که شاید بالای 100 میلیارد دلار در بیاد

ما برای فقط یک راکتور نیروگاه بوشهر، سالی 180،000 سو (کیلوگرم هگزافلوراید اورانیوم در سال) برای غنی سازی نیاز داریم تا سوخت اون رو فقط برای یک سال تأمین کنیم. الان کمتر از 9،000 سو توان غنی سازی داریم. در پیش از برجام 11،000 سو بود. این یعنی 20 سال طول می کشه تا سوخت فقط یک راکتور نیروگاه بوشهر تأمین بشه

این یعنی وابستگی کشور به روسیه برای فرستادن سوخت نیروگاه بوشهر. این یعنی وابستگی کشور به اروپا و آمریکا برای تأمین سوخت نیروگاه های هسته ای ایران چون خوب می دونیم اونها همیشه پشت میز با روسیه می سازن و آخر هم سر ایران بی کلاه می مونه. پس باید به اونها هم مستقیم و غیر مستقیم باج بدیم

با این شرایطی که برای ایران پیش آوردن، ایران در عمل برنامه هسته ای نداره و همه چیز نمایشی شده. ما اگر بخوایم برنامه هسته ای خودمون رو داشته باشیم باید توان غنی سازی خودمون رو نزدیک 20 برابر الان کنیم که کلاً با متن برجام تا سال 2025 در تناقض هست و حکومت هم دو دستی چسبیده به برجام و ولش نمی کنه

حتی اگر بخوان مذاکره هم بکنند که به نظر من نباید بکنند، با دست خالی که نمی شه. مگر اینکه انقدر بی غیرت باشن که سر موشک ها و نیروهای منطقه ای بخوان مذاکره بکنند

واقعاً نیازمند یک استراتژی درست هستیم. یا برنامه هسته ای رو کلاً بذارن کنار، یا با جدیت با تمام نیرو برن جلو. شترسواری دولا دولا نمی شه​

I fully agree with you that we threw all our money in the toilet if the nuclear program didn't have some backdoor military intention behind it. Iran played the long game with nuclear. going really slow and steady and slowly strengthening is bargaining position each step they got closer to the bomb. having the capability to build a bomb is critical to national security. physically building one at that point was strongly debatable

it reach the point where Iran pretty much overcame every technological hurdle and even amassed enough nuclear material for a bomb. US sanctions maxed out as well, going aggressively after Iranian oil revenues (which never before were targeted before Obama)

both sides had reached the end of the road. it was either a war which the Zionists wanted. or some kind of deal.

Obama essentially got himself out of that trap by giving Iran huge sanctions relief in exchange for Iran staying a year away from a bomb.. this was a huge win for Iran and big Zionist opportunity for an Iran US war avoided.

what you have wrong is you assume Iran wanted the bomb and stopped its progress because of a deal. and site some stats. but what you have wrong is Iran was never building a bomb. If Iran wanted to build a bomb it could have done it a decade a go easily.

Iran never went full speed ahead for abomb. that's why the nuclear deal never damaged that capacity.

there is no question in my mind that if Iran was in Pakistans geopolitical shoes. and had a border country 7 times its size threatning it with invasion and outright annexation building a bomb. Iran would and could have built a nuclear arsenal at least as big as Pakistans by now.

Now the game has changed though with Trump. I honestly believe the deep state US had come to terms with Irans nuclear deal and Trump came out of nowhere to sabotage it.... which pretty much leaves us where were at and in my opinion there is no reason not to openly build a nuclear arsenal anymore given that were already suffering maximum sanctions.

it just cannot be understated how badly trumps naivety, petty ego, and Obama hatred was taken advantage of by opportunist Zionist for "diplomatic sabotage" as the british ambassador to the US secretly said
Leaving the NPT is an option. and I think for the first time a senior Iranian official has even threatened it.

but I think People are overreacting to the damage the nuclear deal did to Irans capabilities.

Sanctions wipe out over $100 billion dollars a year of direct government revenue in oil prices alone. far more if oil sells at a premium. that is direct foreign currency in government hands. that is huge money.

It also prevents hundreds of billions in economic activity and investment in the country.

Iran never yielded on its core nuclear demands (domestic uraniaum enrichment, and full cycle). it instead agreed to officially remain a threshold state months away from officially building a bomb. (official being the key word)

in exchange the US agreed to lift the sanctions and supposedly "pivot to asia" to stop their superpower competitor china instead of chasing their tails around for a few decades and wasting trillions of dollars in the middle east.

its easy to stand and in hindsight of trump pick it apart.. but at the time it was actually a very favorable deal to Iran and I think Obama was very desperate to get a" legacy deal " done to put his name into history... virtually any neutral observer (and especially Iranian enemies like SA and israel) were shocked at how badly Obama was shafted by the "master negotiating Iranians"

the Zionists were furious for good reason.... nuclear was never their problem. their problem with Iran was geopolitical and Obama completely omitted that and negotiated on the Zionist excuse (nuclear).

What is the value of selling oil, when you are forced to import their shit and their bubblegum to keep them your customers. They also keep part of the money. That is just like Saudi Arabia.

You will ruin internal production and you sell raw.

This economy needs a painful surgery to stand on his feet. Embrace the pain.

there is no question in my mind that if Iran was in Pakistans geopolitical shoes. and had a border country 7 times its size threatning it with invasion and outright annexation building a bomb. Iran would and could have built a nuclear arsenal at least as big as Pakistans by now

Actually the country had multiple enemies when added 20 times the size of Iran.
I fully agree with you that we threw all our money in the toilet if the nuclear program didn't have some backdoor military intention behind it. Iran played the long game with nuclear. going really slow and steady and slowly strengthening is bargaining position each step they got closer to the bomb. having the capability to build a bomb is critical to national security. physically building one at that point was strongly debatable

it reach the point where Iran pretty much overcame every technological hurdle and even amassed enough nuclear material for a bomb. US sanctions maxed out as well, going aggressively after Iranian oil revenues (which never before were targeted before Obama)

both sides had reached the end of the road. it was either a war which the Zionists wanted. or some kind of deal.

Obama essentially got himself out of that trap by giving Iran huge sanctions relief in exchange for Iran staying a year away from a bomb.. this was a huge win for Iran and big Zionist opportunity for an Iran US war avoided.

what you have wrong is you assume Iran wanted the bomb and stopped its progress because of a deal. and site some stats. but what you have wrong is Iran was never building a bomb. If Iran wanted to build a bomb it could have done it a decade a go easily.

Iran never went full speed ahead for abomb. that's why the nuclear deal never damaged that capacity.

there is no question in my mind that if Iran was in Pakistans geopolitical shoes. and had a border country 7 times its size threatning it with invasion and outright annexation building a bomb. Iran would and could have built a nuclear arsenal at least as big as Pakistans by now.

Now the game has changed though with Trump. I honestly believe the deep state US had come to terms with Irans nuclear deal and Trump came out of nowhere to sabotage it.... which pretty much leaves us where were at and in my opinion there is no reason not to openly build a nuclear arsenal anymore given that were already suffering maximum sanctions.

it just cannot be understated how badly trumps naivety, petty ego, and Obama hatred was taken advantage of by opportunist Zionist for "diplomatic sabotage" as the british ambassador to the US secretly said

دوست من، برجام همه زیان بود از همون روز نخست
انقدر زیانش زیاد بوده و هست که روم نمی شه به انگلیسی بنویسم تا دشمنانمون شاد بشن

ما نزدیک 6.5 تن اورانیوم غنی شده رو ارسال کردیم روسیه به رایگان تحت نظارت آژانس اتمی. یعنی در واقعیت این همه سال رایگان برای دیگران اورانیوم غنی کردیم

برجام برنامه هسته ای ایران رو کلاً تبدیل به یک برنامه نمایشی با اهداف سیاسی کرده. با 9000 سو ظرفیت غنی سازی نمی شه برنامه تجاری هسته ای داشت. به نوعی امتیاز غنی سازی بیشتر جنبه سیاسی داره برای ما تا جنبه اقتصادی

اگر ایران به سمت بمب هسته ای در کوتاه ترین مدت حرکت نکنه، خطرهای بسیار زیادی جلو روی کشور هست

نگرانی من از این هست که این رویه ادامه دار باشه و ما هر 8 سال یکبار با روی کار اومدن راستگراها شروع به غنی سازی کنیم و 8 سال پس از اون رو با بودن چپگراها شروع به امتیاز دادن و فرستادن اورانیوم غنی شده به خارج برای کاهش تحریم ها کنیم. یعنی به نوعی کارمون بشه غنی سازی مفت و رایگان اورانیوم برای دیگران در ازای کاهش تحریم ها​

What is the value of selling oil, when you are forced to import their shit and their bubblegum to keep them your customers. They also keep part of the money. That is just like Saudi Arabia.

You will ruin internal production and you sell raw.

This economy needs a painful surgery to stand on his feet. Embrace the pain.

ما باید قدرت خودمون رو در جهان اثبات کنیم تا کشورهای دیگه از ترس آمریکا از ما دوری نکنند. تا زمانی که کشورها ببینند آمریکا هرکاری دلش می خواد با ما می کنه و ما فقط بیانیه می خونیم، اونها از ما از ترس آمریکا دوری می کنند. برای جلو آمریکا ایستادن هم سلاح اتمی نیاز هست

با وضعیت کنونی هیچ گاه، هرگز، به هیچ وجه نمی تونیم اقتصاد رو جمع کنیم. شما وقتی صادرات و واردات کشورت به کمترین اندازه ممکن داره می رسه، چجوری می خوای ارزش پول خودت رو نگه داری؟ چجوری می خوای تورم رو کنترل کنی؟ چجوری می خوای مردم رو راضی نگه داری؟​
ما باید قدرت خودمون رو در جهان اثبات کنیم تا کشورهای دیگه از ترس آمریکا از ما دوری نکنند. تا زمانی که کشورها ببینند آمریکا هرکاری دلش می خواد با ما می کنه و ما فقط بیانیه می خونیم، اونها از ما از ترس آمریکا دوری می کنند.

حرفی بسیار منطقی برای ایران
مردم با دیدن قدرت اروم میشن

ولی ایا اقایون هوش کافی ندارن ویا ترسو ان و یا مساله سومی هست
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What my friends miss over here is this fact that "The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny" so if you think JCPoA was a disaster then what is your thoughts on the UNSCR 2231 which as you know base upon int. law became automatically mandatory for all nations once it was passed and still we see it violated and raped on the daily basis??or the UNESCO, INF treaty,NAFTA,UNHRC to Paris agreement? or Open Skies treaty?
The point is we facing a modern dictatorial despotic regime which is beating on the drum of unilateralism blindly and in doing so would do anything putting its law above int law violating it, use cohesion to force other to violate it and finally would punish anyone whom try to implement it, so no matter be it Barjam, UNSCR or int law it'd remain the same as far as you don't have needed power to project behind your rights and protect them in international political arena. power is considered equal with right by this headcases, that's why we see Mike the thief wanna sanction ICJ for investigating american war crimes. 'cause he is an absolute bully.
On the other side even by considering JCPoA all well-known flaws, a part of blame would go on the way it's been implemented .. I mean american wouldn't have got out of the deal if they'd not been 100% sure about Iran decision to stay in the deal. Our government none-equal responses pushed & encourage them too.

Other issue was our need for more time to work on our nuclear technology and have faster more reliable machines which either we should have done it under sanctions or without them ... besides we didn't have enough uranium.

Other issue was a part of society believed that it's IR that is reluctant for a deal ... now by this experience everyone knows the real culprit and it's a blessing ...

Other issue is back in 2012~2015 we were busy with crisis in Syria and Iraq .. isis was approaching our borders which needed resources and attention ..

The bottom line is the problem ain't Iran nuclear program at all which if you put on the golden plate and give it to trump problem get solved miraculously .. all these are some excuses to mount pressure on Iran ... for example they wanna extend Iran arm embargo while continue to provide weapon to saudsi and the uae regimes.
We negotiated back in 2015 we got sanctions now we don't and we get sanctions again and it's all 'cause of one thing the other side is not willing to solve the issue and seek the so-called max pressure to bear fruit at negotiation table that's why they have prepared a list of 12 conditions.

The scenario #1 is to wait out trump administration but the problem with this stragedy is even if the next president announce its fully support for current deal without any if or that and start implementation of the deal then removing all the sanctions imposed under the trump MP policy would take years and need congress approval etc etc ... and it all would happen if and if they just wanna return to the deal without any hesitation while we know the Democrats seeking the same goals as it's been stated by them but with different tactics and approaches ...then why giving up the sanctions?

I prefer this scenario right know american sanctions are heavier than UN sanctions so it'd make no different for us so we stop all Barjam commitments including AP at once and limited it to the NPT just in case to give them a glimpse of our activity and meanwhile start a full industrial enrichment program with a fast speed without any restriction be it the number of centrifuges or level of enrichment ... in doing so we could build small enrichment facilities and equipped them with newer machines everywhere ... on the other hand we need to state our reediness for talks on the daily basis .. war would not take place as I said all american max pressure is out there to yield positive results on negotiation table not battle field ... so whether the current administration get reelected or new ones enter to the oval office one thing is for sure which is these people only understand the language of power so in order to not be empty handed at any talk we need to move on from Barjam and create a new frontier line. Barjam per se ha been needed to protect our right if it fails to do so then would be set on fire.

The point is our government policy towards pressure has made other side thinks that pressure would work ... I know it'd hard but we should erase this notion.. whenever we'd get to that point and only in this particular moment pressure would start decline.
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