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The historic blunder of India no one talks about: Another bitter Indian report!


Aug 3, 2008
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The historic blunder of India no one talks about

By Gurmeet Kanwal @gurmeetkanwal |
2016-06-18 18:11:00
After independence, Gwadar port was reportedly first offered to India by Sultan of Oman but India declined to accept the gift.


In the last week of May 2016, Afghanistan, India and Iran signed a tripartite agreement under which India will develop the Iranian port of Chabahar and link it with Afghanistan via the Zaranj-Delaram highway that had been constructed by India. The agreement will provide land-to-sea connectivity to Afghanistan and the Central Asian Republics (CARs) through Iran, bypassing Pakistan.

A week later, two former Pakistani defence secretaries expressed grave reservations at the move.Lt Gen Asif Yasin Malik said, "The alliance between India, Afghanistan and Iran is a security threat to Pakistan." He feared that Pakistan was getting isolated."In view of the regional and global environment, I see Pakistan falling into an abyss of isolation primarily because of its own mistakes and partly due to the hostile policies of other states."

Expressing similar apprehensions, Lt Gen Naeem Lodhi said that the existence of a "formidable bloc" in Pakistan’s neighbourhood would have "ominous and far-reaching implications". He said, "We need to break out of this encircling move with help from friends... diplomatic manoeuvres and by forging a strong deterrence."

Clearly, while the tripartite agreement is seen by the signatories as being intended to enhance trade and provide landlocked Afghanistan and the CARs access to the sea, Pakistan perceives it as a pincer movement designed to encircle it from the west. Hence, Pakistan sees the building of Chabahar by India as a security threat and a move to counter the development of Gwadar as a major port.


Gwadar will be the southern point and the sea terminal of the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Gwadar and Chabahar lie directly opposite the Gulf of Oman and adjacent to the Strait of Hormuz. Both ports have strategic significance and were on the radar of the US and Russia till a few decades ago.

It has been long conjectured that the US was interested in developing Chabahar as a naval base, but the plans were foiled as the Shah of Iran was overthrown by the revolution led byAyatollah Khomeini. Before that, throughout history, both Chabahar and Gwadar had been of importance to the Greeks, the Arabs, the Portuguese and the British.

Now, a new great game is truly underway. As part of its strategic outreach, India has undertaken to develop Iran’s Chabahar port, 80km to the west of Gwadar. In 2013, Pakistan handed over Gwadar port on the Makran coast to China for 40 years.

Gwadar will be the southern point and the sea terminal of the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) that will extend to Kashgar in Xinjiang. The CPEC is part of China’s "One Belt, One Road" (OBOR) initiative designed to extend China’s sphere of influence and give a fillip to its flagging economy through large-scale construction of roads, railway lines and ports.

At the time of independence from Britain, Gwadar was a principality that had been in the possession of the Sultan of Oman for almost 200 years. Gwadar was given as a gift to Oman by the Khan of Kalat in 1783. From 1863 up to independence in 1947, it was administered by a British assistant political agent. At that time, the enclave was not much more than a number of fishing villages.

After independence, according to the diplomatic community grapevine, Gwadar was administered by India on behalf of the Sultan of Oman as the two countries enjoyed excellent relations. When the Khan of Kalat asked the Sultan to return Gwadar to Pakistan, reportedly, the Sultan first offered it to India, but India declined to accept the gift. :(

This offer was probably made verbally. While senior diplomats confirm that such an offer was made, its authenticity could not been verified independently. Oman then sold Gwadar to Pakistan for $3 million on September 8, 1958. Since December 1958, it has been an integral part of the Balochistan province of Pakistan. :(

Whether the government of independent India declined to accept the deep water port in keeping with its policy of shunning imperial inheritances, or due to the lack of contiguity and the inability to defend it, or simply because of a lack of appreciation of its potential, will not be known till the diplomats concerned decide to write their memoirs.

India would have had not only an enclave on Pakistan’s Makran coast, but also a deep water port. In hindsight, not accepting the priceless gift from the Sultan of Oman was a huge mistake at par with the long list of post-independence strategic blunders. :(
Well at least the Indian Hindutva extremist admit... Bitterly... That Gwadar is a priceless gem...

And the admit ... Secretly... About the potential of CPEC...

then they with forked tongues claim CPEC is bad for Pakistan... Ha, ha!


Whether the government of independent India declined to accept the deep water port in keeping with its policy of shunning imperial inheritances, or due to the lack of contiguity and the inability to defend it, or simply because of a lack of appreciation of its potential, will not be known till the diplomats concerned decide to write their memoirs.

Answers itself..
Complete rubbish.

India neither would, nor could have taken Gwadar.

Mountbatten had laid down proximity as a condition for accession by any princely state to either of the two new Dominions; that is one reason why India acted against Junagadh by supporting her dependencies, because there was no proximity with Pakistan. That is also one of the reasons behind the police action in Hyderabad, because the option of setting up an independent state was ruled out in 1930 itself, during the First Round Table Conference.

That is also the reason why India had to tell Bacha Khan that she was helpless to help in any way; the result was that the entire body of Khudai Khidmatgars boycotted the referendum held in the territory, and it went the way it did by a tiny fraction, a fraction less than the percentage accounted for by the boycott. The same applies to Kalat; although the Khan tried various ways to fend off the inevitable, there was nothing India could do or wanted to do.

Interfering with Gwadar would have contradicted every single point of principle adopted by India, and would have been a most cynical thing to do.
The story that it was offered as a gift to India is just as true as the story that (1) America is in Afghanistan because it wants peace in the region Or that the (2) queen is a direct Decedent of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The later is the last and weakest trick in the book of colonialism however it will still have impact and consequences but its failure is 100% guaranteed in the long run and the first is yet another miserably failed attempt of india to cause concerns about Oman into the minds of Pakistani people.

Whats unfortunate for India is that it has never been able to understand how minds of People of Pakistan work and the british missfortune is that they believe that its the same peopel living in Pakistan which they conducted research of mental approach toward things in logical and emotional ways... Both suffer due to the fact that the hybrid nature of Pakistan ethnicity makes them quite a remarkably different Muslim people from the ones living during british rule and The common Muslim India
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