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The Great Asian Showdown: India’s Kolkata Class v/s China’s Type-52D Destroyer

1. hq-9 is more of offensive where B8 is more of PDMS .......52d has better area defence compared to kolkata

2. what is range of yj-18?...............there is confusion on the range of brahmos

3. 2nd kolkata ship is already out under going trial

oye you cannot compare different class of ship ..............one is just 7k and other is 10k

this year.......from where you getting this wrong info

but last time i saw you saying that barak 8 is not even completed or exist ............but now with the test completed you have changed your tone from existence to induction ..........now that is a big jump

oh oh btw this you might not know isreali are inducting B8 into there frigate

@Abingdonboy see this troll
Is it a fact IN Kolkata now cannot assume the role of long range air defense for your CV? So who is trolling now?

Indian has a habit of always being too optimistic and simplistic. :D
You never fail to amuse the thread.

Hummmmmm Your HQ 9 is very accurate that is why you are bagging S 400 from Russia.
there is no S400 deal, only Russian media fart``same as Su-35
we are not incompetent Indian that have to buy everything from others
You know why indian always lack behind China in everything? Becos they always live in delusion. :D
Everything....plZ come with something original....you know the cost of our Mars mission :lol:

Quote me when you make .....something like Kolkata class .....Barak 8 and Israeli Radars.. :lol:
Everything....plZ come with something original....you know the cost of our Mars mission :lol:

Quote me when you make .....something like Kolkata class .....Barak 8 and Israeli Radars.. :lol:

Have you even send a man to space yet? Just a Mars mission and think indian can do everything? Stop in your fart dream :D
Chinese even failed to comprehend the fair analysis :lol:

good for India....that type 52 would be sink .....due to the ignorance and over confidence....so next time come with something better....and not with 80s crap you named ....HQ ....CJ ....and ...YJ :lol:
funny indians``your logic always fail in reality``China is amount the top 5 arm exporter, and still growing, crapy things wont have stand in sophisticated market`we have customers in European and S American countries```

and i do remember you sold 7 of your lousy 'indigenous' helis to a south american countries that crashed 4 within few years```and any air craft your primitive HAL touched will have the highest tendency to crash```:D

But nobody upsat with your copy because everybody know copycat nation which copies pencil cell to everything. That is why they do not upset.
and yet primitive India failed even to copy the simplest things```:D

says a citizen.... Who can't even make a man's underwear without copy..... and plZ send these Tpye craps around our andamans...which itself is natural aircraft carrier
and where is your India's 'indigenous' underwear? ops```you dont``as its much easier to defect in the public


Have you even send a man to space yet? Just a Mars mission and think indian can do everything? Stop in your fart dream :D
not to mention that tiny Mars missioner was assembled by them where all the important parts were directly imported``what a face project :D

Have you even send a man to space yet? Just a Mars mission and think indian can do everything? Stop in your fart dream :D
Delusional uneducated posts....shows your frustration .....buddy calm down ....i know about the high cholesterol problems...

Not only space India will send manned Moon missions....which will be cheapest in the world and probably your crap YJ ...CJ...HQ...cost more than our Space missions. :lol:
funny indians``your logic always fail in reality``China is amount the top 5 arm exporter, and still growing, crapy things wont have stand in sophisticated market`we have customers in European and S American countries```

and i do remember you sold 7 of your lousy 'indigenous' helis to a south american countries that crashed 4 within few years```and any air craft your primitive HAL touched will have the highest tendency to crash```:D

and yet primitive India failed even to copy the simplest things```:D

and where is your India's 'indigenous' underwear? ops```you dont``as its much easier to defect in the public

@WebMaster @Horus, @Oscar,

Look he is violating the forum rule by quoting banned topic.
funny indians``your logic always fail in reality``China is amount the top 5 arm exporter, and still growing, crapy things wont have stand in sophisticated market`we have customers in European and S American countries```

and i do remember you sold 7 of your lousy 'indigenous' helis to a south american countries that crashed 4 within few years```and any air craft your primitive HAL touched will have the highest tendency to crash```:D

and yet primitive India failed even to copy the simplest things```:D

and where is your India's 'indigenous' underwear? ops```you dont``as its much easier to defect in the public

not to mention that tiny Mars missioner was assembled by them where all the important parts were directly imported``what a face project :D
60s years of revere engineered crap...still not the top 5...Wait for a decade...till India surpass you in Arms exports...coZ world is not interested in Cheap reverse engineered....soviet crap...sure

south Sudan does. :lol:
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