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The future of Javad Zarif: A foreign asset in waiting

Let’s say for a second your bogus theory is correct. Zarif didn’t write the deal Iran’s army of technical experts and lawyers wrote the deal.

So let’s say Zarif just showed up and signed a deal he had zero clue about (as you allege), is Zarif Parliament? Is Zarif Security Council? Is Zarif Supreme Leader?

Bexause this is what I remember in 2015

So if Zarif is a moron for not understanding the deal, that would mean the entire Republic and parliament is even a bigger moron for approving something they did not read. Which again 0.0% chance this theory happened.

Mohsen at this point is like the Republicans still talking about Hillary Clinton’s emails years later.
Tell me what's the punishment for a false testimony in US congress!

Government lobbied in Parliament (beside Zarif's lies), so the negative report of JCPOA committee was dropped by traitor Larijani and Iranian Parliament approved the deal after just 20 minutes discussion! as some MPs like Pezeshkian expressed later, none of them had read the text, they just trusted the government.

Government had the key role.
I remember very clearly that the parliament passed the JCPOA in 20 minutes, which is obviously not enough for even reading 37 pages of a technical document aloud, let alone discussing it. When Motahari was asked about it, he said that "even 20 minutes was too much", for passing one of the most important deals in the history of the Islamic Republic.

So, yeah. The parliament members were morons. Did anyone doubt it?
Moron or not, they trusted the government, that's the point.
are you kidding me, the guardian council could block the treaty anywhere if they wanted as a matter of fact right now they can go ad say we were wrong on ratifying it and now we have new information and we say it most be stopped but why they don;t do that

and if you doubt it . I can point you to when they did that
کلیه‏ مصوبات‏ مجلس‏ شورای‏ اسلامی‏ باید به‏ شورای‏ نگهبان‏ فرستاده‏ شود. شورای‏ نگهبان‏ موظف‏ است‏ آن‏ را حداکثر ظرف‏ ده‏ روز از تاریخ‏ وصول‏ از نظر انطباق‏ بر موازین‏ اسلام‏ و قانون‏ اساسی‏ مورد بررسی‏ قرار دهد و چنانچه‏ آن‏ را مغایر ببیند برای‏ تجدیدنظر به‏ مجلس‏ بازگرداند. در غیر این‏ صورت، ‏ مصوبه‏ قابل‏ اجرا است‏
Such a shame to see a country with so much potential being wasted because of the nature of its theocratic regime.
کلیه‏ مصوبات‏ مجلس‏ شورای‏ اسلامی‏ باید به‏ شورای‏ نگهبان‏ فرستاده‏ شود. شورای‏ نگهبان‏ موظف‏ است‏ آن‏ را حداکثر ظرف‏ ده‏ روز از تاریخ‏ وصول‏ از نظر انطباق‏ بر موازین‏ اسلام‏ و قانون‏ اساسی‏ مورد بررسی‏ قرار دهد و چنانچه‏ آن‏ را مغایر ببیند برای‏ تجدیدنظر به‏ مجلس‏ بازگرداند. در غیر این‏ صورت، ‏ مصوبه‏ قابل‏ اجرا است‏
then how you explain what happend in parliament wh gurdian council take back eligibility of a candidate after his credential accepted by parliament ?
then how you explain what happend in parliament wh gurdian council take back eligibility of a candidate after his credential accepted by parliament ?
It was within the authority of the Guardian Council. Determining the eligibility of a candidate is one of the main responsibilities of the Guardian Council, but determining the benefits or compromises of an international deal is not within their authority, unless the deal violates the constitution or is against the sharia of Islam.
It was within the authority of the Guardian Council. Determining the eligibility of a candidate is one of the main responsibilities of the Guardian Council, but determining the benefits or compromises of an international deal is not within their authority, unless the deal violates the constitution or is against the sharia of Islam.
but guardian council first determined him eligible and he participated and won the election he even wen;t to parliament and his credential accepted by parliament , then guardian council come out and say no we don't like him anymore and nothing new happened about him that warrant his disqualification how can you explain that
but guardian council first determined him eligible and he participated and won the election he even wen;t to parliament and his credential accepted by parliament , then guardian council come out and say no we don't like him anymore and nothing new happened about him that warrant his disqualification how can you explain that
Which candidate are you talking about exactly? The only such case that I could think of now is the Zoroastrian candidate that was a member of a local council or something, but apparently the role he was holding was a role that only Muslim candidates could hold. Do you have another case in mind?
Which candidate are you talking about exactly? The only such case that I could think of now is the Zoroastrian candidate that was a member of a local council or something, but apparently the role he was holding was a role that only Muslim candidates could hold. Do you have another case in mind?
first according to which law a minority can not hold a position in city council if the city is majority Muslim
2nd i was talking about a candidate from Isfahan by the name of Minoo Khaleghi
first according to which law a minority can not hold a position in city council if the city is majority Muslim
2nd i was talking about a candidate from Isfahan by the name of Minoo Khaleghi
استدلال شورای نگهبان این بود که مینو خالقی هنوز به طور رسمی نماینده نشده بود و هنوز نامزد به حساب می‌اومد و دلیل رد صلاحیت‌اش هم طبق گفته بی‌بی‌سی و جاهای دیگه دست دادن با مردها بوده که باعث از بین رفتن شرایط عمومی کاندیدا بودنش می‌شده

سپنتا نیکنام رو هم من اشتباه کردم، شورای نگهبان نبود بلکه دیوان عدالت اداری بود که بعداً هم حکم مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام برگشت سر کار​
استدلال شورای نگهبان این بود که مینو خالقی هنوز به طور رسمی نماینده نشده بود و هنوز نامزد به حساب می‌اومد و دلیل رد صلاحیت‌اش هم طبق گفته بی‌بی‌سی و جاهای دیگه دست دادن با مردها بوده که باعث از بین رفتن شرایط عمومی کاندیدا بودنش می‌شده

سپنتا نیکنام رو هم من اشتباه کردم، شورای نگهبان نبود بلکه دیوان عدالت اداری بود که بعداً هم حکم مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام برگشت سر کار​
it happened after her credential was approved by the parliament ,so she was a parliament member.
have you seen the photos of her shaking hand with men?
and which general condition of being a candidate will be violated if she shake hand with foreign mens ?
it happened after her credential was approved by the parliament ,so she was a parliament member.
have you seen the photos of her shaking hand with men?
and which general condition of being a candidate will be violated if she shake hand with foreign mens ?
مینو خالقی نماینده مجلس دهم بود که مجلس دهم از ۷ خرداد ۱۳۹۵ رسماً آغاز شده. آرای مینو خالقی اسفند ۱۳۹۴ باطل شد. چطوری مجلسی که هنوز آغاز به کار نکرده بوده این فرد نماینده‌اش بوده؟ مثل ریاست جمهوری که تا زمانی که یه کاندیدا هنوز تحلیف نشده رئیس جمهور نیست. استدلال شورای نگهبان هم بر مبنای اینکه این فرد هنوز کاندیدا هست بوده، حالا درست یا نادرستش رو کاری ندارم، اما بهر حال شورای نگهبان با تفسیر قانون به این نتیجه رسیده که این فرد هنوز کاندیدا هست و ورود کرده که اتفاقاً تفسیر قانون هم یکی از وظایف شورای نگهبان هست

بعدش هم داری بیراهه می‌ری. من که کلاً مخالف قوانین اسلامی هستم، اما بحث تو سر ورود شورای نگهبان بود که گفتم شورای نگهبان فقط در وظایفی که بهش مربوط هست می‌تونه دخالت کنه. تا جایی که به قانون‌گذاری مربوط می‌شه شورای نگهبان می‌تونه چیزی که مجلس مصوب کرده رو اگه خلاف قانون اساسی باشه یا خلاف شرع اسلام باشه رد کنه و باید دلیل در این راستا بیاره. در مورد مینو خالقی، یکی از شرایط عمومی نمایندگان مجلس پایبندی به اسلام و قوانین کشور هست. دست ندادن زن با مرد جزو شرایط اسلام هست و رعایت نکردنش یعنی پایبند نبودن به اسلام و نداشتن یکی از شرایط عمومی، در نتیجه شورای نگهبان از نظر قانونی می‌تونسته ورود کنه​
Supreme leaders speech made me listen again to the full Zarif interview.

I still didn't find something negative about Gen. Soleymani.

He is just a very accurately speaking person. So less accurate people may mistaken on his wording and get emotional.
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