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The future of Javad Zarif: A foreign asset in waiting

Contrary to what is claimed that this file has been recorded as a confidential archive for foreign ministry, from the beginning to the end, it advocates the Zarif's participation in election, this file has been recorded to be published to public, nothing more.

They say it's been confidential, but almost all reformists and also foreign entities had a copy of it days before being published in Saudi media.

The whole interview is filled with lies and attacks against IRGC, to gain support from atheists and seculars in Iran and reformists' masters in US.

افشاگری بسیارمهم استاد رائفی پور درباره صوت منتشرشده دکتر ظریف - اردیبهشت 1400
A very good video by Raefipour (although I'm not a fan of the guy). Highly recommended.
I think some of the confusion might be due to zarif saying many times words to the effect of "now don't you go publishing this" making many misconstrue this as something other than government archives. After all, if it were meant for government archives, then why keep repeating that request of non publication. There is always a saucer under a saucer under a saucer or plans within plans within plans...
Well, John Kerry is ready to appoint Zarif to his staff as an independent expert on Persian green affairs. It's all set. Zarif can even live at Kerry's Georgetown place as long as he wants.

What!??? Zarif gave a 3 hour interview to a journalist!!! It was intentional.
Nothing happens in Iran without official permission from the mullah brigade. There are too many chiefs who need to get their message delivered - zarif is just a puppet in the theater.

This is a country which is excellent in oratory politics.
President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday replaced the head of the state-run think-tank that was in charge of conducting the interview. Authorities have said the recording was part of a wider project with government officials and was produced for state records rather than for publication.

If Zarif wanted to run for presidency he could. No where does Zarif talk as if he wants to run for presidency. The interviewer kept trying to bait him as @PeeD said. As some point even Zarif started feeling uneasy from the line of questioning and had to reiterate to the interviewer this was not for public consumption.

It appears whatever conspiracy is here, the interviewer was directly involved and was likely ordered by someone to conduct such line of questioning.

I do ageee with you on the notion It seems the interview was going to get leaked regardless based on line of questioning. It didn’t leak because Zarif said something “so off the record” that it became tabloid like to leak.

Either way the chances Zarif was running for presidency prior to this was near 0% and after this def 0%.
It doesn't matter whether Zarif become a candidate or not, he is a symbol and he played his role. his lies in this interview and his attacks against frontline soldiers are clear and with no ambiguous. I believe the whole questions and answers have been prearranged.
It rather looks like Rohani/Jahangiri planned to publish it in order to destroy Zarifs reputation.

That dirty Leylaz interviewer tried to lure Zarif several times into traps, but Zarif was smart enough to fend it off:

1: Russian basing is against constitution
2: Why champaign of Shah era was not sold
3: Diplomacy is more important than battlefield
4: Russia is an enemy

Zarif always give this filthy liberal individual the right answers and actually showed to be one of the few clean and patriotic people of the government.

Unfortunately the mass wont see such details and make a wrong judgment.
Zarif is even more filthy, it's his answers which are now being repeated by our blood thirsty enemies, not the interviewer!
A very good video by Raefipour (although I'm not a fan of the guy). Highly recommended.
The following video is also as much revealing.

Zionists' TV drama shows (predicts) Iranian representative on a wheelchair (a symbol of crippling sanctions), and then very coincidentally (as traitors want to say) Mr filth Zarif suddenly appears on the wheelchair during the negotiations too, and he says the words of Shariatmadari (the representative of supreme leader) caused my backache!!!

تحلیل استاد رائفی پور از مذاکرات هسته ای
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Iranian MP Dr. Nabavian: After Zarif testimony in Parliament that there is no "suspend" in JPOA and all sanctions will be removed, I showed him the word "suspend" in 4 places of the original text, and he answered I hadn't seen them!!!
نبویان: کمالوندی به من گفت چرا تو انگلیسی بلدی!+ فیلم - مشرق نیوز

So is he a traitor or he had just signed an agreement without reading it? my conclusion is both.

In another document, Zarif agrees to fully implement the FATF which includes the surrendering of Gen Suleimani to Americans, did he also didn't read that part too?!
سخنان دردناک سید محمود نبویان درباره توافقات هسته ای

and now finally after American terrorists assassinated the body of Gen. Suleimani, Zarif decided to assassinate his character and reputation too.

When I say Zarif is a traitor, it's not an emotional response, it's a logical conclusion based on his actions.
Iranian MP Dr. Nabavian: After Zarif testimony in Parliament that there is no "suspend" in JPOA and all sanctions will be removed, I showed him the word "suspend" in 4 places of the original text, and he answered I hadn't seen them!!!
نبویان: کمالوندی به من گفت چرا تو انگلیسی بلدی!+ فیلم - مشرق نیوز

So is he a traitor or he had just signed an agreement without reading it? my conclusion is both.

In another document, Zarif agrees to fully implement the FATF which includes the surrendering of Gen Suleimani to Americans, did he also didn't read that part too?!
سخنان دردناک سید محمود نبویان درباره توافقات هسته ای

and now finally after American terrorists assassinated the body of Gen. Suleimani, Zarif decided to assassinate his character and reputation too.

When I say Zarif is a traitor, it's not an emotional response, it's a logical conclusion based on his actions.
You Go out of your way to create a wedge between Iranians. You call everyone you don’t like for traitor. You are the traitor for trying to paint a patriot like Zarif in this way! You were still in diapers when he was doing his job in the 80s! What the hell have you done for your country that gives you merit to judge others? Go do something useful instead of making a fool of yourself here!
Zarif is even more filthy, it's his answers which are now being repeated by our blood thirsty enemies, not the interviewer!

Which of Zarifs answers in that 3 hours interview was specifically bad or treason?

Give me a few examples please.

I myself am more hardline and militaristic, hence Zarifs approach is sometimes too mild for me. But there is a huge difference between that and treason.
Too many people here willing to caudle traitors and then wonder why Iran keeps getting back stabbed!
While some of Zarif's points were outlandish (like Soleimani going to Russia to derail the JCPOA), they don't amount to treason at all. He was speaking his mind in an interview that wasn't meant to be publicised.

I am convinced this leak was intended to damage him politically. Even though he has said (and I believe him) that he doesn't intend to run for president. Political infighting in Iran has just gone too far.

And for the love of God, give it up with the quick "traitor" accusations. That kind of destructive attitude is tearing this country apart. Haven't anyone learnt from the US?
Which of Zarifs answers in that 3 hours interview was specifically bad or treason?

Give me a few examples please.

I myself am more hardline and militaristic, hence Zarifs approach is sometimes too mild for me. But there is a huge difference between that and treason.
His interview is a lie festival, fake achievements, fake compliments from principalists, fake information and pure lies about Syrian and Russia, fake information about time and reasons Russia entered Syria, he portrays Gen. suleimani as a moron who didn't even know what's going on in the battlefields and by his foolishness didn't let Zarif solve the whole problems of Iran and Syria through diplomacy!

His entire interview is a deception to repeat catastrophic reformists' policy for another 4 years.

Is this enough or you need more?!
You Go out of your way to create a wedge between Iranians. You call everyone you don’t like for traitor. You are the traitor for trying to paint a patriot like Zarif in this way! You were still in diapers when he was doing his job in the 80s! What the hell have you done for your country that gives you merit to judge others? Go do something useful instead of making a fool of yourself here!
All the carrier of this traitor can be wrapped up in giving endless concessions to our enemies.

Exposing his treasons is the best everyone can do.
His interview is a lie festival, fake achievements, fake compliments from principalists, fake information and pure lies about Syrian and Russia, fake information about time and reasons Russia entered Syria, he portrays Gen. suleimani as a moron who didn't even know what's going on in the battlefields and by his foolishness didn't let Zarif solve the whole problems of Iran and Syria through diplomacy!

His entire interview is a deception to repeat catastrophic reformists' policy for another 4 years.

Is this enough or you need more?!

I'm honestly interested in some 2-3 accurate specific claims Zarif made which you think are lies and treason.
How can Gen. Soleymani be a moron if Zarif thinks his worth is equal to a whole city for Iran?
His interview is a lie festival, fake achievements, fake compliments from principalists, fake information and pure lies about Syrian and Russia, fake information about time and reasons Russia entered Syria, he portrays Gen. suleimani as a moron who didn't even know what's going on in the battlefields and by his foolishness didn't let Zarif solve the whole problems of Iran and Syria through diplomacy!

His entire interview is a deception to repeat catastrophic reformists' policy for another 4 years.

Is this enough or you need more?!

All the carrier of this traitor can be wrapped up in giving endless concessions to our enemies.

Exposing his treasons is the best everyone can do.
Your view are totalitarian and radical. I imagine you and your friend absolutely love Turkmenistan! A banana republic where serious allegations such as “traitor” is easily passed as soon as it goes against the one party objectives. I can only hope that the kind of you are in minority!
I'm honestly interested in some 2-3 accurate specific claims Zarif made which you think are lies and treason.
How can Gen. Soleymani be a moron if Zarif thinks his worth is equal to a whole city for Iran?
Apparently Gen. Suleimani is equal to a city, while Zarif (or any other reformist) is equal to whole humanity!!!

What was the achievements of JCPOA? destroyed nuclear program, stolen nuclear program information continued with terror and sabotage, suspended space and aviation programs, closed factories and unemployed workers, suspended oil and gas projects along stolen information, dollar rating as 30000 tomans, highest inflammation record? please elaborate which one of these achievements deserves defending by this traitor؟!

Also he lies about his popularity among both Reformists and principalists, while everyone knows principalists are suspicious of people like him (if not considering him a traitor), even Ghalibaf staff denied his allegations of inviting him as not only a pure lie but impossible due to timing.

Here Zarif has one goal, to advertise the negotiation (and giving concessions to west) as a popular and logical choice by all sides and against resistance philosophy. this alone is a treason itself.

Entire of his interview about Syria, Russia and Gen Suleimani is a lie, and has been denied by several officials and also don't match the battlefield incidents at all. This bastard is openly lying even about public information like Syria war timeline, the time which ISIS was at its greatest is explained as the end of the war!!!


so I say it again, he is a traitor and nothing else.
Your view are totalitarian and radical. I imagine you and your friend absolutely love Turkmenistan! A banana republic where serious allegations such as “traitor” is easily passed as soon as it goes against the one party objectives. I can only hope that the kind of you are in minority!
Instead of answering my reasoning, you prefer personal attack. I'm familiar with this sophistry tactic.
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