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The future of Javad Zarif: A foreign asset in waiting

I read news sumwhere that the mighty IRGC intel raided his office or sumthing. Don't know if the source is reliable.
Ah yes,the "citizen journalists" of iranwire......:sarcastic:
Interestingly they seem to be the sole source for this claim,with all the other sites repeating this simply citing them....
Zarif represents the Crypto- Zoro group in Iran. Deal with him now or pay a much higher price.
I read sumwhere that the "Immortals" serve and bow before Xerxes "the king of kings" and the source was reliable

Says the guy wearing the western propaganda image depiction of a feminine Xerxes and citing western propaganda film 300 for his information.

Immortals actually protected the Shah and numbered in 30,000 consisting of Persian Empires best soldiers.

Move along child go huddle back to whatever c
Says the guy wearing the western propaganda image depiction of a feminine Xerxes and citing western propaganda film 300 for his information.

Immortals actually protected the Shah and numbered in 30,000 consisting of Persian Empires best soldiers.

Move along child go huddle back to whatever c
Here is the King of misinformation spreading his falsehood all over the place. Immortals fought under Xerxes, are u saying that's incorrect?

Also, about that immortal protecting the "Shah" thing..... That is exactly what u do I suppose.

Calling me a child is well expected from you. But Boy listen, I have been observing ur b.s quietly on PDF for quite sometime now. You are the biggest propagandist in here without a doubt. So check urself first before saying stuff like "western propaganda".
Here is the King of misinformation spreading his falsehood all over the place. Immortals fought under Xerxes, are u saying that's incorrect?

Also, about that immortal protecting the "Shah" thing..... That is exactly what u do I suppose.

Calling me a child is well expected from you. But Boy listen, I have been observing ur b.s quietly on PDF for quite sometime now. You are the biggest propagandist in here without a doubt. So check urself first before saying stuff like "western propaganda".
Change your avatar though :)
Here is the King of misinformation spreading his falsehood all over the place. Immortals fought under Xerxes, are u saying that's incorrect?

Also, about that immortal protecting the "Shah" thing..... That is exactly what u do I suppose.

Calling me a child is well expected from you. But Boy listen, I have been observing ur b.s quietly on PDF for quite sometime now. You are the biggest propagandist in here without a doubt. So check urself first before saying stuff like "western propaganda".

Immortals existed long before Xerxes and fought alongside the Shah on the battlefield which is what you fail to understand because you know nothing about history. Only Hollywood movies apparently. He didn’t create them nor were they his anymore then they were his fathers.

The fact you carry a 300 Hollywood image of Xerxes which projects a harmful image of our heritage makes you a child and propagandist. Not only that, it demasculizes a great man that was a bearded warrior who fought on the battlefield... not some gay metrosexual with 100 piecings that the West uses to wash away one of the oldest civilizations on earth. And the Shahs of our Persian Empire had Nothing to do with the puppet Reza Pahlavi family. I wouldn’t expect someone taking refuge in some EU country to understand such simple things.

And you been observing me for some “quite sometime” even though your account was created less than a year ago? Lol nice job admitting your an alt. Enough talking to you. Your not worth wasting a breath on.
Contrary to what is claimed that this file has been recorded as a confidential archive for foreign ministry, from the beginning to the end, it advocates the Zarif's participation in election, this file has been recorded to be published to public, nothing more.

They say it's been confidential, but almost all reformists and also foreign entities had a copy of it days before being published in Saudi media.

The whole interview is filled with lies and attacks against IRGC, to gain support from atheists and seculars in Iran and reformists' masters in US.

افشاگری بسیارمهم استاد رائفی پور درباره صوت منتشرشده دکتر ظریف - اردیبهشت 1400
Here is the King of misinformation spreading his falsehood all over the place. Immortals fought under Xerxes, are u saying that's incorrect?

Also, about that immortal protecting the "Shah" thing..... That is exactly what u do I suppose.

Calling me a child is well expected from you. But Boy listen, I have been observing ur b.s quietly on PDF for quite sometime now. You are the biggest propagandist in here without a doubt. So check urself first before saying stuff like "western propaganda".
I have to agree with Darius and TheImmortal. Your current avatar is an insult to a great king.
Contrary to what is claimed that this file has been recorded as a confidential archive for foreign ministry, from the beginning to the end, it advocates the Zarif's participation in election, this file has been recorded to be published to public, nothing more.

They say it's been confidential, but almost all reformists and also foreign entities had a copy of it days before being published in Saudi media.

The whole interview is filled with lies and attacks against IRGC, to gain support from atheists and seculars in Iran and reformists' masters in US.

افشاگری بسیارمهم استاد رائفی پور درباره صوت منتشرشده دکتر ظریف - اردیبهشت 1400

It rather looks like Rohani/Jahangiri planned to publish it in order to destroy Zarifs reputation.

That dirty Leylaz interviewer tried to lure Zarif several times into traps, but Zarif was smart enough to fend it off:

1: Russian basing is against constitution
2: Why champaign of Shah era was not sold
3: Diplomacy is more important than battlefield
4: Russia is an enemy

Zarif always give this filthy liberal individual the right answers and actually showed to be one of the few clean and patriotic people of the government.

Unfortunately the mass wont see such details and make a wrong judgment.
Contrary to what is claimed that this file has been recorded as a confidential archive for foreign ministry, from the beginning to the end, it advocates the Zarif's participation in election, this file has been recorded to be published to public, nothing more.

President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday replaced the head of the state-run think-tank that was in charge of conducting the interview. Authorities have said the recording was part of a wider project with government officials and was produced for state records rather than for publication.

If Zarif wanted to run for presidency he could. No where does Zarif talk as if he wants to run for presidency. The interviewer kept trying to bait him as @PeeD said. As some point even Zarif started feeling uneasy from the line of questioning and had to reiterate to the interviewer this was not for public consumption.

It appears whatever conspiracy is here, the interviewer was directly involved and was likely ordered by someone to conduct such line of questioning.

I do ageee with you on the notion It seems the interview was going to get leaked regardless based on line of questioning. It didn’t leak because Zarif said something “so off the record” that it became tabloid like to leak.

Either way the chances Zarif was running for presidency prior to this was near 0% and after this def 0%.
Zarif is in a long list of vatan foroosh CIA insiders and has done immense damage to Iran. He should be tried and executed, but has homes in US and will escape justice like all traitors. Hopefully, the next nationalistic Iranian government will do a thorough house cleaning and also revamp the intelligence services.

Iran is one of the most sophisticated and educated countries in the world and needs to have a dedicated foreign intelligence service employing some of the finest brains in the country. That can only happen if the mullahs ease up on the needless social restrictions which are alienating large sections of society and gives opportunity for Zionists and west to sabotage Iran.
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I have to agree with Darius and TheImmortal. Your current avatar is an insult to a great king.
Hey I just liked the picture, thought it was still cool inspite of the fakeness of it. I won't have my brothers offended so I'm gonna change it wen I have time. 👍
Change your avatar though :)
My Mrs. has come to visit , I'll definitely do it when I have time :tup:
Iran will shoot itself in the foot if they choose to get rid of Zarif.

He will be a good national leader one day. And he still is a great foreign minister.
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