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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Then, i could try to kill them if had info of their location. 5,9 Million TL bounty is good money. :-)
Why do Kurds look so ugly
I've seen pretty beautiful Kurdish girls. As one guy said they are either very beautiful or looking like men. Those particular ones... I don't want to comment :D
I've seen pretty beautiful Kurdish girls. As one guy said they are either very beautiful or looking like men. Those particular ones... I don't want to comment :D

My personal point of view, they look a little bit to masculine.

A huge blast in an outpost in Hakkari. Looks more like an accident than an attack. But who knows.
A huge blast in an outpost in Hakkari. Looks more like an accident than an attack. But who knows.

It seems that turkish army is modernised like some of its cities : Fast but without rigor.

There is a lot of flood accident in some turkish cities and urban planning aberrations are numerous. While the turkish army got a lot of new gears and vehicules, its infrastructures are poor : Poisonning accidents are frequent and the unfortunate explosion in that base yesterday.
It also lack real combat capability : nearly all the fight that are conduct in Syria, Irak and in Anatolia are made by the same commandos/military police and some special forces. During Al Bab and Afrin operation all the infantry task were made by something like ~1000 commandos and their role is not to capture and hold ground, but to securise areas and pierce lines. If Turkey wants a professional army, it needs to create much more combat capable infantry units.

It's far better than in 2016 tho. That year was disastrous for Turkey, mainly because of the incompetence of the admnistration and the deep state infightings.
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