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The Chinese Slide Into Deflation (The Final Straw?) || Peter Zeihan

GDP is an idiotic metric.

It only measures value of the goods and services produced.

It does not measure the welll being of the society.

This is the reason why you have so many insecure & homeless in the US while the people in China are secure and happy.

lol look at your negative rating you came here only to senseless blabber and nonsensical posts:blah::blah::blah:

China will replace human labor with Robots.

and than where the human goes if robots takes their places?
So deflation in China, meaning things getting CHEAP for Chinese citizens to buy, is a BAD thing when compared to INFLATION in the Western World specially the US where people there are unable to buy and are squeezed to cost of living?? :lol: You are such a genius who loves to believe this idiot Peter Zeihan !! :lol: :lol:
No it really means that older generation doesn't want to buy or do anything

That happened in Japan and destroyed the economy (in a way)

What China needs is Chinese dream reignited via better work environment, grantee retirement benefits and population growth
So deflation in China, meaning things getting CHEAP for Chinese citizens to buy, is a BAD thing when compared to INFLATION in the Western World specially the US where people there are unable to buy and are squeezed to cost of living?? :lol: You are such a genius who loves to believe this idiot Peter Zeihan !! :lol: :lol:

Chinese knows how to play this game.

You have to lose some battles to win the war.

People jumping on the news of deflation in China are going to see hyper Inflation lose this war in the end.

Less international orders and less FDI.

It means less money in that fuels the spending.

When the cycle of money stopped, suddenly everyone became poor in just one night.

The same here in Indonesia.

When the government is cracking down illegal miners, suddenly the economy is falling, fewer customers go to the shop for shopping, car sales are falling, everything is falling.

Because there's no money anymore from illegal miners.

China economy is not going to collapse in just a day, but some of it are affected.

It will depend on Chinese business how to find solution, it could be taking years.

Deflation means lower prices, that's all.

Maybe in market economies can have bad consequences, but China is not a economy market left in the hands of a minority of bankers.

China economy is in the hands of a powerful state in the big things, and that state acts wisely to improve Chinese common people living standards.

This deflation means higher purchasing power for common Chinese citizens, that's all, a good news for China.

Meanwhile Western economy is only good for a minority of bankers and corrupt vassals.

But China is the bad government, and Western filthy states are the holy democracies of freedom.


GDP is an idiotic metric.

It only measures value of the goods and services produced.

It does not measure the welll being of the society.

This is the reason why you have so many insecure & homeless in the US while the people in China are secure and happy.

Chinese common people living standards are increasing constantly in the last two decades.

Meanwhile filthy Western liars say that China economy will collapse soon every fcking year.
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Chinese common people living standards are increasing constantly in the last two decades.

Meanwhile filthy Western liars say that China economy will collapse soon every fcking year.

West has high GDP and per capita but they convenietly ignore PPP.
I have read 3 Books by Peter Zeihan. In 2016 book Absent Superpower he said Russia will invade Ukraine in early 2020s. It sounded like fiction back then, until Russia indeed invaded Ukraine in 2022.

According to 2016 book by Peter Zeihan the reason behind Russia invading Ukraine is that Russia has a border security problem. It has a long border, topographically in flat terrain, and it is very difficult and expensive to defend Russian borders and this makes Russia vulnerable to outside powers. The problem of defense of Russian borders have 3 solutions:

1) Predeploy a 3-4 mln man army near the dangerous areas of the border, which is not a possibility due to Russia's economic and demographic constraints

2) Create a small, highly mobile force that can be quickly deployed to any area of Russian border if Russia faces an attack - that is not a possibility due to poor road and railway infrastructure of Russia and long distances, which make deployment and supply of forces difficult

3) Expand borders by invading neighboring countries and create a buffer zone and establish the border along the geographic barriers like mountains of the Caucasus or Dnepr River for example - the buffer zone and these defensive geographic barriers will make defense of Russia easier and cheaper.

According to Peter Zeihan 2016 book, demographic degradation of Russia, forces it to solve the border security problem through invasion of neighboring countries as quickly as possible. Today Russia has soldiers and engineers, but in 2030 it can be too late to invade because Russia will have much less soldiers and engineers due to demographic processes.

In 2016 Zeihan wrote that Russia will invade Ukraine in early 2020s and conquer it easily in three weeks and then it will invade Moldova, Georgia and the Baltic States. USA will not fight a war with Russia, but will supply weapons to these countries. Turkey will remain neutral, while Sweden and Finland will attack Russia after it invades the Baltics. Sweden will destroy Russia's Baltic Sea fleet and impose a naval blockade to St. Petersburg.

In 2016 it sounded like fiction, but in reality Putin indeed planned invasion of Moldova (Transnistria) after Ukraine, as the map of Russian plans shown on Belarussian TV in February 2022 showed. And South Ossetia in Georgia planned a referendum on joining Russia in July 2022. Turkey remained neutral, while Sweden and Finland entered NATO and started a militarisation program.
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I have read 3 Books by Peter Zeihan. In 2016 book Absent Superpower he said Russia will invade Ukraine in early 2020s. It sounded like fiction back then, until Russia indeed invaded Ukraine in 2022.

According to 2016 book by Peter Zeihan the reason behind Russia invading Ukraine is that Russia has a border security problem. It has a long border, topographically in flat terrain, and it is very difficult and expensive to defend Russian borders and this makes Russia vulnerable to outside powers. The problem of defense of Russian borders have 3 solutions:

1) Predeploy a 3-4 mln man army near the dangerous areas of the border, which is not a possibility due to Russia's economic and demographic constraints

2) Create a small, highly mobile force that can be quickly deployed to any area of Russian border if Russia faces an attack - that is not a possibility due to poor road and railway infrastructure of Russia and long distances, which make deployment and supply of forces difficult

3) Expand borders by invading neighboring countries and create a buffer zone and establish the border along the geographic barriers like mountains of the Caucasus or Dnepr River for example - the buffer zone and these defensive geographic barriers will make defense of Russia easier and cheaper.

According to Peter Zeihan 2016 book, demographic degradation of Russia forces it to solve the border security problem through invasion of neighboring countries as quickly as possible. Today Russia has soldiers and engineers, but in 2030 it can be too late to invade because Russia will have much less soldiers and engineers due to demographic processes.

In 2016 Zeihan wrote that Russia will invade Ukraine in early 2020s and conquer it easily in three weeks and then it will invade Moldova, Georgia and the Baltic States. USA will not fight a war with Russia, but will supply weapons to these countries. Turkey will remain neutral, while Sweden and Finland will attack Russia after it invades the Baltics. Sweden will destroy Russia's Baltic Sea fleet and impose a naval blockade to St. Petersburg.

In 2016 it sounded like fiction, but in reality Putin indeed planned invasion of Moldova (Transnistria) after Ukraine, as the map of Russian plans shown on Belarussian TV in February 2022 showed. And South Ossetia in Georgia planned a referendum on joining Russia in July 2022. Turkey remained neutral, while Sweden and Finland entered NATO and started a militarization program.

Peter Zeihan predicts China will collapse the coming decade.

All in politics, economy, and demographic.

'This is their last decade': This famed geopolitical analyst says China will collapse in the next 10 years — here are 3 key numbers that could support his shocking forecast

The coming decade will be a hard time for China.
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