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The Awakening Sunni Giant (Recomended)

and I should saying this as well ...

trust me , you haven't seen anything ....

anyway , we arlready preparing ourselves for the real fight and we knew that Sham will invade by Roman and they will install their own puppets named " Sofiani " and he will kill so many Shieh ... then we will begin our movement ....

at least I hope these happen in my life and I have courage and Iman to pass those tests ....

So Iranaians are supporting butchery of Sunnis by Assad ,

So that Shias will be butchered by the next gov of Syria

And then Iran will be involved in more butchery?

What a pathetic way of thinking.

Wouldn't it be better to stop Assad the butcher and stop all that may occur in future Syria.

Why you guys are so "suicidal"

And all that $hit is based on your "courage and Iman".

How horrible that courage is and how pathetic that Iman.

What a shameful existence.

Shameful shameful
Thanks for the poor attitude I'm sure my Pakistani friends will be very interested in looking at your post to understand how your mindsets work.

This is the kind of attitude I was telling you @Armstrong about.

and I should saying this as well ...

trust me , you haven't seen anything ....

anyway , we arlready preparing ourselves for the real fight and we knew that Sham will invade by Roman and they will install their own puppets named " Sofiani " and he will kill so many Shieh ... then we will begin our movement ....

at least I hope these happen in my life and I have courage and Iman to pass those tests ....

Profs. @Pakistanisage will also be very interested in taking a look at this post.
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Thanks for the poor attitude I'm sure my Pakistani friends will be very interested in looking at your post to understand how your mindsets work.

This is the kind of attitude I was telling you @Armstrong about.

Profs. @Pakistanisage will also be very interested in taking a look at this post.

Too much Mattam Head Banging has made him loose his brain to realize that Assad is the Soufiani from the tribe of Kalbiyaa. I mentioned earlier you can't converse with individuals associated with this "sect" that have the same mentality like chetniks. It is better to leave them alone, not converse with them, avoid dealing with them socially and avoid even looking at them. They have their own faith we have our own.
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Thanks for the poor attitude I'm sure my Pakistani friends will be very interested in looking at your post to understand how your mindsets work.

This is the kind of attitude I was telling you @Armstrong about.

Profs. @Pakistanisage will also be very interested in taking a look at this post.

@Yzd Khalifa, this guy sounds like a fresh Graduate of " Hizbul Bait " Madrassa.....:omghaha:
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Compare it with a real giant:

Iran doesn't need outsiders (Americans in Jordan) to train rebel groups, just because they can't do it themselves. Iran has its Revolutionary Guards for this task. Iran doesn't need foreign military support in order to supply its proxies elsewhere, unlike KSA who has turned to Croatia and other states to secure this. Iran doesn't need US approval to step in when it thinks its interests are threatened. Iran, unlike KSA, doesn't just pour weapons into a area in order to increase its influence. Iran actually trains, forms, guide and orders its associates in a professional way. Iran doesn't need an alliance of various countries to realize its objectives in the region, unlike KSA, who needed Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and France to step up against Iran.

Like I said; KSA is far form being a giant.

Then why is Iran using its proxie Hezbollah in Syria and other countries?

This is a sensitive topic as now we have Sunnis here who will be supporting KSA efforts and shias here obviously against it. This is weakening us all in the long run. But we are all petty and dont care and will keep ongoing maligning each other.
I am a sunni and will support the fall of Assad regime and the shias here will be against it.
But lets not call each other names and argue in a professional manner if we can.
So Iranaians are supporting butchery of Sunnis by Assad ,

So that Shias will be butchered by the next gov of Syria

And then Iran will be involved in more butchery?

What a pathetic way of thinking.

Wouldn't it be better to stop Assad the butcher and stop all that may occur in future Syria.

Why you guys are so "suicidal"

And all that $hit is based on your "courage and Iman".

How horrible that courage is and how pathetic that Iman.

What a shameful existence.

Shameful shameful

well , your friends are the beginner .... your salafis/Wahhabis/Takfiri friends began their so called revolution and in mean time they attacked Alawi villages and killed so many and beheaded parents in front of their children and when they see most of Syrian people ( Sunnis ) didn't support them , they changed their tactic and trying to begin shie-sunni war .... and westerns supporting them ...

( and from first day all of westerns come and said : Assad should go .... this showing so much thing , because they never cared about Sunnis and are busy to butchering them in Afghanistan and Pakistan .... and if you want fooling yourselves , then fool yourself but don't think our ears are as big as ... )

and that prediction will come to reality , but the main question is " when it will happen !? " .... and if you even don't read your own religious books ( while whining about being sunni ) then this is not my problem .... although Salafis/Wahhabis and takfiris don't believe it ....
There is no "Giant Awaking " ....

These are bunch of Salafi/Wahhabi and takfiri thugs who using Islam to butchering other Muslim , now they begin to butchering Alawis and Shieh and then they will begin to butchering other Sunni people in the name of Allah and Islam ( while they don't know anything about it ) and in time other people and Muslims people who don't like violence will reach the point to throw Islam and take secularism over it but these salafi will continue in their crime and divide Muslims countries and probably they will take power in sunni majority countries but they have no idea how to govern a country in 21st century or how to make scientists and economic grows ( something is needed in this century ) and then they have to rely on westerns ( for everything including weapons ) ..... and in mean time , westerns will invade Muslims country with this excuse " Stopping civil wars " and act as the poor people savior who saved them from " evil Islam " and they will stop supporting Salafism and weaken them and put another puppet regimes who would protect their interest for another 50-100 years ...

Salafism/Wahhabism/ and takfiris are westerns child .... nothing more , nothing less ....

in 21st century , you can rise the flag of Islam by scientist achievement not by beheading other Muslims ....
Stop labeling Muslims Rafidi. A minority should seek recognition of Muslims not be rude with them, you're alienating yourselves more everyday from Muslims more than you are already alienated.

So you mean people like that pro-Wahhabi guy that I quoted are majority?
Man, if this is Islam, I'm proud to be Rafidi.

Do you expect us to believe Iran's democratic plays :lol: dude, Iran is a fanatic theocratic regime, don't make yourself look like a fool, because people know everything :lol:

HAHA saudi guy lecture us about democracy :omghaha:
So you mean people like that pro-Wahhabi guy that I quoted are majority?
Man, if this is Islam, I'm proud to be Rafidi.

From what I have seen, the vast majority of Arabs here are being called Wahabis just because they oppose Iranian policy in the region. You jsu invented that name to call Sunnis who go against you or even those who have different views than you, a lable that you use to bash Muslims beliefs with avoiding angering Sunnis.
The Majoosi's are masters of Taqiyya.They bark about Sunni Shia unity when weak but when they are strong...They rape our women and mutilate our children.More than 120 000 innocent sunni's have been massacred by Assad and still we see the "Shia are our brothers" brigade.

False information you are spreading. 120,000 Sunnis have NOT been massacred, In fact thousands of Shias have been massacred in Syria by the rebels.

BEIRUT: Assad backers reportedly make up 43 percent of dead in Syria - World Wires - MiamiHerald.com
The thing is, Iran's arab neighbours are backward and tribal. The only exceptions are Iraq, Syria and Lebanon which do not have that backward sectarian/tribal thinking. They are real state actors with progressive people.

But a country like Saudi Arabia does not act like a state. Its not even a real country to begin with. Its a giant land mass, given a name by Sykes-Piquot, and one tribe/family ruling it and even references its family name to the country lol.
And unfortnately, in the 21st century, large portion of people in these countries, have not come out of their tribal/clan and sectarian mindset. When they see Assad, they think Shia. Everything that happens in the region, they interpret in the prism of Sunni vs Shia. Its all that exist in their narrow backward skull.

We are not allied with Assad because he is Alawite. But because he is a rational actor that can actually run a state, AND because its what the majority of Syrians (including Sunnis) want. If he was a Sunni, it would have made no difference to us. You see, we dont think in those terms. Only you backward lizards do, and that is why you are so weak. There is a reason the US has allied itself with you. Because you are literally too dumb of a lizard to challenge their hegemonic dreams to rule you.
Taqqiya again.....Your thugs literally ethnically cleansed Southern Lebannon of Sunni's,You have sent millions of Iraqi's to refugee camps of Syria and Jordan.You are doing the same in Syria.Let us not waste time here in these forums.Let us come into the battlefield and fight.I just remembered a joke:

One of the Mujahideen in Syria captured a Hizbollah terrorist.The Rafidi requested to be executed at 2 pm so that he "could have lunch with imam Hussein" in heaven...The Mujahid executed him at 4 pm so he could only go and wash the dishes...LOL

Logically, none of us can judge where his soul will end up after death. Only God can judge.

But if he believed in oness of God, all the sent prophets, the last prophet being Muhammad, and loved and followed Muhammads progeny. I think he is in a pretty good place. ;)
The thing is, Iran's arab neighbours are backward and tribal. The only exceptions are Iraq, Syria and Lebanon which do not have that backward sectarian/tribal thinking. They are real state actors with progressive people.

But a country like Saudi Arabia does not act like a state. Its not even a real country to begin with. Its a giant land mass, given a name by Sykes-Piquot, and one tribe/family ruling it and even references its family name to the country lol.

Its all that exist in their narrow backward skull..

"The Thing is"
The Mutata Luloos of Qom are not a source for Historical Knowledge when knowledge has been disseminated in Google already for you to see.

When they tell you that you are children of Cyrus, Alexander, Hassan, Hussien, Ali and Catherine the Great. This is only for your self gratification not historical truths. Take them lightly next time.

Getting back to the point:


The Sykes-Picot Agreement didn't include Saudi Arabia as the British were allied with the Sharifs of Makkah who were at war with Al-Saud. Saudi Arabia was formed by War and conquest by Al-Saud and the Ikwans. You should be thankful for the British for creating your Iran or else the Kurds would have had their own country by now even those in Kermashah.

The countries which were formed from The Sykes-Picot Agreement was Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Jordan.

If you analyze it carefully, The country in the Region which is not artificial and not created by the west is Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and possibly Egypt. All other countries in the region are invented by the West with fictional borders.
The Majoosi's are masters of Taqiyya.They bark about Sunni Shia unity when weak but when they are strong...They rape our women and mutilate our children.More than 120 000 innocent sunni's have been massacred by Assad and still we see the "Shia are our brothers" brigade.

Look who's talking, you and your terrorist brothers are the only reason that this war is ever ongoing.
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