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The Awakening Sunni Giant (Recomended)

JFYI :) ..... The prophet said in an authentic Hadith there will kings after 30 years.

"Successorship (al-khilâfa) after me shall last for thirty years. .....;

C'mon man.

Please quit quoting Ahadeesh that were badly contaminated by the kings.

It is like Saddam Hussain helping to write a hadees that after x number of years of Hijrat, Saddam will come to power.

Please you all.

Grow up now.

Mohammad pbuh was there to give us education and awareness.

He was no fortune teller.

In fact pagans and Infidels used to talk about him like you are doing now.

please avoid it.

thank you
Because I am half Yemeni (mother's side) so I choose a Yemeni flag. I don't know what they represent here. I just choose two flags from my two countries.

Which irony?

Your first flag is the country of your origin. aka KSA

Your second flag should be Denmark's. That's location flag.

I am currently studying in Denmark which I wrote in my post. ......

Western democracies have consistently produced good educational institutions, that are ope to new ideas.
--- A small number of these ideas are terrible
--- But the dominant ideas about equality of man, accountability, democracy etc. are great .


Such open societies encourage innovation, and freedom.

If Chinese dictatorship can provide similar level of innovation (in all fields of life) and freedom. Go for it.

If Monarchs of Saudi can encourage open innovation (in all fields of life) and freedom. Go for it.

However if a system is consistently failing on freedom and innovation, then it is doomed to fail.

Like communism failed in Russia and in China.

C'mon man.

Please quit quoting Ahadeesh that were badly contaminated by the kings.

It is like Saddam Hussain helping to write a hadees that after x number of years of Hijrat, Saddam will come to power.

Please you all.

Grow up now.

Mohammad pbuh was there to give us education and awareness.

He was no fortune teller.

In fact pagans and Infidels used to talk about him like you are doing now.

please avoid it.

thank you

Hadeeth contaminated by Kings? Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal is a King? What about the Companion of the Prophet saying:

Al-Dhahabi cites the saying by Mu'awiya radia'Allahuan: "I am the first of the kings" (anâ awwalu al-mulûk) in the Siyar (3:157).

Prophet Muhammad was here to deliver the Quran (words of Allah) with help of his Manuel (the Sunnah i.e. Hadiths) on how to apply the Quran (words of Allah) correctly. The Quran is not Prophet Muhammad's "education and awareness."
Yes I understand it - fortunately most Muslims live outside Arabia and this accounts for them being rational (at times, they are Muslims after all) As for the Wahabi, they are playing with fire, they come on this forum and say outrageous things, but at the end of the day, they know that all of this is a disguise to save Al-Brince's throne - so in a way, they think they don't have a choice, they are between a rock and hard place, to speak -- so they have to rationalize the only route left to them, they have to justify that route and the fact that they cannot and do not have options.

Incredibly they think this is evidence that they are in fact secure instea of realizing that daily they make themselves more insecure.


Being an Arab doesn't mean that we are the ONLY good Muslims, I would appreciate not to use such tone ever again. At the same time, I'm surprised to see how much of a bias you really are toward one group of people at the expense of the others especially when it comes to a State that is known to be a state sponsor of terror.

We are willing to put it with the consequences for playing with fire to save the Syrian people from Assad's brutal regime which is being backed by the mullahs' regime and the terror group Hezbollah. The role KSA is playing in the Syrian conflict will become more like of a message sent to rouge states like the Mullah's regime that we won't tolerate their interference anymore. The Syrian people are facing persecutions on daily basis by Iran backed Shia militias but you turned a blind eye for. Yet, your obsession about the Royalties entails you to ignore the immortality of our foes and you try to make things up. Your imagination knows no limits and boundaries.

See, The Constitutional Monarch is a mechanism that exists in a Democracy, with Democratic cultural values, not tribal and sectarian ones -- Now don't get me wrong, An Arabia free, where CITIZENS, not SUBJECTS, reside and by their free will choose or not how to live, what to do, what to watch, listen to,etc etc - would be excellent - but lets be real, to arrive at that, one has to reject tyranny, not just political but religious as well, one has to reject sectarianism - it's a cultural transformation.


People shouldn't tend to think like a Neo-Marxists in which democracy is an answer for everything. As long as people are happy about their lives, people won't change the system of governance.

Hypothetically speaking, any society can turn against its government to achieve a socio-historic objective goal. In practice, There has got to be a motivation to outrage people to overthrow their government, and the Saudis never had a coherent reason to justify such an intention to overthrow their Gov't ,thankfully.

Therefore, A revolution in KSA is likely unrealistic ,period as long as people are pleased with their rulers. Just to be frank white, my people aren't interested in democracy ,elections, blah blah blah. Instead the Saudi people now are encouraging their children to pursue a colorful future to contribute to their country. The Saudi people denounce terror rather than rewarding it, and promote tolerance and equality over bigotry.

now, what is the inspiration for the extremism that we see all over the Muslim world (for a clue refer to Wahabism/Salafism)

That's an unreserved bias vital mistake. Are you going to blame the others for everything bad happened to people. The so-called conservative Salafism didn't entice Hezbollah to bomb a bus full of civilians in Bulgaria, nor did KSA entice or praise those who bombed a building in Argentina or in DAHRAN or Lebanon.

To call Saudis irrational would be incorrect they are perhaps the most rational people in the whole middle east, left and right revolts are occurring around them yet they remain silent because they have rationally concluded that their monarchy is sufficient.

The Saudi people and their Gov't never wished to bring things to the level of what they are now. But, when some countries interfere to secure their interests selfishly, then the Saudi people and their Gov't are called -irrational actors-

The others left no choice to us, but you know what? They can call us whatever they want, who cares?

I will take your testimony as a badge of honor :)

don't know if you have noticed or not but extremism is rampant all over the "Muslim world". I don't see why you would assume there would be any less or no extremists in KSA. Yes I know I am against their declaration of Jihad in Syria

Actually, KSA never declared Jehad against Assad whatsoever. It was the Egyptians who did it by the way. No Saudi religious figure is authorized to issue a religious declaration unless he is a member of the Grand Islamic Council, otherwise such Fataws will get some idiots into trouble.

I don't think you should compare Pakistan to KSA.

Unfortunately, KSA gets to be blamed by some Pakistani friends of ours here and there. No one could ever provide me with a solid proof about such actions. The only fault that both of KSA and Pakistan should be blamed for was to allow Arab Afghans to reside in Afghanistan and influence the Taliban.

Some people also accused KSA of funding terrorists, but this is claim is hilarious :D someone like Ben Laden with a $300 million in hand could do many things with this massive amount of money, not to mention his spendthrift buddies.


B) work with big name tribal lords (as has been done by Al-Saud for a century) to moved to the next level of "democratization". (copy of British and other EU monarchies).

That's a big misconception, People in KSA no longer define themselves upon their so-called tribal society, there are many non-Tribal Saudis who take an active role in our politics, and the tribals are on the same page. Just to assure that from my own experience, For example, when A Saudi young man applies for one of our 7 military colleges, he's expected to refrain from negative social values like racism, tribalism, and nepotism.
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I don't really have much more to tell you and we differ greatly in opinion when it comes to that specific issue. You see Western styled democracy as the ultimate goal which I don't. I argued why. Plain and simple.
At the other hand many things that are considered democratic is in complete line with Islam.
Also you need to notice that democracies differ in each single country and that some regions have their own kind of "democracy". The Arab and Muslim world might get that one day (truly one) and if that so-called "democracy" (call it what you like) would be successful and help the country and people in every way and in the same time be compatible with Islam, our culture, traditions, customs etc. then I am all for it.


@Yzd Khalifa

Great post. You saved me a lot of work, bro.
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What is "kenan" kardes? :what:

That is sooo 1979....
@al-Hasani I am all for living in peace with Jews, I was however referring to the zionists which is different. As long as hawks control the Israeli government all countries included in that little dream of theirs should be vigilant.

As for the Palestinians yes they should have a state of their own and live in peace with Israel and in a perfect world they already would be but this is not a perfect world and the Palestinians lose more land the longer it takes. :smart:

First we must hav an agreement the you will at a minimum, be honest, fair? OK, so now, what is the inspiration for the extremism that we see all over the Muslim world (for a clue refer to Wahabism/Salafism) -- Now I and I am sure you, will agree that where ever these movements are finding welcome, a colossal failure of governance and economy has preceded it -- fair? Now has a failure of governance and economy preceded extremist thought in Arabia?? If yes, then your suggestion about the excellent economy is open to challenge - and if no , how do you explain the popularity of extremist thought?? So how will you chose to respond to this??

I think we both know the economy is not the cause of extremist thought in the case of extremist Saudis and I think we both know what is. :P
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Saudi Wahabis are frustrated that they do not have influence even in their own backyard, leave alone in the whole of Muslim world. On the other hand, Irans influence is the Muslim world is spreading in leaps and bounds. After Iraq, their influence in Syria and Lebanon is becoming stronger. The Shia crescent from Beirut to Hormuz is encircling the GCC..


That's a big misconception, People in KSA no longer define themselves upon their so-called tribal society, .

OK we can change to "elders",

Meaning people who are well respected in their neighborhood, family, clan, tribe, city, region etc. etc. .

British Magna Carta was prepared by their "elders" called Aristocrats, or feudal lords. in 1200 and we see the results almost 600 years later or even today.

Oh and please do not think I am saying Royals of Saudi Arabia will become constitutional monarchs like next month.

the whole idea was to see how things will be 100 years from now

or even 1000 years from now. who knows about exact year. But preparing for something in the future is always good.

Would you not plan something

Right now KSA population is roughly 30 million.

How will the system change when the population is 100 million, 150 million etc.

How will the universities change.

Would you not like to have the future innovations on the scale of of Google, or FB or twitter invented in KSA?

If so how will be the universities structured? How will the society function?

Please see the BIG picture.

and not worry about explaining away trivial little terms of today's politics.

Thank you.
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Point taken Sir ^ ^.

Saudi Wahabis are frustrated that they do not have influence even in their own backyard, leave alone in the whole of Muslim world. On the other hand, Irans influence is the Muslim world is spreading in leaps and bounds. After Iraq, their influence in Syria and Lebanon is becoming stronger. The Shia crescent from Beirut to Hormuz is encircling the GCC..

Depends on what kind of influence you are talking about. If you are talking about spreading our influence by arming various militias based on secs, and terrioze the whole world 24/7, then no thank you! I took us nearly 4 years to eliminate the terriorists we have in our own land. This kind of influence may suit the Iranian regime, but not ours.

For us, we could care less about Iran, and I think we should dumb them big time. It isn't a matter of concerns to us wether the Israelis and the Americans want to kill them all or starve them to death. In other word, let them burn in hell.
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