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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

Hope they embed some kill-switch code into source code :D

Your possible customer will love this switch button. To know that Turkey is able to shout down the plans anytime they want , is a worst case for any Military.
Your possible customer will love this switch button. To know that Turkey is able to shout down the plans anytime they want , is a worst case for any Military.

shhhh.. its a secret
Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank made a speech in his Budget Presentation. He stated that we will develop integrated modular avionics infrastructure for the first time in our country .The Real Time Operating System (GIS) was developed with 100 percent national resources and the related first subcontract was signed for use in National Combat Aircraft Project

Turkish defence industry said that the SSB has informed both Rolls-Royce and the Turkish Air Force Command that the General Electric F110 engine, which powers Turkish F-16s, would not be used for the TF-X prototypes. This would only complicate the design and cost of the TF-X, which requires a smaller engine, according to the sources.

If true, it looks like previous announcment was part of some kind of bargaining strategy with RR and the Brits. Not uncommon in these types of deals.

TF-X is imprortant for UK as well, esspecially considering BREXIT aftermath on its economy and industry. Germans and French excluded the Brits from their new project, Desault took the place of BAE. So, TF-X represens oportunity for british defense and avio industry to keep and fruther devolop its technology, keep pace with others, by being parner to Turkey. Who knows, if UK-Turkey relations keep imrpoving at the pace they have in recent 2 č-3 years, maybe TF-X becames joint UK-Turkish venture.
Brit-Turkey relations were at rock bottom mid this year... not sure when it will improve yet.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Çavuşoğlu (Brussels) ;
Trump ile Cumhurbaşkanımız G20'de görüştü. Trump kendisi konuyu açtı. Hiçbir problem yaşanmasını istemiyoruz. Kongre'de bazı girişimler oldu ama Türkiye önemli aktörlerden birisi ve iptal edilmesi gündemde değil. Şu anda sorun görmüyoruz.

"Trump and (our) president spoke at the G20. Trump himself opened the subject. We don't want there to be any problems at all. There's been some initiatives in the (US) congress but Turkey is one of the important actors and cancellation is not on the agenda. We don't foresee a problem right now."


Well if Trump himself has assured the president than we can safely say that he probability of us getting our own paid for planes has plummeted. I still believe this whole thing is a charade and the US can not afford to give up on the F35 project (which pushing Turkey out will cause). But we'll see I suppose.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Çavuşoğlu (Brussels) ;

"Trump and (our) president spoke at the G20. Trump himself opened the subject. We don't want there to be any problems at all. There's been some initiatives in the (US) congress but Turkey is one of the important actors and cancellation is not on the agenda. We don't foresee a problem right now."


Well if Trump himself has assured the president than we can safely say that he probability of us getting our own paid for planes has plummeted. I still believe this whole thing is a charade and the US can not afford to give up on the F35 project (which pushing Turkey out will cause). But we'll see I suppose.

It’s a bluff by the Americans. Watch how they try to push the narrative of “no major consequences” while Lockheed-Martin itself has admitted that if Turkey is kicked out of the project that all deliveries will be delayed by 1-2 years which would be catastrophic for the whole project and that there other factors not even included in that like engine maintaince factories in Europe and Turkey suing the ever living hell out of the US and Lockheed for billions.

They don’t care about the F-35 being near S-400, which in itself is a retarded argument seeing as Israeli F-35 are near Russian equipment 24/7 and the Russians and Chinese already have any information they need on the plane.

The US just doesn’t want Turkey to have an AAD-System independent from the West, especially one independent from the US which could give Turkey the ability to block major Air Space in the Middle East and Europe.

People shouldn’t forget that we asked the US years for an Anti-Air system and they didn’t sell us any and after they decided we could have some they gouged the price.

Let them do it. They will sabotage themselves, alienate the biggest power in the region and sabotage the project for years to come. Also alienate one of their biggest costumers. Don’t see us buying anything American if they’re retarded enough to shoot themselves in their own leg and slowly bleed out just to scratch Turkey.

And for people who panic and ask themselves “what are we gonna do our fleet is getting old and TF-X is a long way out”. Even though I don’t like Russia either I’m gonna bet they would be pretty excited to sell Turkey one of their most advanced 4,5 generation fighters for a good price if such a thing were to happen.
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