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Tensions mount on Chinese-Indian border

all major countries (including India) recognize Tibet as a part of China. the UK even issued an apology in 2008 for its long time refusal to recognize that.

don't worry dude, one day, we will divide your nation into mutltiple smaller ones, you guys speak different languages, there are more than 100 million Muslims, we will ensure the autonomous status of those different groups.


Funny to hear that coming from a guy in a land which has 2 separate countries claiming to be the real one.:rofl:
because during the WWII, we fought the Axis while India was the Axis. are we clear? please check the very shining history of your nation under Bose.

Please 'shchinese' explain what you mean by nation under Bose ! India was under British rule during WW2 and Indian army fought against the Germans/Japanese. Did you mean China fought India in WW2 with India part of 'Axis'?

Where did you learn this history? We talking about earth? right? or some other planet.

---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------

all major countries (including India) recognize Tibet as a part of China. the UK even issued an apology in 2008 for its long time refusal to recognize that.

don't worry dude, one day, we will divide your nation into mutltiple smaller ones, you guys speak different languages, there are more than 100 million Muslims, we will ensure the autonomous status of those different groups.


give a try ;)
because during the WWII, we fought the Axis while India was the Axis. are we clear? please check the very shining history of your nation under Bose.


I can only hope that other Chinese citizens have better idea of history.

India 'was the Axis' was it? Fifth rate history, absolute garbage. Ever heard of the number of Indians who served in the Allied forces? Heard of Slim's Army? Heard of Monte Cassino?

Ever heard of the number of Victoria Crosses won by Indian army soldiers?

What does 2.5 million armed soldiers mean to you?

How many Chinese 'fought the Axis' outside their borders?

And wait, you you 'fought the axis' did you? Which of you 'fought' the Axis? Was it the Chinese divisions under Stilwell?

Oh wait, was it Mao's army, the same army that was as much interested in fighting the Japanese as not rubbing the Japanese the wrong way.

Oh wait, it was the Kuomintang! Which it mostly was.

Well, the KMT is now all Taiwan. Not the glorious People's Republic of China, land of the free, home of the brave, glorious defenders of freedom the world over.

Your knowledge of history and 50 cents will get you a lousy cup of coffee.

You speak of Bose. Heard of the 'glorious emperor' PuYi?
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i urge you to spread this book around, especially chinese and pakistani brothers

India’s China War by Neville Maxwell

India’s China War by Neville Maxwell

Neville Maxwell, the great reporter that he was, wrote this one chilly February in Delhi:

The great experiment of developing India within a democratic framework has failed. [Indians will soon vote] in the fourth—and surely last—general election

I would have to disagree. Wouldn't you?
What does 2.5 million armed soldiers mean to you?

as you have already clearly said by yourself, that force was british raj force, not Indian. those regular forces were not commanded by Indians.

if you apply your same rule on Korean, then suddenly Koreans become Axis. funny, isn't it? Let's make this straight - Korea was never part of Axis, for the same reason, India was not part of Ally.

For your crap regarding PuYi, please tell me since when that no longer exists minority can represent China? This is as stupid as saying India is a Muslim country as there are more than 100 million Muslims in India.
Mongolian took the entire China hundreds of years ago, then invaded Europe. by applying the funny theory in this thread, China invaded Europe.


British Raj fought as a part of the ally, India never.
as you have already clearly said by yourself, that force was british raj force, not Indian. those regular forces were not commanded by Indians.

if you apply your same rule on Korean, then suddenly Koreans become Axis. funny, isn't it? Let's make this straight - Korea was never part of Axis, for the same reason, India was not part of Ally.

For your crap regarding PuYi, please tell me since when that no longer exists minority can represent China? This is as stupid as saying India is a Muslim country as there are more than 100 million Muslims in India.

Your grasp of history and the birth of nations is tenuous. I disagree with your logic but from your own logic - When was India created again? When did WWII end?

1947, 1945.

So how is a nation that officially did not exist during WWII was still 'part of Axis, not part of Ally (sic)'?

This from your own logic, mind.

I do not know which by- the -rote crammer in China taught you history of analysis, but they took you for a ride.

You've been banned so I'll not say more except that.
^^ really? who decided that Dhaka belongs to BD and not India?

China is running out of options on its 'western front', the threat from Pakistan is fading fast so they're turning up the heat on India. I doubt China will ever fight India over AP, they have little to gain from it, I doubt they'd want to make an enemy out of us.

Any aggressive move by China will lead to some serious diplomatic and economic repercussions. India has the means to defend itself, so Arunachal Pradesh wouldn't be a cake walk for the Chinese, they'd have a much easier fight in the spartly islands.

If India does anything supporting Tibet independence of China, even speech, war is inevitable!

India is no comparsion with China!
Since Tibet is not a part of China, how exactly is AP - Or as China calls it South Tibet - part of China? I don't hear Tibetans around the world protesting the "illegal occupation of South Tibet" by India. On the contrary, they protest against the real illegal occupation of their country by China. What does that tell you?

Because Tibetan rebellion groups want Indian to support their independence, they will not trigger Indian anger by South Tibet issue!
I can see some Chinese and their extraterritorial cheer leaders achieving a state of near nirvana by indulging in their favourite past time of India bashing . The ignoramus being quoted as authority is an old India hater Neville Maxwell

" While serving as South Asia correspondent in The Times, Maxwell authored a series of pessimistic reports filed in February 1967. In the atmosphere leading up to the 4th Lok Sabha elections, he wrote that "The great experiment of developing India within a democratic framework has failed. [Indians will soon vote] in the fourth—and surely last—general election." An article written in The Guardian in the weeks prior to the election provided a contrary view, noting that "the Delhi correspondent of a British newspaper whose thundering misjudgments in foreign affairs have become a byword has expressed the view that Indian democracy is disintegrating.[3]"

Now, this is the clown being quoted by the Chinese Fan Club. The fan Club does not ask itself the simple question-'What is the basis of China's claim on Arunachal Pradesh(AP)?'.
1, Is it because they claim Tibet and therefore claim AP as south Tibet? But the whole world disputes China's claim on Tibet. But then the whole world's opinion has no meaning, has it? Since the whole world is full of 'Imperialists', 'Zionists', 'Fascists' and other forms of humans who dont matter.
2. Is it because Dalai Lama was born in AP (near Tawang)? But then Lord Buddha was born in India. Should India start claiming Japan or Kampuchea?

If the Mac Mohan Line was flawed what stopped the Chinese from taking up the issue with the British? The MM line was delineated in 1914 and the British were in India till 1947. That is enough time to sort out the issue. Why did the Chinese not speak up then?

Answer is very simple - The Chinese waited for the British to leave so they could strike a hard bargain with newly independant India and work things out to their favour.

I am surely sorry that Mr Maxwell's predictions have failed to fructify. Yes India is not perhaps the ideal democracy (who is?) and India is beset with numerous problems (who isnt?) just as most other erstwhile colonies. But India is here to stay. Much to the agony of some, India is not going to disintegrate or vanish as they wish. India will get stronger by the day and be a force to reckon with. China has to accept the fact that India is no longer the push over it was in 1962. India does not want war, but will give a fitting account of itself if attacked. Of course, the fan boys can keep jumping like good cheer leaders (hairy legs and all).

The World (Should be Western) just blame on Chinese government on Tibetan human right!

China has legimate sovereignty over Tibet!
okay i will say this again..we have occupied arunachal pradesh by force.and we are not claiming it.we occupy it.ur mama the chinese are claiming it..so let them come and take it if they can.and yeah im going to rub it in how big we r and i love it.:rofl:
Haha, you do know if and when China flexes its muscles to regain AP by force there's not much India would be able to do to resist it.

Furthermore if you are conceding utilizing force, then China already holds the moral high ground here and its quite understandable why India's hold on AP is nothing more than a silly tantrum.
Haha, you do know if and when China flexes its muscles to regain AP by force there's not much India would be able to do to resist it.

Furthermore if you are conceding utilizing force, then China already holds the moral high ground here and its quite understandable why India's hold on AP is nothing more than a silly tantrum.

Are you in the right state of mind? 1962, PLA had AP and Sikkim even Tawang. What did they do? They retreated and called a cease fire. What is current situation? PLA doesn't have the logistics. A war on those peaks will be Kargil in mass. Who ever has air support has a big advantage. Guess the alititude of PLAAF airbasese in Tibet? Find the alititude of Indian Air force airfields. Its one sided. Chinas numbers are of very little use in Tibet, they the PLA know it. Why do you think they arm Pakistan?
Are you in the right state of mind? 1962, PLA had AP and Sikkim even Tawang. What did they do? They retreated and called a cease fire. What is current situation? PLA doesn't have the logistics. A war on those peaks will be Kargil in mass. Who ever has air support has a big advantage. Guess the alititude of PLAAF airbasese in Tibet? Find the alititude of Indian Air force airfields. Its one sided. Chinas numbers are of very little use in Tibet, they the PLA know it. Why do you think they arm Pakistan?

Ok; You want to talk about your shameful defeat in the 1962

China-Indo war, 3128 kill, 3123 pow,1047 wounded.

Even GOI still don't disclose the official report till today,WHY??

Because it was too embarassing !!

We are crushing you so bad even with two of your big brother behind

your A@S!! Enjoy your SHAMEFUL defeat!!

The reason for retreat was we achieve our goal of teaching you

Indians a lesson you will never forget !!

Please give me a break about your so call high alititude barrier,

Who will be stupid enough to attack before we bomb you back to

the stone age with thousands of our DF11,15 ballistic missilles and

cruise missilles.

China Adds Precision Strike to Capabilities -

Kido; back yourself up with facts not fart !! :smitten:

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