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Tensions mount on Chinese-Indian border

Grey boy, this particular worthless kind of monkey screech of yours should embarrass even a Yank.

It's a disgrace. :disagree:
Nonsense! China inherited (actually absorbed) the Mongolian empire. Now Genghis Khan conquered Europe, Persia, Pak (parts of India). And England being part of Europe which was conquered, also conquered India.

So does that mean China 'inherits' ALL of Europe + South Asia + West Asia + East Asia??? :smitten:

ohh england was a part of the manglian empire and by the way just google was was the grt wall of china constructed and what was ming dynasty about and so if mongls are chinese then mongolia has no right to exist and afganistan turkmanistan and al those balkan countries and half of the world is chinese especially i recomend pakistan was a part of chinna so please go and merge hats off dude can't even ask for any thing else even a 10th standard guy will have more knowledge this porves love is blind ohh....:hitwall:
Ok; You want to talk about your shameful defeat in the 1962

China-Indo war, 3128 kill, 3123 pow,1047 wounded.

Even GOI still don't disclose the official report till today,WHY??

Because it was too embarassing !!

We are crushing you so bad even with two of your big brother behind

your A@S!! Enjoy your SHAMEFUL defeat!!

The reason for retreat was we achieve our goal of teaching you

Indians a lesson you will never forget !!

Please give me a break about your so call high alititude barrier,

Who will be stupid enough to attack before we bomb you back to

the stone age with thousands of our DF11,15 ballistic missilles and

cruise missilles.

China Adds Precision Strike to Capabilities -

Kido; back yourself up with facts not fart !! :smitten:

ok then why donot u bring ur a@ss on indian territory and then we will show what we can do what said lets do ti because Indians donot have bramos and shaurya missile those are with butan we are to scared of chin....es and yes i can pen and mark it u don't have the guts to do it and gone are the day when u wold have done so have ur traditional Chinese food and sleep India is coming and no body can stop us and to those false banglees guys do any thing but Bangladesh is a part of Indian sub- continent so don't be aggressive it is not good for ur own country....
I was expecting this... typical of the Reds. Needling is all they can do and ran and yowl about "1962" despite the face they had running back to Mao 5 years later in just 24 hours.

My first recommendation and prayer to the tri-services would be kick out this traitor government before you engage Chinese. Throw the CONgress out of power structure in such a way that htey don't return to support India's enemies through their spineless politics.

Our military can only win when this government is punted out.
Congratulations for digging up an over two year old thread. :cheesy:
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