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Team of Dirilis Ertugrul excited over overwhelming response in Pakistan

This drama is based on islamic histroy thats why people loved to watch this series.i knw they hve romanticized it.
Turkish dramas overall are against our islamic culture...so only only islamic histry based dramas of warriors leaders should be focused
i agree with you but then nobody will watch it..
After the ban in India stopping Indian artistes and technicians from working with their Pakistani counterparts has ended, the Indians and Pakistanis should collaborate in making a serial on the greatest ruler of the subcontinent - Tipu Sultan.

Much better than this irritating Dirilis whatever.

Indian media tried this with Razia sultana and rana pratab but what you get at the end is more dramatized shit full of Bollywood drama. Though I like how they take care of set and costumes (not accurate but good quality). Pakistan to khair banaane se raha.

So I agree, sanity, logic and good part of script from our industry plus technical experts, designers from yours plus actors from both. I will like Hamza Ali Abbasi play the character (though he announced retirement but we all know they never mean it in Pakistan).
greatest ruler of the subcontinent - Tipu Sultan.
Unless I missed something this guy never even managed to rule beyond the Deccan - South India. So exactly how was he sub-continental? I am more prepared to give accolades to Ahmed Shah Durrani or Sher Shah Suri. Would not mind Shaan Shahid or Fawad Khan playing these roles. That is what you call native [coterminous Pakistani] heroes.

But if it comes between Turkish or Indian I would go Turkish everytime ...
Why can't we have Pakistani series for Jinnah, Iqbal, Sher Shah Suri, Aurangzeb, Mohammad Bin Qasim etc etc
Why can't we have Pakistani series for Jinnah, Iqbal, Sher Shah Suri, Aurangzeb, Mohammad Bin Qasim etc etc

We can't because nobody is making them. PTV isn't interested in anything beyond looking like a broadcast from the 80's. They're only showing this show because it's ready made content and a pet project of the PM himself.

Our "artistic community" and "media houses" are rinsing the life out of how people don't like thier in-laws and others struggle to find the rishta they want.

Our wider "artistic community" is busy doing public bondage scenes.


There was all this talk of collaboration with other countries to create new content - I suspect it fizzled out.

Disappointing really. Maybe they can dub the Sopranos next.

I think we have more creativity in our YouTube community than do in our professional "artistic" community.

Mubashir Siddique - Village Food secrets. Excellent cooking show.

Teeli - produce some excellent sketches reflecting on social behaviors.

Ali Gul Pir - genuine artist. Some of his content is truly hilarious, others is hit and miss.

Rahim Pardesi - Nasreen! What a great character.

Sharum Ki Sketchbook - a hidden gem. Cartoons about life in Pakistan.

Street food PK - Pakistani version of Mark Weins. Travels up and down the country exploring cuisine.

Azad Chaiwalla - full of bs sometimes but some great views on business and entrepreneurial spirit.

There are loads of others. Given the right investment they could some of these could jump into a "professional" production.

I'll give you an example where this has happened.

TifoFootball - bought by the Athletic (a major new subscription based) sports website.

Drew Binsky - getting his own Netflix show.
We can't because nobody is making them. PTV isn't interested in anything beyond looking like a broadcast from the 80's. They're only showing this show because it's ready made content and a pet project of the PM himself.

Our "artistic community" and "media houses" are rinsing the life out of how people don't like thier in-laws and others struggle to find the rishta they want.

Our wider "artistic community" is busy doing public bondage scenes.

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There was all this talk of collaboration with other countries to create new content - I suspect it fizzled out.

Disappointing really. Maybe they can dub the Sopranos next.

I think we have more creativity in our YouTube community than do in our professional "artistic" community.

Mubashir Siddique - Village Food secrets. Excellent cooking show.

Teeli - produce some excellent sketches reflecting on social behaviors.

Ali Gul Pir - genuine artist. Some of his content is truly hilarious, others is hit and miss.

Rahim Pardesi - Nasreen! What a great character.

Sharum Ki Sketchbook - a hidden gem. Cartoons about life in Pakistan.

Street food PK - Pakistani version of Mark Weins. Travels up and down the country exploring cuisine.

Azad Chaiwalla - full of bs sometimes but some great views on business and entrepreneurial spirit.

There are loads of others. Given the right investment they could some of these could jump into a "professional" production.

I'll give you an example where this has happened.

TifoFootball - bought by the Athletic (a major new subscription based) sports website.

Drew Binsky - getting his own Netflix show.

what the hell is that picture and what’s that guy doing?
Lol dude there is no socialism in pakistan. Government cannot invest and own every business. Turkey drama industry stood on its own. Government help make policies but not fund it. That's how every successful medi industry does. This is not matter of particular historical dramas. There are others modern dramas too. Their industry produce every type for every person.

Pakistan has no policies in place to promote its media industry. The good media productions working on modern social problems get censored by TLP pressure... so what are you on about.
I will like Hamza Ali Abbasi play the character (though he announced retirement but we all know they never mean it in Pakistan).

Well, Tipu seems to have been dark-skinned so such an actor from Pakistan will have to be found.

About retirement, it seems that when the Amitabh Bachchan starrer Bollywood English film The Last Lear came out in 2007, some people sniggered that this was Bachchan's last year. :lol: But he stayed successful from a film like Piku and of course the program Kaun Banega Crorepati.

Unless I missed something this guy never even managed to rule beyond the Deccan - South India. So exactly how was he sub-continental?

He made forays into non-Deccan South India too - Kerala. Given time and the incoming assistance of Napoleon's army, he would have expanded into the North, West and East of India. This is what the Britishers feared and hence their pre-emptive war on him.

Also, I read on PDF a month or so ago of French and Russian plans to displace the Britishers from India in the 1800s. But these plans didn't come to fruition. But if Tipu would have alive in the 1800s, possibly something like this could have happened. His rule over all of the Subcontinent.
Poor CGI and graphics.
Even plot is not as good as Vikings (S1-S4) and no deadly women warrior beauties like Lagertha.
Unfortunately due to lack of good script writers, funding or the distance between the artistic community from the general masses Pakistan is simply not able to produce dramas of high quality in this genre (maybe an amalgamation of all of these and other factors). We had that show Mor Mahal a couple of years whose exact genre and purpose I am still not able to deduce to this day!

Which leaves us with foreign content. I can easily say that if the choice is between our people consuming bollywood or Turkish content, the latter should take precedence any day over Indian content. At least in my circle consumption of Indian movies and dramas has gone down drastically over the past decade or so and I am extremely glad about that.
1. You missed the point entirely. PTV is free to buy foreign content, especially successful content. State owned stations around the world Buy content, they're not operating exclusively on content they commission.

Shaan spent his career starring in shit films, now he wants the state to spend its limited funds on protecting and promoting rubbish his ilk generate rather than foreign content.

2. Of course the ottomans were barbaric, they committed fratacide, genocide, waged wars constantly - that's why they had an. Empire. Peaceful morally correct nations never amounted to anything. Every power in the world is built on blood sweat and tears.

so. lets built our empire on enemy,s corposes, in foundations,-----amir timur

Honey if you're under the delusion that we think India is our history, you're so wrong. We don't think much of Ashoka and Maurya and all your Bedic hullaballoo.[/QUOT

look around your culture, language, traditions, even paracetamol all comming from india.
Pakistan lies on the postulated coastal route from Africa to Australia and the earliest settlers probably came to this area some 60,000 years ago. Evidence of Neolithic settlements of modern humans have been found at Mehrgarh, dating back to the seventh millennium BC, in the southern Pakistani province of Balochistan (Jarrige 1991). This site predates the agrarian Harappan culture that flourished in the fertile Indus Valley Genomic Diversity: Applications in Human Population Genetics edited by Papiha, Deka, and Chakraborty, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, 1999. 83 84 S. Q. Mehdi et al. around 2400--2000 Be. Although fossil evidence from these sites is scanty, some observers have found similarities with fossils found in the Caspian and Mediterranean regions (Sarkar 1981). Invaders including the Aryans, Macedonians, Arabs, Mongols etc. have all contributed to the ethnic variety of Pakistan's population. In present-day Pakistan, the Balochis, Brahuis, Makranis and Sindhis constitute the major southern populations of Pakistan. The major northern ethnic groups include the Balti, Burushos, Hazaras, Kalash Kafirs, Kashmiris, Pathans and Punjabis. A brief description of some major ethnic groups of Pakistan are as follows: The Balochis are believed to have originated in Aleppo (Syria) and migrated to Pakistan via Iran. The area they inhabit in southwestern Pakistan includes the Bolan River valley where the earliest evidence of Neolithic settlements have been unearthed (Jarrige 1991; Quddus 1990; Hughes-Buller 1991). The Brahuis occupy the Sarawan and Jhalawan regions of Kalat State in Balochistan and are said to be of Turko-Iranian origin (Quddus 1990; Hughes-Buller 1991). The Brahui language is of Dravidian origin (Grimes 1992). However, the Brahui tribes are separated by almost a thousand miles from their neighbouring Dravidian speakers in South India and Sri Lanka. The Makranis reside along the dry and arid Makran coast of Pakistan. The Greek historians referred to it as Gedrosia (Hughes-Buller 1991). Their language and ethnic affinity is with the Baloch tribes (Grimes 1992). Many have Negroid features and it is speculated that they took the coastal route out of Africa. The Sindhis from the southeastern province of Pakistan (Sindh) are of a mixed ethnic background (Ansari 1996; Burton 1851). This region was referred to as Sindomana by the Greeks and Sindhudesha by ancient Hindus. The advent of Islam into this region in 711 AD led to the settlement of Arabs, Turks and Persians (Burton 1851). Of the ancient populations, the Mehs (or Mohanas) and the Bhil have survived in areas surrounding the Indus River. In addition many Hindus and pure Sindhi individuals from clans such as the Abro, Channa and Surnro reside there. The Balti are considered to be Tibetan in origin (A. H. Dani 1991) and their language is archaic Sino-Tibetan (Grimes 1992). They reside in the northeastern Himalayan region of Pakistan known as Baltistan. The Burusho are from Nagar and Hunza in the Hindukush mountains (Dani 1991; Biddulph 1977) and their language, Burushaski, is one of the remaining language isolates of the world (Grimes 1992). Although legends indicate that the Burusho are of Greek ancestry, and it has been suggested that they had accompanied Alexander the Great during his expedition to India, yet their origin is uncertain. The Kalash Kafir tribes have been isolated for centuries in the remote mountains of the Hindukush in the northwestern areas of Pakistan (Robertson 1974). This ethnic minority is now confined to the three valleys of Bumburet, Birir and Rambur near Chitral. Although little is known of their pagan origin, they are believed to be descendants of soldiers in Alexander's army. Some authors assign to them a Slav origin (Robertson 1974). The Pathans inhabit the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. Legends claim that they are either a lost tribe of Israel or descendants of soldiers that came with Alexander the Great (Caroe 1992; Bellew 1979). The Hazaras have typical Mongoloid features and are thought to be of Tartar origin (Bellew 1979). In Balochistan, the Hazaras have settled mainly in Quetta and considerable numbers reside in Parachinar in the NWFP. The Punjab is the most populous province of Pakistan accounting for almost two thirds of the country's population. There is considerable ethnic admixture among the Punjabis because all the invaders who came to the Indian subcontinent passed through and mixed with the previous settlers. The major ethnic groups in the Punjab are the Jats, Rajputs, Arains, Gujars, Awans, and Meos
Only the last season.
Game of thrones was disgusting all the way through. I'm sorry. There was not one
Unless I missed something this guy never even managed to rule beyond the Deccan - South India. So exactly how was he sub-continental? I am more prepared to give accolades to Ahmed Shah Durrani or Sher Shah Suri. Would not mind Shaan Shahid or Fawad Khan playing these roles. That is what you call native [coterminous Pakistani] heroes.

But if it comes between Turkish or Indian I would go Turkish everytime ...

Tupu was, a shadow of his father. And the greatest was akbar. The one who laid the foundations of the greatest empire from this land
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