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Tamil women coerced into contraception by Sri Lanka


Mar 22, 2013
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LifeSiteNews Mobile | Tamil women coerced into contraception by Sri Lankan authorities

KILINOCHCHI, Sri Lanka, February 3, 2014 (Pop.org) - Tamil women continue to die at the hands of the Sri Lankan government, which is intent upon eradicating the minority population. A woman named Manjula Satheeskumar and her father are the most recent casualties.

On August 31st, 2013, more than 50 women and their children were told their children were going to get check-ups and were transported to a district hospital in Kilinochchi. At the hospital, Sri Lankan population controllers told the women that unless they accepted a hormonal contraceptive insert, they would not be allowed any future treatments at the hospital. Any women who still refused were told that if they did not cooperate, their husbands would be brought in for vasectomies.


The already pregnant 26-year-old, Manjula Satheeskumar, was among the women coercively sterilized last August. Manjula managed to have her implant removed, but not after contracting a serious infection. Manjula died from the infection at the end of November.

Such forced sterilizations of Sri Lankan Tamil women are common. Most citizens in Kilinochchi, Manjula’s hometown, are Tamil.

Population Research Institute (PRI) President, Steve Mosher, says, “Forced contraception and sterilization are nothing short of acts of genocide. Sadly, these are regular occurrences in the island nation of Sri Lanka.”

Anne Morse, media coordinator for PRI, remarked that, “Local health officials are belatedly trying to cover up their crimes. They are coercively and retroactively forcing already sterilized Tamil women to sign affidavits. Such affidavits should not convince anyone that these ‘birth control experiments’ are anything other than genocide. Far from convincing, false affidavits of consent instead add insult to injury by suggesting that the dead women voluntarily submitted themselves to the procedure.”

Manjula’s father, Chinnasamy Rajaratnam, was a key witness in his daughter’s demise, and had been systematically harassed by Sri Lankan military authorities before his death. He was found dead on an electricity wire this past Thursday. Some sources say Chinnasamy committed suicide. Other sources remain highly skeptical that his death was voluntary.
Srilanka should respect human rights.
This is really funny news, Kilinochchi is one of lowest density areas in SL. I just googled the news then give up after seeing it on "Tamilnet". :D
I dont know anything about tamil issue so cant comment on it.
This manlion guy is too much obsessed with srilanka and tamil issue.
This is really funny news, Kilinochchi is one of lowest density areas in SL. I just googled the news then give up after seeing it on "Tamilnet". :D

didn't your Gestapo train you on how to click on links provided in PD Forum ?
I dont know anything about tamil issue so cant comment on it.
This manlion guy is too much obsessed with srilanka and tamil issue.

Northern part of SL has dry weather condition, also some southern part of island has dry weather condition so the population density is lowest in those areas!
strict action must be taken against the srilankan war criminals...and the government....
may be ban on the rajapaksha government....by UN and other nations...
Its there country,they can do whatever they want.
No,..they cannot do what ever they want...it's people of the country who make a nation..not group called government...
every country must abide by the human rights....
so, IMO a strict action is required against the goons...
Sri Lankans are taught to hate Hindus and Indians. There genocide of Hindu Tamils is disgusting infact I have news from a Sri Lankan source that they desecrated Hindu temples.

Majority of Sinhalaese are Buddhists in SL but they do visit hindu Kovils, I do visit.
No,..they cannot do what ever they want...it's people of the country who make a nation..not group called government...
every country must abide by the human rights....
so, IMO a strict action is required against the goons...

That's why the people vote there government and leader time to time. We can't help if we choose some one who don't bend for India or US. Our bloodline has spartan genes.
I'm using advanced methods to verify some news articles. Who trust your links?

I don't need trust from your kind, the purpose is to expose Lanka's on going Tamil genocide

lifeissues.net | Genocide in Sri Lanka Continues

Population Research Institute (PRI) President, Steve Mosher, says, "Forced contraception and sterilization are nothing short of acts of genocide. Sadly, these are regular occurrences in the island nation of Sri Lanka."
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