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Sri Lanka Guity of Tamil Genocide, India guilty of Complicity in Genocide

Prove it. Even I can say Tamilnadu was once Sinhala Territory under the king Rawana. But you will laugh at me cuz there are no evidence and logic to it. Like wise now I'm laughing at you.
You don't need mythical stories to prove it. In the beginning of our civilization (iron age), this garbage land was under our control.
Prove it. Even I can say Tamilnadu was once Sinhala Territory under the king Rawana. But you will laugh at me cuz there are no evidence and logic to it. Like wise now I'm laughing at you.
You don't need mythical stories to prove it. In the beginning of our civilization (iron age), this garbage land was under our control.

I have made it very clear to him that Sri lanka was in compliance with GAR 260.

He doesn't seem to reply to me, I feel left out.
homes ? hospitals, schools on paper ?

India aided and abetted the ethnic cleansing of Tamils in Lanka. These houses if and when constructed will help the Sri Lankan government colonise the Tamil homeland. India can only fund and build these houses but the Sri Lankan military administration decides who gets them. Tamils or India has no say in that.

If India is to built hospitals , just ensure genocidal Sinhalese regime won't use the same hospital to forcefully sterilize Tamil women.

WikiLeaks: US Commended Gota For Conducting A Successful Battle With Low Civilian Causalities

Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa offered his interpretation of the government security forces’ January victory in Vakarai to Ambassador and DATT on February 5 and explained the government’s current military strategy. Gothabaya noted that the security forces encountered predominantly younger, less committed Tiger cadres in Vakarai. The GSL’s redevelopment efforts in the east, he theorized, would head off any re-infiltration by the Tigers and allow the security forces to “devote their full forces” elsewhere. In particular, the military would seek to neutralize the LTTE’s navy, the “Sea Tigers.” Gothabaya was silent on whether the Army would attempt a major offensive in the North.” the US Embassy Colombo informed Washington.

Robert Blake
The Colombo Telegraph found the related leaked cable from the WikiLeaks database. The classified diplomatic cable details a meeting the US ambassador had with Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The “Confidential” is cable signed by the US Ambassador to Colombo Robert O. Blake on February 05, 2007.

The ambassador wrote; “Ambassador, DATT and PolMilOff met Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) Defense Secretary (and brother to the President) Gothabaya Rajapaksa on February 5. Rajapaksa offered his interpretation of the government security forces’ January victory in Vakarai and explained the GSL’s current military strategy. Ambassador commended the Secretary for conducting a successful battle with such low civilian causalities, after the initial shelling incident. Gotabaya claimed that no civilians had been killed and only 40 soldiers had been killed in action in the two and a half month fight for Vakarai. He emphasized that the military had been able to minimize civilian and troop causalities by surrounding Vakarai with small Special Forces teams rather than large battalions and moving without a “logistical tail” open to Tiger (LTTE) ambush.”
“According to the Defense Secretary, the security forces encountered predominantly younger Tiger cadres in Vakarai, at least 40 percent under the age of 18, and noticeably less well-trained. These cadres also appeared to be less committed to fighting for the LTTE, he said, indicating why they were willing to flee in the end. Many more of these cadres underwent forced recruitment than in previous years, claimed Gothabaya: “We can see that the lower-ranked cadres have not come out willingly. They have little motivation to fight. They aren’t committed, and in fact try to escape. We have intelligence that elsewhere in Batticaloa district LTTE cadres are waiting for a battle in which they can surrender.” The security forces captured a number of Tiger cadres in Vakarai. On the other hand, very few made use of the cyanide capsule all wear around their necks for that eventuality, according to the Secretary.” he further wrote.
Placing a comment Blake wrote; “Gothabaya assured us that the President remains committed to the peace process “without delay, and without respect to the military.” We understand that the security forces will try to consolidate the GSL’s hold on the east, and that the military will also pursue Sea Tiger and artillery targets in the east and in the Tiger’s northern Vanni stronghold. Gothabaya was silent on whether the Army would attempt a full-scale invasion of the north, as earlier GSL statements had suggested. The Defense Secretary appears to have realized, however, that winning Tamil hearts and minds will be crucial to the GSL’s consolidation of its new hold on the east.”
Prove it. Even I can say Tamilnadu was once Sinhala Territory under the king Rawana. But you will laugh at me cuz there are no evidence and logic to it. Like wise now I'm laughing at you.

Your above claim is bound to evoke laughter as Rawana was not
a) Buddhist
b) Sinhala
c) no legendary claim in the Ramayana epic that he ruled over Tamil territory

But if you wish to stop laughing then you need to Google for ancient Pandya Kingdom and Kumari Kandam , and not rely on Sinhala comic 'Mahavamsa'

Before you clowns start your lubricious 3000 yr history just check your source when ex Bangla desi thug Vijaya landed in Lanka from Bangla desh, thank you have a nice day
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why are you acting silly ? The North, East and NE of Lanka prior to independence from British and current occupation by Lankan military, have traditionally been Tamil homeland, if you push back history by a few 1000 years, the whole region now known as Lanka was part of Tamil kingdom

haha why you want just push back 1000 years? just push back 700 years then you will know who are Tamils in here.

dude, if Tamils do not have their own country it's not our matter, what shall we do if Tamils are spineless to make own country for them in their native land which called "Tamil country", Tamilnadu.
dude, if Tamils do not have their own country it's not our matter, what shall we do if Tamils are spineless to make own country for them in their native land which called "Tamil country", Tamilnadu.

I disagree with your above statement, Tamil Eelam had been the Tamils' origin homeland since the beginning of human history, Sinhala race only came into existence after the Buddhisation of the native Tamil Hindus. And not to forget the Mahavamsa fairy tale claims Bangla desh as the Sinhala's origin homeland.

BTW have you learnt to Google 'ancient Pandya kingdom' or Kumari Kandam ?.
I disagree with your above statement, Tamil Eelam had been the Tamils' origin homeland since the beginning of human history, Sinhala race only came into existence after the Buddhisation of the native Tamil Hindus. And not to forget the Mahavamsa fairy tale claims Bangla desh as the Sinhala's origin homeland.

BTW have you learnt to Google 'ancient Pandya kingdom' or Kumari Kandam ?.

Have you been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome?
Your above claim is bound to evoke laughter as Rawana was not
a) Buddhist
b) Sinhala
c) no legendary claim in the Ramayana epic that he ruled over Tamil territory

But if you wish to stop laughing then you need to Google for ancient Pandya Kingdom and Kumari Kandam , and not rely on Sinhala comic 'Mahavamsa'

Before you clowns start your lubricious 3000 yr history just check your source when ex Bangla desi thug Vijaya landed in Lanka from Bangla desh, thank you have a nice day

We are ruling over your territory now arnt we?
I disagree with your above statement, Tamil Eelam had been the Tamils' origin homeland since the beginning of human history, Sinhala race only came into existence after the Buddhisation of the native Tamil Hindus. And not to forget the Mahavamsa fairy tale claims Bangla desh as the Sinhala's origin homeland.

BTW have you learnt to Google 'ancient Pandya kingdom' or Kumari Kandam ?.

Eelam is another version to for the Lanka mentioning the "land of Sinhalese".
Sinhala means siv Hela, it means 4 hela races. lol dude I have mentioned that few times on PDF for you. Mahavamsa mentioning about the start of the "Sinhala" but before that it was 4 Hela races.

Sinhelam (Land of Sinhalese) => Helam (Tamils have pronounciation issue with "H" sound" so........=>Helam => Eelam lol (Land of Hela)

What about "Keralam" , Tamils homeland? da faq! :lol:
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Eelam is another version to for the Lanka mentioning the "land of Sinhalese".
Sinhala means siv Hela, it means 4 hela races. lol dude I have mentioned that few times on PDF for you. Mahavamsa mentioning about the start of the "Sinhala" but before that it was 4 Hela races.

Sinhelam (Land of Sinhalese) => Helam (Tamils have pronounciation issue with "H" sound" so........=>Helam => Eelam lol (Land of Hela)

I leave to the learned members to draw their own conclusion

Sri Lankan historian Karthigesu Indrapala claims that Eela the stem of Eelam is attested in Sri Lanka in centuries before the common era as a name of an ethnic group and eventually it came to be applied to the island as Eelam. He also believes that the name of the island was applied to the popular coconut tree or vice versa in Tamil. He believes the early native names for the present Sinhalese ethnic group such as Hela is a derivation of Eela that it was Prakritized as Sihala and eventually Sanskritized as Simhala in the 5th century CE.[8]

According to Peter Schalk a professor of theology from University of Uppsala who has done studies on Sri Lankan Tamils and their culture, Caldwell and the Madras Tamil lexicon were wrong in deriving Eelam from Sihala. He concludes that Eelam is attested well before Sihala in India and Sri Lanka, in inscriptions and literature in the 1st century BCE. Whereas Sihala is attested for the first time in present day Andhra Pradesh to refer to a Buddhist temple meant for monks from Sri Lanka in the 3rd century CE. He further concludes that it is a word used exclusively for toddy beginning from the common era up until the medieval period

Thomas Burrow, in contrast, argued that the word was likely to have been Dravidian in origin, on the basis that Tamil and Malayalam "hardly ever substitute (Retroflex approximant) l peculiarly Dravidian sound, for Sanskrit -'l'-." He suggests that the name "Eelam" came from the Dravidian word "Eelam" (or Cilam) meaning "toddy", referring to the palm trees in Sri Lanka, and later absorbed into Indo-Aryan languages. This, he says, is also likely to have been the source for the Pali '"Sihala".[6] The Dravidian Etymological Dictionary, which was jointly edited by Thomas Burrow and Murray Emeneau, marks the Indo-Aryan etymology with a question mark.[
I leave to the learned members to draw their own conclusion
Your above claim is bound to evoke laughter as Rawana was not
a) Buddhist
b) Sinhala
c) no legendary claim in the Ramayana epic that he ruled over Tamil territory

But if you wish to stop laughing then you need to Google for ancient Pandya Kingdom and Kumari Kandam , and not rely on Sinhala comic 'Mahavamsa'

So does your 1000 years old Tamil kingdom of Sri Lanka. It is nothing but a Tamil wee dream.

Before you clowns start your lubricious 3000 yr history just check your source when ex Bangla desi thug Vijaya landed in Lanka from Bangla desh, thank you have a nice day

We have bangladeshis, Gujaratis, Rajputs, Tamils, Keralits, Veddas and the hela tribes in our blood lines. we are proud of our diversity and proud history.

That is what kept this little island defiant despite of the mighty Indian onslaught. Remember that.

I have made it very clear to him that Sri lanka was in compliance with GAR 260.

He doesn't seem to reply to me, I feel left out.

He is a LTTE sympathizer ashamed by the defeat of his sun god. He listen to no one but to his flawed logic. Let him dance so we can expose the ugliness behind those LTTE sympathizers in PDF.
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