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Sri Lanka Guity of Tamil Genocide, India guilty of Complicity in Genocide

If only those who accuse Sri Lanka had an iota of the moral high ground required to point figures at Sri Lanka - a country that fought bravely with grim determination & at tremendous cost against those elements who not only introduced suicide bombing to the world but tried to rip the very social fabric of this Island Paradise !

Kudos to the brave men & women of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces who gave their lives to fight terrorism so that others can be safe & kudos Sri Lanka for achieving such envious Social & Economic Development Indices despite fighting a vicious insurgency for decades - There is much that Pakistan can learn from that & much that we admire !
We have bangladeshis, Gujaratis, Rajputs, Tamils, Keralits, Veddas and the hela tribes in our blood lines. we are proud of our diversity and proud history.

Keralites in your blood line . Can you explain that ??
Keralites in your blood line . Can you explain that ??

Yes. There are many Keralites in Sri Lanka who has settled in along the South Western seaboard. They are no Keralites any more as they have become Sinhalese.
Keralites in your blood line . Can you explain that ??

There is a considerable population of Lankans of Malayali descent living in the north Western part of the island.. Many more have been bought over by the Dutch in the 16th century from Malabar coast as labor for tobacco plantations.. Those people have more or less have been "Tamilised" over the centuries.. Infact majority of the people in the Vanni (Northern hinterland) are thought to be Tamils turned Malayalis
We are related to Sinhalas.....I declare Sri Lanka as our homeland and the immediate formation of LTBE(liberation tigers of bangla elam)!Must take it back from the tamils!
We are related to Sinhalas.....I declare Sri Lanka as our homeland and the immediate formation of LTBE(liberation tigers of bangla elam)!Must take it back from the tamils!

On one post you say Sinhalese arrived from Bengal and in another post you say they are Hindu converts.

as a mix bag Sri Lankan you are excuse for being dumb, and I am in no mood to teach dummies Sinhala history.

So me tell you a story , once upon a time, a gang of thugs were banished from Bangladesh to the Island of Lanka. Lanka was then inhabited by a highly civilised Dravidian Hindu Tamils. The Chief thug married the Dravidian native Queen after usurping her kingdom he kicked her out to marry another Tamil princess from another country under the Pandya rule.

Gananath Obeysekera, an outstanding Sinhalese anthropologist has this to say:

"The Sinhalese identity nowadays is predicted on the view that since they speak an Indo European language, they are of North Indian origin whereas the Dravidian speaking Tamils are from the South. The historical reality however is totally different. Except perhaps for the oldest stratum of settlers prior to 200 B.C., almost all subsequent settlers in Sri Lanka came from South India, mostly from Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Kerala and quickly became Sinhalised. In fact, some of the most vociferous anti Tamil castes among the Sinhalese were post fifteenth century migrants from South India".
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as a mix bag Sri Lankan you are excuse for being dumb, and I am in no mood to teach dummies Sinhala history.

So me tell you a story , once upon a time, a gang of thugs were banished from Bangladesh to the Island of Lanka. Lanka was then inhabited by a highly civilised Dravidian Hindu Tamils. The Chief thug married the Dravidian native Queen after usurping her kingdom he kicked her out to marry another Tamil princess from another country under the Pandya rule.

Gananath Obeysekera, an outstanding Sinhalese anthropologist has this to say:

"The Sinhalese identity nowadays is predicted on the view that since they speak an Indo European language, they are of North Indian origin whereas the Dravidian speaking Tamils are from the South. The historical reality however is totally different. Except perhaps for the oldest stratum of settlers prior to 200 B.C., almost all subsequent settlers in Sri Lanka came from South India, mostly from Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Kerala and quickly became Sinhalised. In fact, some of the most vociferous anti Tamil castes among the Sinhalese were post fifteenth century migrants from South India".

Genetic studies say something else bro! And I don't want to waste time answering all of your stupid question.
Genetic studies say something else bro! And I don't want to waste time answering all of your stupid question.

Really ? Please show the evidence from 'your' genetic studies, thank you
woohoo SL is awesome, beat the shit out of the terrorists, for one am with you
I wonder how will India react to US backed resolution after "The ambassador incident". Indian member please shed some light on it.
india's stand against srilanka has got more to do with domestic politics rather than some u.s pressure.we have gone against u.s resolutions many times..so nothing might change as of now atleast its played that way to the gallery.
Really ? Please show the evidence from 'your' genetic studies, thank you


Can we move on now?
I disagree with your above statement, Tamil Eelam had been the Tamils' origin homeland since the beginning of human history, Sinhala race only came into existence after the Buddhisation of the native Tamil Hindus. And not to forget the Mahavamsa fairy tale claims Bangla desh as the Sinhala's origin homeland.

BTW have you learnt to Google 'ancient Pandya kingdom' or Kumari Kandam ?.

Ideas of anyone who talks about kumari kandama and ravana need to be taken with a whole sack of salt when talking about history

So? what guardian knows about war in SL? they just point at other media reports. The wikileaks i pointed out was a SECRET mail sent from the US ambassoder to US state. :D
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