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Sri Lanka Guity of Tamil Genocide, India guilty of Complicity in Genocide

I think from your posts it is quite clear who the neo nazis are. Sinhala people even the racist ones didnt demand a sinhala only country while the terrorist supporters demanded a tamil only country.

Just calm down, i think you are paniking!

demanding and fighting for a separate country is the only respite for Tamils from genocidal neo Nazi Sinhalese

Germans didn't fight for a separate homeland, but they gassed Jews based on their Aryan supremacy ideology, similarly the Sinhala Buddhist ideology qualifies Sinhala Buddhists to be neo Nazi .

Anagarika Dharmapala (17 September 1864 - 29 April 1933) Sinhala Buddhist revivalist and writer , laid the foundation for Buddhist neo Nazi supremacy

He said
This bright, beautiful island was made into a Paradise by the Aryan Sinhalese before its destruction was brought about by the barbaric vandals. Its people did not know irreligion … Christianity and polytheism [i.e. Hinduism] are responsible for the vulgar practices of killing animals, stealing, prostitution, licentiousness, lying and drunkenness … The ancient, historic, refined people, under the diabolism of vicious paganism, introduced by the British administrators, are now declining slowly away.”
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demanding and fighting for a separate country is the only respite for Tamils from genocidal neo Nazi Sinhalese

Germans didn't fight for a separate homeland, but they gassed Jews based on their Aryan supremacy ideology, similarly the Sinhala Buddhist ideology qualifies Sinhala Buddhists to be neo Nazi .

Anagarika Dharmapala (17 September 1864 - 29 April 1933) Sinhala Buddhist revivalist and writer , laid the foundation for Buddhist neo Nazi supremacy

He said

Did the sinhalese gass the Tamils and try to elimate a whole community?

The Sinhala people's Aryan theory was first brought by the Brits, and still Sinhala language is considered an aryan language due to its relationship to sanskrit.

The aryan theory is consdered as a hoax by many hisorians now. Same way it makes the dravidian politics stupid.

The word Arya in Sinhala has no connection to the Aryan race, it is just a word in Pali language which means noble. It doesnt suggest a race.

And how does what the sinhala nationalists believe has any impact on what i said that Sinhala people have both NI and SI roots? And that Sinhala people didnt come from anywhere but evolved in SL?

I see you have no answers for the rest of the points I raised.
I see you find it unable to answer. pathetic loser!
Did the sinhalese gass the Tamils and try to elimate a whole community?

Still in denial ? For how long neo Nazis going to keep denying ? Neo Nazis in Lanka didn't resort to WW2 gas instead they used effective weapon of mass destruction, MBRLS, Cluster bombs, Kfir fighter jets, mass graves ad the army to eliminate Tamils since independence.

The method adopted differs but the intention and ideology is the same , Aryan supremacy

The Sinhala people's Aryan theory was first brought by the Brits, and still Sinhala language is considered an aryan language due to its relationship to sanskrit.

You should convince the neo Nazi Sinhalese, Maha nana who authored the fairy tale, Mahavamsa

543 BC
Beginning of succession of 168 Kings & 3 queens (543 BC to 1815 AD) in Sri Lanka
Year 1 of the Buddhist era in Lanka (ancient name).

The first entries in the Mahavamsa (Great History) date from now.

Arrival of Prince Viyaya & 700 other Indo-Aryans from Bengal, East India on the very day Buddha gave up his mortal body & ceased to exist achieving Nirvana the perfect annihilation.
About the time that bands of Indo-Aryans were making this island their home, momentous events were taking place in North India. Many centuries of religious developments & metaphysical speculation culminated in the rise of Buddhism, which preached that the man could assure his welfare here & in hereafter, & attain final beatitude by their own efforts, without divine help

The aryan theory is consdered as a hoax by many hisorians now. Same way it makes the dravidian politics stupid.

The word Arya in Sinhala has no connection to the Aryan race, it is just a word in Pali language which means noble. It doesnt suggest a race.

And how does what the sinhala nationalists believe has any impact on what i said that Sinhala people have both NI and SI roots? And that Sinhala people didnt come from anywhere but evolved in SL?

go say it to neo Nazis and Anagarika Dharmapala, (17 September 1864 - 29 April 1933) Sinhala Buddhist revivalist and writer who laid the foundation for Buddhist neo Nazi supremacy

He said This bright, beautiful island was made into a Paradise by the Aryan Sinhalese before its destruction was brought about by the barbaric vandals. Its people did not know irreligion … Christianity and polytheism [i.e. Hinduism] are responsible for the vulgar practices of killing animals, stealing, prostitution, licentiousness, lying and drunkenness … The ancient, historic, refined people, under the diabolism of vicious paganism, introduced by the British administrators, are now declining slowly away.”
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Still in denial ? For how long neo Nazis going to keep denying ? Neo Nazis in Lanka didn't resort to WW2 gas instead they used effective weapon of mass destruction, MBRLS, Cluster bombs, Kfir fighter jets, mass graves ad the army to eliminate Tamils since independence.
Ha ha I understand after having gone through a rational :D analysis of eelamist history you are now finding hard to make an argument.
The MBRLS, kafir jets are weapons used at war by the Lankan army targeting the LTTE pussies. It is unfortunate these pussies hid behind civilians. That doesn’t make the army guilty of these things. And SL started using them in the late 80s and your argument since independence holds no water.
Sri lanka army didn’t use cluster bombs and it is totally fine to use them in warfare. Though you do not know, cluster bombs is a legal weapon that could be used. Even US advised SL army to use them though the SL didn’t use it.
We will attack our enemy with MBRLS and whatever jets we have with us as long as the country’s enemy is eliminated. And we did.
The method adopted differs but the intention and ideology is the same , Aryan supremacy
Ha ha I think you are getting funnier day by day. People in SL don’t give a damn about an Aryan supremacy. I understand you are running out of arguments, but hey don’t fall into such a low level.
You should convince the neo Nazi Sinhalese, Maha nana who authored the fairy tale, Mahavamsa
What to convince them of and why should? The authors of mahavamsa are no more. As I understand the ones who live under the so called mahavamsa mentality are the Eelamists. They have nothing of themselves to show so they depend on mahavamsa. I can understand your pain, but have a grasp on reality.
The reality is a Sinhala people are a race originated and evolved in SL. whatever in mahavamsa doesn’t change that.
543 BC
Beginning of succession of 168 Kings & 3 queens (543 BC to 1815 AD) in Sri Lanka
Year 1 of the Buddhist era in Lanka (ancient name).

The first entries in the Mahavamsa (Great History) date from now.
Arrival of Prince Viyaya & 700 other Indo-Aryans from Bengal, East India on the very day Buddha gave up his mortal body & ceased to exist achieving Nirvana the perfect annihilation.
About the time that bands of Indo-Aryans were making this island their home, momentous events were taking place in North India. Many centuries of religious developments & metaphysical speculation culminated in the rise of Buddhism, which preached that the man could assure his welfare here & in hereafter, & attain final beatitude by their own efforts, without divine help

go say it to neo Nazis and Anagarika Dharmapala, (17 September 1864 - 29 April 1933) Sinhala Buddhist revivalist and writer who laid the foundation for Buddhist neo Nazi supremacy
So what is exactly your point? It doesn’t matter what Mahavamsa says. The reality is Sinhala is a race originated and evolved in SL which is the ONLY race evolved uniquely in SL. Actually what I gave you is an argument based on rationality and migration theory. It is because you cant find any suitable counter argue that you have to depend on mahavamsa a book which you love to hate.
If you don’t accept what mahavamsa says why treat it as evidence? And if certain Sinhala extremists treat Sinhala as an Aryan people it doesn’t make Sinhala an Aryan people it is just that their logic is flawed. :D
Between I see you have failed to answer many of the points i raised!
Ha ha I understand after having gone through a rational :D analysis of eelamist history you are now finding hard to make an argument.
The MBRLS, kafir jets are weapons used at war by the Lankan army targeting the LTTE pussies. It is unfortunate these pussies hid behind civilians. That doesn’t make the army guilty of these things.

I am not here to waste my time on you and your propaganda stunts will not convince the rest of the civilized world expect your external accomplices, India, China, Pakistan et al.

And thanks for acknowledging the use of use of sophisticated weapons of mass destruction on Tamils , hope you can grasp the 3 points highlighted below

"Official Release of the Judgement of the Peoples's Tribunal on Sri Lanka" | Club suisse de la presse

According to the UN’s Petrie Report the final weeks of the war in Sri Lanka in early 2009 left an estimated 70.000 Tamils unaccounted for. The thorough investigation by the Tribunal into the history of the Sri Lankan conflict has established that the Sri Lankan military’s conduct during this period constitute not only war crimes but are ‘part of a coordinated plan whose different components aim at the physical destruction’ of the Tamil people ‘in whole or in part.’ Further, it was found that without the substantial political and military assistance by its external accomplices the Sri Lankan State would not have had the capacity to conduct its extermination campaign


Sri lanka army didn’t use cluster bombs and it is totally fine to use them in warfare. Though you do not know, cluster bombs is a legal weapon that could be used. Even US advised SL army to use them though the SL didn’t use it.
We will attack our enemy with MBRLS and whatever jets we have with us as long as the country’s enemy is eliminated. And we did.

BBC News - Cluster bombs found in Sri Lanka, UN expert says
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I am not here to waste my time on you and your propaganda stunts will not convince the rest of the civilized world expect your external accomplices, India, China, Pakistan et al.

And thanks for acknowledging the use of use of sophisticated weapons of mass destruction on Tamils , hope you can grasp the 3 points highlighted below

"Official Release of the Judgement of the Peoples's Tribunal on Sri Lanka" | Club suisse de la presse

According to the UN’s Petrie Report the final weeks of the war in Sri Lanka in early 2009 left an estimated 70.000 Tamils unaccounted for. The thorough investigation by the Tribunal into the history of the Sri Lankan conflict has established that the Sri Lankan military’s conduct during this period constitute not only war crimes but are ‘part of a coordinated plan whose different components aim at the physical destruction’ of the Tamil people ‘in whole or in part.’ Further, it was found that without the substantial political and military assistance by its external accomplices the Sri Lankan State would not have had the capacity to conduct its extermination campaign

BBC News - Cluster bombs found in Sri Lanka, UN expert says
Terrorists need to b killed what srilanka did its in the interest of its people so case closed bro
Terrorists need to b killed what srilanka did its in the interest of its people so case closed bro

Are you that naïve and what's your justification for labeling the 100,000 + people killed by the Lankan army ( in 2009) as terrorists ?

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@manlion What you have seen so far is SL army against Tamil tiger terrorist group.
You still haven't seen any mega scale "racist Sinhalese" movement against Dravidian Tamils...:P
So what is exactly your point? It doesn’t matter what Mahavamsa says. The reality is Sinhala is a race originated and evolved in SL which is the ONLY race evolved uniquely in SL. Actually what I gave you is an argument based on rationality and migration theory. It is because you cant find any suitable counter argue that you have to depend on mahavamsa a book which you love to hate.
If you don’t accept what mahavamsa says why treat it as evidence? And if certain Sinhala extremists treat Sinhala as an Aryan people it doesn’t make Sinhala an Aryan people it is just that their logic is flawed. :D

how can you now deny your own glorious history when it turn unpalatable ?

the Mahavamsa makes the following claims
1)Sinhala are chosen people
2) Sinhalas are Aryan
3) Sri Lanka is the glorious pure land for preserving Theravada Buddhism
4) Tamils are invaders and pose a threat to Sinhala Buddhism

The Mahavamsa - Great Chronicle - History of Sri Lanka - Mahawansa

The Mahavamsa "The Great Chronicle" otherwise known as "The Great Dynasty" is the single most important work of Lankan origin (written in Pali language). It describes the life and times of the people who forged our nation, from the coming of Vijaya in 543 BCE to the reign of King Mahasena (334 – 361) (6th Century BC to 4th Century AD). A companion volume, the Culavamsa or Choolavansha ("lesser chronicle"), covers the period from the 4th century to the British takeover of Sri Lanka in 1815.
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^^ haha I have mentioned few times about this for you. what you have get mixed up with Sinhala and Hela races.

okay, let's say Tamils in Tamilnadu change their race name to "matto" in "matto nadu". so the race "matto" isn't native to that land? LOL names can change but the people are the same.
Are you that naïve and what's your justification for labeling the 100,000 + people killed by the Lankan army as terrorists ?

people who harbour terrorists are not innocent in any way they we part of LTTE supported them sheltered them so they got what they deserved
people who harbour terrorists are not innocent in any way they we part of LTTE supported them sheltered them so they got what they deserved

From ground reports these are people who were told to leave the villages/homes and move to the No Fire Zone by the military and later to be shelled by same military which had earlier shelled their villages and forced them in the NFZ

you are yet to tell how you label them as terrorists, did they rape , loot homes, bomb civilian homes, hospitals, schools , places of worship, orphanages, libraries ?

Rape of Tamil Women: Sri Lankan Army’s Weapon of War | Global Peace Support Group

Navaly Church bombing


The Navaly Church bombing was the bombing of The Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Navaly or Navali in the Jaffna peninsula in Sri Lanka by the Sri Lankan Air Force. It is estimated that at least 125 civilians, who found refuge from the fighting inside the church, have died as a result of this incident. The victims included men, women and children
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Anagarika Dharmapala (17 September 1864 - 29 April 1933) Sinhala Buddhist revivalist and writer , laid the foundation for Buddhist neo Nazi supremacy

He said
So what even if he said it? You can broadcast all your Dravidian supremacy crap all around subcontinent but if the other party does the same you go nuts. There are political parties named after the name "Dravidian" but there is not a single Aryan organisation or party.
Are you that naïve and what's your justification for labeling the 100,000 + people killed by the Lankan army ( in 2009) as terrorists ?


Where was 100000 people killed in SL? do you find the 40,000 figuer not sex enough?

And why ignore the article by wikileaks that US ambassodar was sure that people did not die so much in SL war and that SL army did everything to safeguard people's lives!

Tha fact that more than 300,000 people reached SL army and took refuge just blows your propaganda away. There is an injured to death ratio. In SL's case this ratio would put the number of deaths (both civilian and LTTE cadre) less than 8000. That too because the LTTE pussies hid behind civilians.

people who harbour terrorists are not innocent in any way they we part of LTTE supported them sheltered them so they got what they deserved

The fact is number of people who died is much less than the propaganda figure. That too because terrorists hid behind civilians and shot at fleeing civilians

^^ haha I have mentioned few times about this for you. what you have get mixed up with Sinhala and Hela races.

okay, let's say Tamils in Tamilnadu change their race name to "matto" in "matto nadu". so the race "matto" isn't native to that land? LOL names can change but the people are the same.
i have heard that the name Tamil is given to them by Sinhalese. :D
So what even if he said it? You can broadcast all your Dravidian supremacy crap all around subcontinent but if the other party does the same you go nuts. There are political parties named after the name "Dravidian" but there is not a single Aryan organisation or party.

For Christ sake , get your head out of the dung hole, do you even know the objectives of the Dravidian movement and why it came about ?
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