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Sri Lanka Guity of Tamil Genocide, India guilty of Complicity in Genocide

as a mix bag Sri Lankan you are excuse for being dumb, and I am in no mood to teach dummies Sinhala history.

So me tell you a story , once upon a time, a gang of thugs were banished from Bangladesh to the Island of Lanka. Lanka was then inhabited by a highly civilised Dravidian Hindu Tamils. The Chief thug married the Dravidian native Queen after usurping her kingdom he kicked her out to marry another Tamil princess from another country under the Pandya rule.

Gananath Obeysekera, an outstanding Sinhalese anthropologist has this to say:

"The Sinhalese identity nowadays is predicted on the view that since they speak an Indo European language, they are of North Indian origin whereas the Dravidian speaking Tamils are from the South. The historical reality however is totally different. Except perhaps for the oldest stratum of settlers prior to 200 B.C., almost all subsequent settlers in Sri Lanka came from South India, mostly from Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Kerala and quickly became Sinhalised. In fact, some of the most vociferous anti Tamil castes among the Sinhalese were post fifteenth century migrants from South India".

Sinhala is an ancient nation. We accepted and absorbed any immigrants that came to the country at that time and still we do. Sinhala people have bengali roots and tamil roots. No one doubts that. The one who claim Sinhalese are north indian are the eelamists.

The fact is how much they scream the eelamists in SL cant show anything of any value as evidence to their so called tamil kingdom. Lets ditch history, look at the picture in a logical way.

1. Had there was a successful tamil kingdom in SL they surely must have coorperation with TN. In such a case how come a small number of people from North India who came in a boat conquer the great kingdom? That is against rationality.

2. If Sinhalese came later and invaded Tamils how come sinhala people live in the south of SL while tamils live in North? The pattern of invasion would suggest otherwise. The reason Sinhala people dominate the south while tamils live in North is because sinhalese were pushed into the island interior due to invasions.

3. The logistical support in TN would have stopped any north indian settlers dominating the island. Imagine a north indian today go to Tamil Nadu and make it north indian character.

4. Jaffna is the most difficult part in SL to defend. That was the first that will hold onto the hands of enemy as sinhalese, tamils, portugese, dutch learnt with time. So the fact that Tamils hold Jaffna raises questions.

1. The reality is there is NO evidence to show strong Hindu culture in SL prior to buddhism. Some hindu practices might have been there, but largely animistic religious practices were prevalent.

2. Sinhala people have written records of histor thousand of years old. The dutch archives, stone inscriptions, history books will show that. Fa hien was a non SL person who lived in SL at that time. Still he hasnt mentioned a strong tamil existance in the island at that time. The tamils who lived in Jaffna was pointed out as pirates.

3. Howmuch eelamists find fault with sinhala people's history when it comes to evidences of history they have none. There isnt a single tamil literature book composed in SL until 18th century. while the sinhala alphebet, sinhala literature works, tradition and everything developed in SL (with indian input).

4. The place names in SL north has sanskrit origins.

what has happened?

The island was inhabited by indigenous people for millenias. from ancient times there have been constant immigration, invasions from different parts of the world (especially india). With time these people formed their own nation and their own identity. That is who sinhala people are. That is why sinhala people have genetic relaionship with almost all parts of india and various other parts in the world.

Gananath Obeysekera, an outstanding Sinhalese anthropologist has this to say:

"The Sinhalese identity nowadays is predicted on the view that since they speak an Indo European language, they are of North Indian origin whereas the Dravidian speaking Tamils are from the South. The historical reality however is totally different. Except perhaps for the oldest stratum of settlers prior to 200 B.C., almost all subsequent settlers in Sri Lanka came from South India, mostly from Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Kerala and quickly became Sinhalised. In fact, some of the most vociferous anti Tamil castes among the Sinhalese were post fifteenth century migrants from South India".

And why should not they be angry when the same bunch of people who settled in north demanding a separate country by manipulating the truth and branding the southern anti Tamil cast mentioned above as pure Sinhala.

Kudos to @Saradiel

This study is 15 years older and doesn't use Alu Polymorphism analysis, it only uses a selection of codominant loci which is not as accurate.
Genetic affinities of Sri Lankan populations. [Hum Biol. 1995] - PubMed - NCBI
Linkage analysis using direct and indirect counti... [J Anim Sci. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI

Alu polymorphism analysis looks at the actual genetic code after applying a restriction endonuclease, codominant loci linkage analysis looks at overall genotype only in specific locations.
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Tamils are genetically closely related to Aboriginals. There is plenty of research and documentation to this regard.

Australian Aborigines' genetic links with Tamils | TruthDiveTruthDive

New Delhi, Jan 16 (TruthDive): Latest scientific evidences have shown that a mix of genes among Australian Aboriginals and Tamils exists. Previous reports showed existence of some gene flow to Australia from India about 12 millennia back.

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany after studying some samples of genes of Australian aborigines concludes that a link of Dravidian speaking group is 4230 years old. The Indian contribution in Australian genome and Indian ancestry through genetic drift are studied and results are published with a precise period of time by scientific methodology and proved results.

These reports always use the name Indian or Dravidian instead of directly naming Tamil since Tamils are Indians and they speak the earliest dated classical language of Dravidian group of languages.

Some genetic material named M130 haplotype on the Y chromosome (or mitochondrial DNA) in Australian Aboriginals is seen common with Tamil people. It is found that mitochondrial DNA is passed on by mothers without much change over the generations to come. Earlier research by Dr Raghavendra Rao of Anthropological Survey of India was based on the above method of analyzing M- DNA.

Another evidence is available to show that the Tamils who are considered as ancient navigators went to Australia 500 years back. A bell used in ships with Tamil inscriptions found in New Zealand is dated back to 500 years well before the landing of Europeans in Australia in 18th century. In 1836, a woman in New Zealand was found cooking potatoes in this bell using it as a vessel.

Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, School of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide and Research Centre for Linguistic Typology La Trobe University, Melbourne have also recorded considerable evidences based on linguistic tools regarding similarities of Australian aboriginal languages with Tamil and have reported the same.

Perhaps most similar to Australian languages are the Dravidian languages of southern India. Tamil, for example, has five places of articulation in a single series of stops, paralleled by a series of nasals, and no fricatives (thus approaching the Australian proportion of sonorants to obstruents of 70% to 30%). Approaching the question from the opposite direction: according to the latest WHO data on the prevalence of chronic otitis media (Acuin 2004:14ff), Aboriginal Australians have the highest prevalence in the world – 10-54%, according to Coates & al (2002), up to 36% with perforations of the eardrum. They are followed – at some distance – by the Tamil of southern India (7.8%, down from previous estimates of 16-34%) to develop.

Therefore the genetic, archaeological and linguistic research studies are further going in the direction of finding more evidences of the links between Tamil and Australian aborigines.

Skin pigmentation of Sinhala and Tamil

In 2008 a study looked at SLC24A5 polymorphism which accounts for 25-40% of the skin complexion difference between Europeans and Africans and up to 30% of skin colour variation in South Asians.The study found that the rs1426654 SNP of SLC24A5, which is fixed in European populations and found more commonly in light skinned individuals than dark skinned individuals (49% compared to 10%), has a frequency of ~50% in the Sinhalese and ~30% in Sri Lankan tamils.This allele could have arisen in the Sinhalese due to North East Asian genetic admixture, migration or strong selection factors.

A population genetic study was designed to analyze genetic composition and population structure of the two main population groups (Sinhalese and Tamils) of Sri Lanka. Twentyseven polymorphic and three monomorphic loci were examined in all five populations. Several genetic markers, including subtype variation of HP, TF, PI, GC, ORM, and PGM1, were analyzed for the first time and helped to clarify the range of genetic variation for Sri Lankan populations. Many genetic systems (Rh, JK, ACP, ESD, HP, C3, TF, and GC) showed a high level of variation among the populations of Sri Lanka. However, at the individual level the Sinhalese population showed European features.


Sinhala, also known as Sinhalese is the mother tongue of the Sinhalese people, who make up the largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka, numbering about 16 million. Sinhala is also spoken, as a second language by other ethnic groups in Sri Lanka, totalling about 3 million.It belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. Sinhala is one of the official and national languages of Sri Lanka. Sinhala, along with Pali, played a major role in the development of Theravada Buddhist literature.


Tamil is a Dravidian language spoken predominantly by Tamil people of South India and North-east Sri Lanka.

I remember reading another study before which linked Tamil language with other languages from the horn of Africa.
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Sinhala is an ancient nation. We accepted and absorbed any immigrants that came to the country at that time and still we do. Sinhala people have bengali roots and tamil roots. No one doubts that. The one who claim Sinhalese are north indian are the eelamists.

Umpteen times Snhala Neo Nazis have been exposed for all your stupidity, lies, forgeries, thuggery and yet you shamelessly return to the same nonsense expecting me to response to your rubbish

I will address each of your nonsense

The one who claims Aryan ancestry are the Sinhala thugs don't try and twist and push your quilt on "Eelamist'

These claims are made by :

1) Your own diplomat

“Today, India seems to be concerned only about the 12 per cent Tamil population in Sri Lanka who share ethnic links with Tamil Nadu. But Sinhalese too have similar but ancient links with Odisha and north India,” Prasad Kariyawasam, the Sri Lanka high commissioner to India, has said in a statement.

“It is believed that 75 per cent of the Sinhala race in Sri Lanka originated from in and around Kalinga (modern-day Odisha). Therefore, the people in Odisha and Bengal consider the Sinhala population in Sri Lanka as having its origins in India. The strong links that existed were torn asunder by Moghul and British invasion.”

Sinhalese are descendants of Odias and Bengalis therefore deserve Indian support | Eye Sri Lanka

2) Your "historic" source

"Many Sinhalese view themselves as a "chosen people." The Mahavamsa, an epic piece of "mytho history" composed by Buddhist monks around the fifth century A.D., traces the origins of the Sinhalese to the regions of northern and eastern India inhabited in ancient times by Aryan peoples. Evidence to back this claim includes not only their language, which is related to the languages of northern India including Sanskrit, but the supposedly "fairer" complexions of the Sinhalese compared to their Dravidian neighbors. The Mahavamsa depicts the history of Sri Lanka as a bitter struggle between the Sinhalese and darker-skinned Dravidian intruders from the mainland. In the eyes of Sinhalese chauvinists, this struggle for survival continues to the present day."

Sri Lanka - The Sinhalese

3) Your thuggish PDF counterpart

by posting the above chart, he has substantiated all the claims with 'scientific" data

Its time for you thugs to sort out and reconcile your won contradictions and not try and twist, history with your fabricated tales/data/history.

1. Had there was a successful tamil kingdom in SL they surely must have coorperation with TN. In such a case how come a small number of people from North India who came in a boat conquer the great kingdom? That is against rationality.

You did not conquer but usurped the kingdom of Lanka from a natïve Queen through deceit
that's from your own historic source - Google Kuveni
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Umpteen times Snhala Neo Nazis have been exposed for all your stupidity, lies, forgeries, thuggery and yet you shamelessly return to the same nonsense expecting me to response to your rubbish

I will address each of your nonsense

The one who claims Aryan ancestry are the Sinhala thugs don't try and twist and push your quilt on "Eelamist'

This is claim is made the claim are

1) Your diplomat

Sinhalese are descendants of Odias and Bengalis therefore deserve Indian support | Eye Sri Lanka

2) Your "historic" source

"Many Sinhalese view themselves as a "chosen people." The Mahavamsa, an epic piece of "mytho history" composed by Buddhist monks around the fifth century A.D., traces the origins of the Sinhalese to the regions of northern and eastern India inhabited in ancient times by Aryan peoples. Evidence to back this claim includes not only their language, which is related to the languages of northern India including Sanskrit, but the supposedly "fairer" complexions of the Sinhalese compared to their Dravidian neighbors. The Mahavamsa depicts the history of Sri Lanka as a bitter struggle between the Sinhalese and darker-skinned Dravidian intruders from the mainland. In the eyes of Sinhalese chauvinists, this struggle for survival continues to the present day."

Sri Lanka - The Sinhalese

3) Your thuggish PDF counterpart

by posting the above chart, he has substantiated all the claims with 'scientific" data

Its time for you thugs to sort out and reconcile your won contradictions and not try and twist, history with your fabricated tales.

I find it interesting you have no counter to my point except with an ad hominem attack. Yes, I have substantiated my claims with scientific data, that is how one goes about constructing a well-reasoned argument.
I find it interesting you have no counter to my point except with an ad hominem attack. Yes, I have substantiated my claims with scientific data, that is how one goes about constructing a well-reasoned argument.

Please reconcile your Sinhala "scientific' data- 84% North Indian genetic mix , with Sinhala 'rationality'


1. Had there was a successful tamil kingdom in SL they surely must have coorperation with TN. In such a case how come a small number of people from North India who came in a boat conquer the great kingdom? That is against rationality.

3. The logistical support in TN would have stopped any north indian settlers dominating the island. Imagine a north indian today go to Tamil Nadu and make it north indian character.

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Singhalas have Lions................omg we Tamils need some animal, let's have 'tiger'...xD da faq, Singhalas Lion has a sword in his hand....so we Tamils should have some weapon to show them we aren't second them...so 2 guns....so this is "Tamil Eelam"

LOL but 'Tamil Eelam' = Tamils live in Sinhalese land.

No surprise and the ancient land of the Tamil Kumari Kandam included Australia but a Sinhala 'rationalist' has dismissed it to be taken with a heavy dose of salt

Kumari Kandam


I have heard Tamils come from east Ethiopia...
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No surprise and the ancient land of the Tamil Kumari Kandam included Australia but a Sinhala 'rationalist' has dismissed it to be taken with a heavy dose of salt

Kumari Kandam


So you should claim your peelam back from Australia?
So you should claim your peelam back from Australia?

what peelam ? are you having constipation problems like your fellow neo Nazis ?

thugs just stick to your own Sinhala neo Nazi lies, forgeries, fairy tales , contradictions, and invented ", scientific data" , don't poke your nose all over place unnecessarily .
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what peelam ? are you having constipation problems like your fellow neo Nazis ?

thugs just stick to your own Sinhala neo Nazi lies, forgeries, fairy tales , contradictions, and invented ", scientific data" , don't poke your nose all over place unnecessarily .

I'm not the one claiming peelam in 4 different countries around the world.

I have my own country, and that's all I claim.
Please reconcile your Sinhala "scientific' data- 84% North Indian genetic mix , with Sinhala 'rationality'



I don't have to reconcile anything, that is just what the genetics say. No further proof is necessary, that's how genetic analysis works. They are not open for opnion and conjecture.
Umpteen times Snhala Neo Nazis have been exposed for all your stupidity, lies, forgeries, thuggery and yet you shamelessly return to the same nonsense expecting me to response to your rubbish

I will address each of your nonsense

The one who claims Aryan ancestry are the Sinhala thugs don't try and twist and push your quilt on "Eelamist'

These claims are made by :

1) Your own diplomat

Sinhalese are descendants of Odias and Bengalis therefore deserve Indian support | Eye Sri Lanka

2) Your "historic" source

"Many Sinhalese view themselves as a "chosen people." The Mahavamsa, an epic piece of "mytho history" composed by Buddhist monks around the fifth century A.D., traces the origins of the Sinhalese to the regions of northern and eastern India inhabited in ancient times by Aryan peoples. Evidence to back this claim includes not only their language, which is related to the languages of northern India including Sanskrit, but the supposedly "fairer" complexions of the Sinhalese compared to their Dravidian neighbors. The Mahavamsa depicts the history of Sri Lanka as a bitter struggle between the Sinhalese and darker-skinned Dravidian intruders from the mainland. In the eyes of Sinhalese chauvinists, this struggle for survival continues to the present day."

Sri Lanka - The Sinhalese

3) Your thuggish PDF counterpart

by posting the above chart, he has substantiated all the claims with 'scientific" data

Its time for you thugs to sort out and reconcile your won contradictions and not try and twist, history with your fabricated tales/data/history.

You did not conquer but usurped the kingdom of Lanka from a natïve Queen through deceit
that's from your own historic source - Google Kuveni

I think from your posts it is quite clear who the neo nazis are. Sinhala people even the racist ones didnt demand a sinhala only country while the terrorist supporters demanded a tamil only country.

Just calm down, i think you are paniking!

1. Sinhala people have north indian roots actually some sinhala racists emphasize on it more. but the sinhala people largely consider both their north indian and south indian and veddha roots. Actually the ones who live mostly on the story of north indian immigration are the eelamists. Sinhala people have north indian roots but they are not north indians. Our skin color, physical features are akin to south indians more.
You have pointed at what the commissioner said. I see nothing wrong in it. It is said some of the sinhala people came from that part of india. He doesnt contradict what i say, rather prove my point. Immigrants from all over india formed sinhala people.

Mahavamsa is a history book of very high value. However as a book written in 5 AD it has its share of myths. The historians consider the initial part of mahavamsa about vijaya and all these things to be just myths. May be Vijaya is just a story. Bashing mahavamsa is one of the most favorite past times of eelamists. Isnt it hilarious that they have to take help from Mahavamsa even to put up an argument.
Again if it proves anything that is the possibility of north indian immigrants into SL and of course the north indian roots of the sinhala people.

Like tamils, sinhala people are not a continuation of a single race, it is much more like a nation that was built together by the immigrants and the natives. Undoubtedly Sinhala people have tamil roots as well. :)

The genetic data that some sinhalese here posted and the ones you posted have one thing in common. That is NI dna, Tamil dna in sinhala people. So it actually proves my point that sinhala people have both NI roots and tamil roots. They evolved as a nation and a race within SL. All their tradition, culture, literature, language evolved in Sri lanka. This is drastically different to the Eelamists who talk about a tamil kingdom in SL but has no customs, language, traditions and even a literature unique to them.

And i see you havent answered my every point though you said you will. The migration pattern in SL goes along with what i say
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