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Taiwan President shows their F 16 Upgrade Program

China won't nuke Taiwan unless the decision maker is literally braindead, it would be counterproductive.

Taiwan would be an uninhabitable island, basically worthless, and the consequences of such an action would be huge.

Taiwan will fall if China really wants it. But the cost would be immense. I am really not sure why China thinks it's worth it.

Such a war will bring devastation to the whole world in terms of supply chain, devastation to the Chinese military, destroy most of Taiwan. Needless suffering.

Maybe it's to eliminate Taiwan as a semiconductor manufacturer?
Taiwan just let PLA walkover. Most taiwanese has no will to defend Taiwan. Then the US and their lackeys shall watch PLA takeover Taiwan without interference and I can guarantee no nuke will used. Business as usual. Wall street and DJI, NASDAQ will operate as usual.
Iron Dome failed
When lol? Its capabilities are appreciated worldwide.
Taiwan just let PLA walkover. Most taiwanese has no will to defend Taiwan. Then the US and their lackeys shall watch PLA takeover Taiwan without interference and I can guarantee no nuke will used. Business as usual. Wall street and DJI, NASDAQ will operate as usual.
You're wrong about that, they don't want the Chinese government to control them.
Taiwan will fall if China really wants it. But the cost would be immense. I am really not sure why China thinks it's worth it.

Such a war will bring devastation to the whole world in terms of supply chain, devastation to the Chinese military, destroy most of Taiwan. Needless suffering.

Not really. It used to be Taiwan and Hainan. Then it just became Taiwan when in 1950 the PLA destroyed the Taiwanese forces on Hainan with a 1:6 casualty ratio in their favor. Hainan is also an island.

The devastation has historically been mostly one sided.
1950s Taiwan isn't today's Taiwan.
Today, modern weapons allow even the most crude guerrilla force to be a force to be reckoned with.

Correct, 1950s Taiwan was still a military superpower that inherited the resources of the entire Republic of China with millions of troops, a large navy and air force, and direct foreign support.

Today their situation is worse than Saddam faced vs the US in 1991.
Googling what the word means will help you. Also what'll help you is researching the inventories of both China and Taiwan. And then rereading what I wrote.

But you're free to believe whatever you like. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe you should learn the real definition of "neer peer enemy" before suggesting others. You have to be extremely delusional to think that China and Taiwan are in the same league:)

Let's compare?


Active personnel:
China: 2 million
Taiwan: 165000
China has a military 12 times larger:)

Modern 3rd generation tanks:
China: 2000+
Taiwan: 0....
Taiwan most modern tank is the second generation M60. Lmao...

Armored Vehicles:
China: 35000
Taiwan: 8750

Self-propelled artillery:
China: 1970
Taiwan: 257

I could go on and on when it comes land forces. Let's now look at air forces.

Total aircraft:
China: 3260
Taiwan: 739
China has 4x as many aircraft.

Fighter aircraft:
China: 1200
Taiwan: 288
China has around 900 4th generation aircraft. Taiwan has 160 4th generation aircraft.

As I said earlier I could go on and on. But I am not going to waste my time on you. The only countries that can fight China in a conventional war is USA and Russia. Taiwan's military is far far weaker than the PLA. The gap is enourmous. Taiwan does actually have a powerful military, but it can't be compared to the PLA.
When lol? Its capabilities are appreciated worldwide.

You're wrong about that, they don't want the Chinese government to control them.
Then by starting Armageddon and end the world? You think every time, US and West can get their will? US start trade war with China and end up not getting the desire effect they want.

For Taiwan, they like it or not, there is nothing much they can do. China will definitely used nuke to end the west if they want Taiwan so much. Chinese are willing to die for Taiwan but not lazy West people. Understand!

The world will still goes on if Taiwan is back to Mainland control without a big war. But the world will never be the same if a war with China started by West.
And you think Chinese Missiles Fleet is in the same level with Hamas cheap homemade rockets that they use in Gaza?
Sir don't waste time on such petty posts who don't even know the rockets iron dome intercepted were dumb bombs that even on impact didn't have much effect anyway.
When lol? Its capabilities are appreciated worldwide.

You're wrong about that, they don't want the Chinese government to control them.
So it stopped every missile and nothing got through. Appreciated by the nazis propaganda machine. Beny how does it feel to become a nazi?
Then by starting Armageddon and end the world? You think every time, US and West can get their will? US start trade war with China and end up not getting the desire effect they want.

For Taiwan, they like it or not, there is nothing much they can do. China will definitely used nuke to end the west if they want Taiwan so much. Chinese are willing to die for Taiwan but not lazy West people. Understand!

The world will still goes on if Taiwan is back to Mainland control without a big war. But the world will never be the same if a war with China started by West.
This is going to be an ego war.

A war will happen not because Taiwan is so important and everyone is willing to die for it, it's because if Taiwan gets invaded and China does what it wants without any real consequence, nothing prevents China from doing the same with other countries in the region.
This is going to be an ego war.

A war will happen not because Taiwan is so important and everyone is willing to die for it, it's because if Taiwan gets invaded and China does what it wants without any real consequence, nothing prevents China from doing the same with other countries in the region.
Israel will be the last to talk about aggression! They are wiping out the land of Palestinian.
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