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Taiwan President shows their F 16 Upgrade Program

Taiwan is living in a bigger world of fantasy than India. It's puny airforce has less than 200 combat aircraft, mostly F-16 and about 50 Mirage 2000 and they can be destroyed by the PLAAF in a matter of minutes. Chinese land based missiles can also shut down all the Taiwanese airbases in first strike. The Taiwanese puppet airforce has barely 12 major airbases, like the Zionists in Occupied Palestine and they are toast in the first strike with runway denial, drones and loitering munitions.

Air Force - Taiwan640 × 640
Taiwan is living in a bigger world of fantasy than India. It's puny airforce has less than 200 combat aircraft, mostly F-16 and about 50 Mirage 2000 and they can be destroyed by the PLAAF in a matter of minutes. Chinese land based missiles can also shut down all the Taiwanese airbases in first strike. The Taiwanese puppet airforce has barely 12 major airbases, like the Zionists in Occupied Palestine and they are toast in the first strike with runway denial, drones and loitering munitions.

Air Force - Taiwan640 × 640

PCL-191 MLRS can cover all of Taiwan. Then the ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles. Then the air-launched cruise and ballistic missiles. Then the ship-launched cruise missiles. Then the submarine-launched cruise missiles. Then the electronic and cyber warfare. Taiwan will get slaughtered in a war with the mainland.
After these are captured, I think China should transfer them to Pakistan for dirt cheap prices or use them as aggressor squadron.
Good news

UK is also considering weapons sales to Taiwan

Republic of Taiwan needs to be protected at all costs

they want remain a free and democratic country and independent country

and UK will do everything within its power to ensure stability is maintained in the region

it is said that Royal Navy will permanently deploy a Hunter Killer Nuclear Submarine in the Pacific region 24/7 at 365

that alone should ensure no one makes any silly makes

Astute Class SSN is the Worlds most advanced submarine defeating the USN Virginia Class in exercises
Grow some pride, these taiwanese are mocking RN in SCS and u still got a thick face try to save them. :lol:
Yea yea...keep moving the goal posts troll...

You lied and said China had "hundreds of AWACS"...

I told you China has less than 50 AWACS....you came back and said China has hundreds of transport air crafts.....I told you that AWACS are different from transport aircrafts........you came came back and said you meant AWACS and EW's.........I told you China didn't have "hundreds" of them either.....you keep mentioning EW's like they're AWACS LOL

So again, you said in your first post on this thread that China had "hundreds of AWAC".....show me where it does.....even if you include the amount of EW fighters it has.....it's still maybe 50-200 fighters......and the 200 number is a long shot.

But yea, keep moving the goal posts. Cuz that's all you can do. :pop:

Tell this to the CCP Lmao....

I'm sure they'll listen to your wonderful advice and liberate Taiwan. :lol:

Wake me when they do. :dirol:
When did he lied? He just used Y-20 from wiki as example of incorrect data for anything about PLAAF. Therefore I can say wiki info about PLAAF AWACS numbers are questionable too.

You are the one shifting goalpost.
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"neer peer enemy". Taiwan a neer peer enemy to China? What are you smoking?🤣

Googling what the word means will help you. Also what'll help you is researching the inventories of both China and Taiwan. And then rereading what I wrote.

But you're free to believe whatever you like. :rolleyes:
Destroy by who? Pants shitter Biden?

lol Only idiot will take WIKI as source.:rofl:
This is the AWACS factory from 4 years ago. Help yourself with your 14 Kj-500.



Only some of them are AWACS as you can see with the radar on top.

Even if they're all AWACS, that's still 14 of them....

Like I said, China has at least 50 AWACS......not "hundreds" like you said. :lol:
OK u win...I save a headache tablet. Mad people always thing the rest of the world is mad. Don't they !

I'm not here to win or lose. You might be...

I'm here to present an alternative case....an understanding of what there is and what there isn't. Take me as a "educator" or a "informer". A friend if you must. :D

Again, if it was easy to "swarm" or "invade" Taiwan, China would have done it by now. :enjoy:
Grow some pride, these taiwanese are mocking RN in SCS and u still got a thick face try to save them. :lol:

When did he lied? He just used Y-20 from wiki as example of incorrect data for anything about PLAAF. Therefore I can say wiki info about PLAAF AWACS numbers are questionable too.

You are the one shifting goalpost.

Chinese have hundreds of Big AWACS like KJ-200, KJ-500, and KJ-2000.

Right there^^^

He said China has "hundreds of Big AWACS". :rofl:

I told him China has around 50.......he brought up transport aircrafts......i told him there's a big difference between AWACS and transport air crafts......he said China has hundreds of EW air crafts.....I told him EW air crafts aren't AWACS and even then, China has between 50-200 at max.

Then he showed me the pics of at least 14 AWACS......14......not "hundreds". :D

Get the picture? :rolleyes:
lol I see a jingoistic troll parotting U.S. state propaganda narratives from the last century, citing an unqualified website run by Indian and American trolls and shills, where the Hindutva Times counts as a Chinese, Russian and U.S. government source, citing American blogs from 2015, citing 2014 estimates, all to tell Chinese what Chinese have and not in terms of warfare capability ... a month away from 2022


Protip: It's ad hominem short ad hom, not ad hoc. Don't use "Western" expressions you don't understand when you are just about to deny that you are falseflagging as one.

So you made a "ad hominem" post just to prove that I'm the jingoist?? :lol:
Good news

UK is also considering weapons sales to Taiwan

Republic of Taiwan needs to be protected at all costs

they want remain a free and democratic country and independent country

and UK will do everything within its power to ensure stability is maintained in the region

it is said that Royal Navy will permanently deploy a Hunter Killer Nuclear Submarine in the Pacific region 24/7 at 365

that alone should ensure no one makes any silly makes

Astute Class SSN is the Worlds most advanced submarine defeating the USN Virginia Class in exercises

You should be promoted to
I see most on here don't know how warfare works...

Let me repost a post I wrote on why China hasn't and probably won't attack Taiwan for quite some time:

Kek.....Taiwan is armed to the teeth.

Taiwan might not seem like it but all the surroundings islands are littered with weapons of different kinds, including decoys.

And China can't attack at will......only at certain times of the year if I'm not wrong.

China's proximity to Taiwan is also a double edged sword.....Taiwan can literally kill 10x its own population if it's attacked.

Even if China wins the naval war and invades, by the time it reaches the shores, it'll have a lot of casualties piled up. Nukes are out of option since fallout will be right on Chinas doorstep and the political, moral and economic consequences to handle after that...

Best bet China has is internal strife/civil war or help from spies/traitors within Taiwan to ease the invasion. People who think it's gonna be a cake walk will need to review the US casualties of the Gulf War and then 10x-100x them in regards to China.

Just my two cents...

I just hope I don't get those retarded replies by the same groups of well known fan boys on here. :rolleyes:
You don't understand mandarin, do you? Those who know Taiwan would never believe Taiwanese have balls to fight a war. They are the most cowardly people. Once the war happens, Taiwan won't resist longer than Afghan government army. I don't know what good thing democracy can bring to democratic countries. I know democracy does erode people's fighting spirit.
You don't understand mandarin, do you? Those who know Taiwan would never believe Taiwanese have balls to fight a war. They are the most cowardly people. Once the war happens, Taiwan won't resist longer than Afghan government army. I don't know what good thing democracy can bring to democratic countries. I know democracy does erode people's fighting spirit.

Ok and??

You got a source to back it all up??

Why're you telling me this?? You should be telling this to the CCP. Since Taiwan is "cowardly". It should collapse on itself, right??

So why is China not attacking it? :D
If I am war planner, I will keep the military commisar system in Taiwan. The removal of such system greatly harm the morale of soldiers. No one wants to fight in Taiwan. And guess who get rid of it? It was the pro independence president Lee Teng Hui at the bidding of USA.
Ok and??

You got a source to back it all up??

Why're you telling me this?? You should be telling this to the CCP. Since Taiwan is "cowardly". It should collapse on itself, right??

So why is China not attacking it? :D
China did not attack Taiwan not because China is afraid of Taiwan's military power. CCP never believes Taiwan itself would be a serious problem. The main obstacle lies in US and its allies. Why does China have to build aircraft carriers considering Taiwan is 130km away from China mainland?
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Funny thing is various polls show Taiwan people themselves don't believe Taiwan is even remotely denfendable yet several foreign "analysts" here in PDF fight so hard trying to convince them they can...Iol, can anything more ridiculous than this?
I start to wonder who the hell will eventually fight in a real battle if a war broke out, Taiwan army or PDF analysts/keyboard warriors?
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lol....China doesn't have enough air or naval assets to "swarm" Taiwan. It only has a overwhelming edge in long range fire (missiles).

A military buildup is quite noticeable. Like I said....the proximity to Taiwan is a double edged sword.

Taiwan has 400 km BM's (ballistic missiles). All China can do is rain similar missiles onto Taiwan. Thus killing over 10M people. Can it do that??

Most likely not.

If China attacks, so will Taiwan. And the attacker in this case will incur a lot of casualties.

Like I wrote in my above post, Taiwan is armed to the teeth. Anything short of a nuclear war will be very bloody for China.

And even nuking Taiwan will mean the fallout falling right back into China and killing the Chinese people too.

Which is why you see pathetic attempts by China and Chinese on PDF where they say "we're all the same!!" "you're Han Chinese too!"

That's the best policy China can adopt.....weaken Taiwan from within and reunify it peacefully.

If warfare was easy, China would have done it by now. If the US can't defeat Taliban....China has no hope of easily defeating a near peer enemy.

Of course, given enough body bags and economic turmoil, China can take Taiwan....but will it be worth it???

The CCP has decided that it isn't so far. :coffee:
China won't nuke Taiwan unless the decision maker is literally braindead, it would be counterproductive.

Taiwan would be an uninhabitable island, basically worthless, and the consequences of such an action would be huge.
Funny thing is various polls show Taiwan people themselves don't believe Taiwan is even remotely denfendable yet several foreign "analysts" here in PDF fight so hard trying to convince them they can...Iol, can anything more ridiculous than this?
I start to wonder who the hell will eventually fight in a real battle if a war broke out, Taiwan army or PDF analysts/keyboard warriors?
Taiwan will fall if China really wants it. But the cost would be immense. I am really not sure why China thinks it's worth it.

Such a war will bring devastation to the whole world in terms of supply chain, devastation to the Chinese military, destroy most of Taiwan. Needless suffering.

Maybe it's to eliminate Taiwan as a semiconductor manufacturer?
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