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US cancels plan to upgrade Taiwan's F-16 fleet

If China used force to remove wannabe imperialists from the South China Sea, the West's whore media would be up in arms and spin 24/7 propaganda reels. If Taiwan did the same, they would be completely paralyzed. Sadly, most Taiwanese people prefer to let turd world circus governments like that of the Philippines push them around.
nope not in 70s 80 era
If China used force to remove wannabe imperialists from the South China Sea, the West's whore media would be up in arms and spin 24/7 propaganda reels. If Taiwan did the same, they would be completely paralyzed. Sadly, most Taiwanese people prefer to let turd world circus governments like that of the Philippines push them around.
Im curious why Taiwan did not seek compensation and apology after the coast guard-fisherman incident?
I think they did, and finally got their apology after the cheap hookers in the Philippines parliament (or whatever that stinking dunghouse is callsed) made a nationalistic circus out of the murder. I don't know if they are compensating the families or not. The usually low-key Ma kicked Aquino repeatedly in his shriveled ball-sack until he bent over. Even their American daddies came around to slap him in the face after skipping on child support.
But according to some of the cheerleaders here, China so desperately needs the West! They would never be able to do anything if some rogue such as North Korea threatened them.

China can clash with the US right now, and China won't collapse, but it would ruin our goal to surpass USA without firing a shot.
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