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Taiwan affairs

Jun 22, 2013
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中国大陆告诉老百姓 “你们没有脑筋啦 (所以不能够选举)”

I translate the above.

Taiwan is a democratic and free country, not PRC. PRC only know how to talk. Worst thing of PRC is their leaders lie too much, to con the peasants. PRC leaders tell the peasants that the peasants are too stupid, so no way for election. Before the KMT and CCP fought civil war, Lee Teng Hui stop it. We should not fight but we must build relationship. When I participate in presidential election, Jiang Zemin fired missile to sabotage me. I told Jiang Zemin, your missiles are phoney. PRC leaders are funny, what are they got to do with Taiwanese presidential election? They wanted to fire missile, I told them "I have 18 ways to neutralize them". Taiwan has her own ways, PRC ways are no good.
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Coming to Taiwan,you will know the Great Cultural Revolution never ends
Japan is Taiwan's favorite nation

Japan Taiwan’s favorite country, survey reveals - Taipei Times

More than half the population listed Japan as their favorite country, a survey conducted by Japan’s representative office in Taiwan has found.

Japan ranked far ahead of the US and China as the favorite foreign country of Taiwanese, being chosen by 52 percent of respondents to a survey conducted by the Japan Interchange Association’s Taipei office, the country’s de facto embassy in Taiwan.

Only 8 percent of respondents said the US was their favorite country, while 5 percent said China.

“The results show that people in Taiwan and Japan have good feelings about each other in general,” said Chen Tyau-her (陳調和), secretary-general of the East Asian Relations Commission under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In terms of Taiwan-Japan relations, 28 percent described them as “good or very good,” and 63 percent said relations are “neither good nor bad.”

Around 62 percent of respondents described Japan as a “closely-related” country, with 13 percent among them saying that relations between Taiwan and Japan are “very close.” The number was down from last year’s 69 percent.

Japan is still highly popular among Taiwanese tourists, as 90 percent of respondents said it was a charismatic country and 44 percent said Japan was their preferred destination for an overseas trip.
^^ that is nothing new Clown
the japanese are doing these antics every now and then to reaffirm their shaking confidence over Taiwan. The survey was done by a japanese entity
if the right wings love japanese so much, they should all find an island adjacent to japan and get the **** out of the Taiwan Island en masse! Let them rule by abbe there!
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Japan would protect Taiwan, and Taiwan would ally with Japan
More than half of HK young people support Taiwan Independence.

Support for independent Taiwan rises among youth - The Standard

More young Hongkongers believe Taiwan should be independent, according to a survey by the University of Hong Kong.
The survey conducted last month showed that of the 1,000 respondents, 29 percent backed an independent Taiwan, compared with 26 percent in the last survey in August.

When broken down into age groups, support for an independent Taiwan rose sharply in the 18-29 age bracket from 45 percent in last August's survey to 58 percent in the latest survey.

We love Chinese culture. It is so sad to see PRC destroying Chinese culture.Today, the only hope for Chinese is Taiwan. Taiwanese love good thing about humanity oppose to PRC. PRC want oppression, hate democracy, love hypocrisy, love $$$, love to lie, want to hate people....etc.
^^^ another run of your drivel ldv. Have you met your daily quota?
the survey was done by a unit which is notoriously biased and it is intentionally done to answer calls from its master in the west

Your trash needs to be recycled as follows

PRC love Chinese culture. It is so sad to see the west and its cohorts (usa, uk, japanese, taiwan right wings and other right wings et al) are destroying Chinese culture.Today, the only hope for Chinese is PRC.

PRC love good thing about humanity oppose to the west (usa, uk japanese, taiwan right wings and other right wingset al). The latter want oppression, hate true democracy, love hypocrisy, love $$$, love to lie, want to hate people of non-white ....etc.
Takasago Volunteer: The best jungle fighters in the world

Takasago Volunteers (高砂義勇隊 Takasago Giyūtai) were volunteer soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army, recruited from the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes during World War II.



In the field, Takasago Giyutai members were appreciated for their strength and natural ability to operate in mountains and jungle. When the South Seas Force was deployed for the overland attack on Port Moresby, Takasago Giyutai as well as Koreans, in total 500 men, were included in the Force in order to increase manpower to carry the supply into the mountains. In addition, about two thousand native carriers were recruited to accompany the Force.

During the campaign, the courage and ingenuity of the Takasago Giyûtai members were commended. One of the commanders of the Buna Garrison, Major YAMAMOTO Koichi, praised them for their adept ability at jungle fighting. Just before the rout of the Buna Garrison, YAMAMOTO left his last report with a member of the Takasago Giyûtai who managed to survive. In it, YAMAMOTO wrote that they excelled as crack shots, and had sharp ears as they were always the first to hear an approaching enemy. Furthermore, they could move in the jungle without making noise, and was good at reconnaissance.

Takasago Volunteers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Australian War Memorial - AJRP
Takasago Volunteer: The best jungle fighters in the world

Takasago Volunteers (高砂義勇隊 Takasago Giyūtai) were volunteer soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army, recruited from the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes during World War II.



In the field, Takasago Giyutai members were appreciated for their strength and natural ability to operate in mountains and jungle. When the South Seas Force was deployed for the overland attack on Port Moresby, Takasago Giyutai as well as Koreans, in total 500 men, were included in the Force in order to increase manpower to carry the supply into the mountains. In addition, about two thousand native carriers were recruited to accompany the Force.

During the campaign, the courage and ingenuity of the Takasago Giyûtai members were commended. One of the commanders of the Buna Garrison, Major YAMAMOTO Koichi, praised them for their adept ability at jungle fighting. Just before the rout of the Buna Garrison, YAMAMOTO left his last report with a member of the Takasago Giyûtai who managed to survive. In it, YAMAMOTO wrote that they excelled as crack shots, and had sharp ears as they were always the first to hear an approaching enemy. Furthermore, they could move in the jungle without making noise, and was good at reconnaissance.

Takasago Volunteers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Australian War Memorial - AJRP

Here is Lux de Veritas, trying to correct people with "mis-information". If I am a dictator, I can conscript soldiers and give their unit any name I want, even calling them "volunteers".


Aboriginal veterans were treated like dirt compared to ethnic Japanese and Hokkien soldiers of IJA.

Teruo Nakamura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Japanese ordered aboriginals serving in the IJA to behead Seediq aboriginals for rebelling against Japanese rule. These are what the collaborators did to aboriginals who revolted.

Wushe Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Wushe Incident

Wushe Uprising


Some 216 Aboriginal people were killed in a massacre following the Wushe Incident. Japanese-recruited Aboriginal militias took 101 heads and returned them to the Japanese for bounty payments.
Here is Lux de Veritas, trying to correct people with "mis-information". If I am a dictator, I can conscript soldiers and give their unit any name I want, even calling them "volunteers".

Members like him are an insult to this forum. Seediq aboriginals resistance was so well known, it was made into a movie, not less a critically acclaimed one.

Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale

Sàidékè balái (2011) - IMDb
PRC Chinese don't know how to say Sorry, means they have less motivation to improve themselves ...
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