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Putin in Crimea independence speech: We thanks Chinese people

those chinese supporting russia are all idiots, they should learn the history of china. Today's Cremea is yeasterdays' mongolia and Tanu Tuva

Blame your beloved KMT party who signed off the independence of Outer Mongolia.

We will take back Outer Mongolia in the future, but it is still none of your business.
Even Taiwan could flatten your sorry excuse of a military in seconds if they felt like it. You know why they don't? Because they're not imperialists, like you. They have humanitarian considerations unlike you rats. So you got dominated for 1,000 years by a country with a weak military? The Mongols sent tribute for centuries to a weak country? The Japanese?

Don't make me laugh. You're the internet tough guy here. In reality you beg your former colonial masters to help attack a nation that has aided and supported you for decades.

Lol, a piece of shit like you challenge me? haha you're so tough. It's unbelievable. Get it?

Taiwan? yeah you guys a bunch of cowards of the cowards. Far more useless than the rest. Go make history. Your last sentence makes no sense. Domination? you dominate no body. Quit dreaming and reading that false Wikipedia.
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West as well know that Crimea basically a Russian state all the time so they just let it be.

The whole world just let it be and Russian are proud of a warm place they have since long.
Puting want to play up China card because Puting don't want to world to view Russian being isolated from the Western world over Ukraine crisis. Even China didn't contribute to Russian annex of Crimea, Putin will place China on the forefront of supporting Russian action.
I guessed Russia would join with Japan ... in economic aspect
a new alliance is forming and it wont be good for the world :undecided:
@vostok How's the mood inside the Russian Federation , mate ?
Unprecedented upsurge of patriotism! Yesterday 600,000 people went on rallies in the cities of Russia in support of reunification with the Crimea. People tearfully watched yesterday's speech of Putin. Since 1945, when the Soviet Union defeated Nazism people do not feel such a happiness!
Russia+ China alliance is the answer for NATO bullies.
World need balance of power because this world can't survive with 1 sole power dominate the rest of the power.
Unprecedented upsurge of patriotism! Yesterday 600,000 people went on rallies in the cities of Russia in support of reunification with the Crimea. People tearfully watched yesterday's speech of Putin. Since 1945, when the Soviet Union defeated Nazism people do not feel such a happiness!
I saw the speech live,you can see everyones glowing faces.
West misculcalate their action in Ukraine, Nato short sighted for not secured crimea before they protestors in Kiev took over Ukraine with Nato and US backing and allowed Russia to swoop in then annex Crimea from Ukraine.

Now Ukraine on the edge of a broken nation.
I even have no idea whether Crimea a Russian exclave before and this time Russian just make it clear for outside world.
It's a mistake for Russia to even support and back you during the Soviet day. You are a cautious and pretentious country. If Russian is reading this, you just expose yourself.

Russia fate is not at stake? Russia is being entangled if they didn't step in to intervene in Crimea. I better not see a single word from you in here. You are not intelligent enough to analyze geopolitical game being played out.
NO, you are wrong. Your assessment is incorrect about Russia foreign politics.

as for the Crimea, actually Vietnam cannot afford to support openly Russian imperialism, because in doing so, China would be encouraged to copy Mr Putin´s way and annex Vietnam (so perhaps in private talk we say the Russians it is ok you can do whatever you like, but pls don´t drag in Vietnam, unless you want to share the booty with us).

Russia seeks a permanent marine basis in Vietnam, most likey in Cam Ranh bay. The aim of Mr Putin is to get access to ASEAN market and counter America and Chinese politics and military influence in SE Asia. Already, Russian warships have priviledged access to Vietnam ports. Now they just want more. As far as I know Vietnam is still undecided. China is the key here, and how the VN government assesses the threat from China.

The Soviet Unions is another story. We were brother in arms and allies dated back to 1950. The Soviets had military basis in Vietnam and provided tens of billions USD of aid to Vietnam. Yes, the USSR supported Vietnam until it collapsed. As for imperialism, you should read more about the invasion of the Soviets into Afghanistan in 1979, the year then China launched an invasion into Vietnam. As far as I know Vietnam was very upset, that the Soviets started the war at another front instead of North China.

Usually Russia and China are competitor on international world stage. You both only cooperate when interests overlap. You both are not brother in arms.

Vietnam foreign policy often bases upon pragmatism, not blinded ideology.

Who is friend and supporter of Russia in SE Asia? It is Vietnam. Without Vietnam, the Russians have nobody in the region.
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