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Putin in Crimea independence speech: We thanks Chinese people

Step back and re-evaluate the situation:

Russia is not in danger. Russia fate is not at stake. No, Mr Putin is just increasing the empire by annexing the Crimea. What next? the Eastern Ukraine?

If Vietnam supports Russia, we would lose our friends in Europe, Japan and the future friend America. Very simple. To be a friend does not mean you support the friend without limit. You should make your own assessment what wrong and what right!
It's a mistake for Russia to even support and back you during the Soviet day. You are a cautious and pretentious country. If Russian is reading this, you just expose yourself.

Russia fate is not at stake? Russia is being entangled if they didn't step in to intervene in Crimea. I better not see a single word from you in here. You are not intelligent enough to analyze geopolitical game being played out.
How is "Russia not in danger" ? NATO is trying to completely encircle Russia. Please inform yourself before commenting. NATO and the West are the biggest threat to humanity as a whole. But the good news is that their end is near. The people of the world will soon ditch the dollar and then the evil empire as well as NATO will collapse quickly.
America, Europe and Japan are going intensify both politics and economics sanctions on Russia. Now they can add China to the list. Especially Germany as the lagrest trading partner is stopping billions of investments in Russia. Japan is more than happy to see China suffering.


Who want to bet that US and EU can't do a thing about economically sanctioning China? We are talking about world's second largest economy and 1/4 the industrial GDP as well as close to half of the total capacity here. Try sanction that.

Even sanctioning Russia is very questionable aside from a few token gestures. Europe import about 40% of their petroleum from Russia. There is no way US can talk them into agreeing with a heavy sanction on Russia.
Russia and China are hardly 'allies'. People here probably don't know what the word 'allies' means. Allies have alliances such as NATO, NORAD, the Five Eyes alliance, etc. The Chinese are smart, they work with Russians when it suits them. On Crimea issue, China actually snubbed Russia by abstaining to vote in the resolution at the Security Council which made Russia the only country in the world to go against a resolution on which all other countries banded together. Russia stands isolated.

The Chinese also leaked Russian plans to the Americans when the Russians asked the Chinese to sell their Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage backed securities during the financial crisis to cripple the American economy. China is no 'ally' of Russia. China's economic interests are too closely tied to the West, Russia has nothing to offer than some gas via Gasprom cronies of Putin.

Search for BBC News article titled, 'Russia Planned Wall Street Bear Raid'
We support Russia against US imperialism that use their CIA-run NGOs to overthrow governments to install puppet regimes that are friendly to Yankee fascism and terrorism.

We know who the real enemy is for us and that is certainly not Russia.

Vietnam is a mickey mouse poofter country that don't have the size nor the power to be an imperialist. You are always the pawn in the chess game that is used by big boys for their geopolitical goals.

The world has essentially been a struggle for power between US, USSR/Russia and China since WW2. Everyone else is just a secondary poodle.

Using enemy of enemy to counter enemy.
Russia and China are hardly 'allies'. People here probably don't know what the word 'allies' means. Allies have alliances such as NATO, NORAD, the Five Eyes alliance, etc. The Chinese are smart, they work with Russians when it suits them. On Crimea issue, China actually snubbed Russia by abstaining to vote in the resolution at the Security Council which made Russia the only country in the world to go against a resolution on which all other countries banded together. Russia stands isolated.

The Chinese also leaked Russian plans to the Americans when the Russians asked the Chinese to sell their Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage backed securities during the financial crisis to cripple the American economy. China is no 'ally' of Russia. China's economic interests are too closely tied to the West, Russia has nothing to offer than some gas via Gasprom cronies of Putin.

Search for BBC News article titled, 'Russia Planned Wall Street Bear Raid'

China's ex-premier Wen Jiabao was responsible for this.

But the old man's days are numbered, Xi Jinping will soon arrest his family.
We support Russia against US imperialism that use their CIA-run NGOs to overthrow governments to install puppet regimes that are friendly to Yankee fascism and terrorism.

We know who the real enemy is for us and that is certainly not Russia.

Vietnam is a mickey mouse poofter country that don't have the size nor the power to be an imperialist. You are always the pawn in the chess game that is used by big boys for their geopolitical goals.

The world has essentially been a struggle for power between US, USSR/Russia and China since WW2. Everyone else is just a secondary poodle.

I must beg to ask what have you been smoking.. please oblige and tell us all.

As far as history teaches us, the 'mickey mouse poofter country' (your words) of Vietnam actually defeated the world superpower the United States. And another 'mickey mouse poofter country' called Afghanistan defeated the other world super power, the Russians.

I strongly suggest you should visit your local library.

China's ex-premier Wen Jiabao was responsible for this.

But the old man's days are numbered, Xi Jinping will soon arrest his family.

Doesn't matter who it was. China owns $1.5trillion in mortgage backed securities and other bonds of the US govt; they will never accept massive financial losses on their investments just because the Russians asked them to. Its simple economics.
you moron a friend of Russia when the vietcong is cheerleading for the parties who want to kill Putin
Give me a fucking break vietcong! you dont have any balls!

They have no problem attacking their largest trading partner though, because they know China is always nice to them.
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Throughout the Chinese history, only Chinese people play with themselves. They pretend to be friends with others to copy their skills and then use them until the Chinese got to their friends level then they would ditch them. What's next? Chinese pretend to play friendly with Russia so it could earn some relationship with Russia to gain more control in SEA so they can do what they want. Unfortunately, Russian know the Chinese better than they know themselves because the Chinese has not prove to Russia that they could DESTROY THE US AND A! China hasn't PROVE anything to the world that it is a bad *** country. Unfortunately, you guys got no nerve to mess with USA. Throughout so many battles with Ghenghis Khan, British, Japanese, USA, you have not defeated any of them and you failed so many attempt when you try to invade and overtake Vietnam. I invited China to invade Ha Noi, Vietnam if you think you got balls. Otherwise, sit down and let us real men teach you how to be a man. Quit playing your stupid chess and practice your useless Kung Fu martial art and come at us you cowards. A bunch of Chinese internet tough nuts online think they are brave. But in reality, they are a bunch of cowards that only wank on themselves.
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Great, great job China, hope someday we could talk in one voice for each others intrest.
Throughout the Chinese history, only Chinese people play with themselves. They pretend to be friends with others to copy their skills and then use them until the Chinese got to their friends level then they would ditch them. What's next? Chinese pretend to play friendly with Russia so it could earn some relationship with Russia to gain more control in SEA so they can do what they want. Unfortunately, Russian know the Chinese better than they know themselves because the Chinese has not prove to Russia that they could DESTROY THE US AND A! China hasn't PROVE anything to the world that it is a bad *** country. Unfortunately, you guys got no nerve to mess with USA. Throughout so many battles with Ghenghis Khan, British, Japanese, USA, you have not defeated any of them and you failed so many attempt when you try to invade and overtake Vietnam. I invited China to invade Ha Noi, Vietnam if you think you got balls. Otherwise, sit down and let us real men teach you how to be a man. Quit playing your stupid chess and practice your useless Kung Fu martial art and come at us you cowards. A bunch of Chinese internet tough nuts online think they are brave. But in reality, they are a bunch of cowards that only wank on themselves.

Even Taiwan could flatten your sorry excuse of a military in seconds if they felt like it. You know why they don't? Because they're not imperialists, like you. They have humanitarian considerations unlike you rats. So you got dominated for 1,000 years by a country with a weak military? The Mongols sent tribute for centuries to a weak country? The Japanese?

Don't make me laugh. You're the internet tough guy here. In reality you beg your former colonial masters to help attack a nation that has aided and supported you for decades.
those chinese supporting russia are all idiots, they should learn the history of china. Today's Cremea is yeasterdays' mongolia and Tanu Tuva
Take easy, that time we will learn the West. Inside is "Sovereignty is greater than Human right", outside is "Human right is greater than Sovereignty", two sides of one coin.
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