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Why in hell would China want to annex Vietnam? Full of backstabbing imperialists.
I'm not going to waste my time with someone who doesn't even know how to define 'defeat'. Military objectives and missions are characterized by either mission success or mission failure. 'Defeat' is a word that has not been applicable to warfare since the end of World War Two since you can only defeat another country if its a 'total war'.

Russian mission objectives ended in 'failure' to keep Afghanistan in their back pocket. And a mission failure for Russians, means mission success for the Afghans. You probably should take a walk to the nearest bookstore or library and pick up a book on war strategies before continuing on your Xbox style gaming lingo regarding war.

Kid, the only war strategy these mullahs knows is suicide bombing.

What else did they have to 'defeat' Russia?

No, Afghans did NOT defeat anyone, their country was bombed mercilessly and the Russian military never waved the white flag nor did they lose territory.

Vietnam didn't 'defeat' the Yankees either, the Yankees just got fed up and left.

That's not defeat.

Defeat is when a military loses territory or is completely destroyed.
That's defeat.

Even Taiwan could flatten your sorry excuse of a military in seconds if they felt like it. You know why they don't? Because they're not imperialists, like you. They have humanitarian considerations unlike you rats. So you got dominated for 1,000 years by a country with a weak military? The Mongols sent tribute for centuries to a weak country? The Japanese?

Don't make me laugh. You're the internet tough guy here. In reality you beg your former colonial masters to help attack a nation that has aided and supported you for decades.

Vietnam is a nobody in this world. 1 hour full scale blitz from the PLA and Vietnam as we know it will be gone. Just depends how hard and far our leaders want to take it.

I'd rather we just completely destroy their infrastructure, their industries, their commercial centers and drop thousands of tons of depleted uranium all across Vietnam and seal our borders completely.

We can be a lot more ruthless if we wanted to but we are peace loving people unlike that murderous Yankee regime full of degenerate scum exterminating entire races all across the world for fun.
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Kid, the only war strategy these mullahs knows is suicide bombing.

What else did they have to 'defeat' Russia?

No, Afghans did NOT defeat anyone, their country was bombed mercilessly and the Russian military never waved the white flag nor did they lose territory.

Vietnam didn't 'defeat' the Yankees either, the Yankees just got fed up and left.

That's not defeat.

Defeat is when a military loses territory or is completely destroyed.
That's defeat.

You know what they say about a dog's tail; that's seems to be your case. Like I said, I have no intentions to babysit you on war strategies and how conflicts work. In short, when you break the 'will to fight' of the opposing force, you have won. Both the Russians and the Americans lost that will to fight in Afghanistan and Vietnam respectively. As I suggested, instead of ranting foolishly, it would help to read some books. Goodluck!

P.S: calling everyone you disagree with a 'kid' seems to shed some light on whom you might actually be.
Kid, the only war strategy these mullahs knows is suicide bombing.

What else did they have to 'defeat' Russia?

No, Afghans did NOT defeat anyone, their country was bombed mercilessly and the Russian military never waved the white flag nor did they lose territory.

Vietnam didn't 'defeat' the Yankees either, the Yankees just got fed up and left.

That's not defeat.

Defeat is when a military loses territory or is completely destroyed.
That's defeat.

Vietnam is a nobody in this world. 1 hour full scale blitz from the PLA and Vietnam as we know it will be gone. Just depends how hard and far our leaders want to take it.

I'd rather we just completely destroy their infrastructure, their industries, their commercial centers and drop thousands of tons of depleted uranium all across Vietnam and seal our borders completely.

We can be a lot more ruthless if we wanted to but we are peace loving people unlike that murderous Yankee regime full of degenerate scum exterminating entire races all across the world for fun.
The war the Americans fought in Vietnam was one of the most brutal in the world history, and the superpower America lost the war. In contrast, the war with China in 1979 was just like a walk in a park.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

America says it is the first ever defeat in their history. The world sees the same. Only Chinese have different opinion.
There are 10,000 of books, movies and articles about the war. You may read some of them, besides CCP books. The definition of a military defeat is not only the one you described.

I don´t comment the rest of your rant. full of low IQ, warmongering and idiotic bs, as usual.




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You know what they say about a dog's tail; that's seems to be your case. Like I said, I have no intentions to babysit you on war strategies and how conflicts work. In short, when you break the 'will to fight' of the opposing force, you have won. Both the Russians and the Americans lost that will to fight in Afghanistan and Vietnam respectively. As I suggested, instead of ranting foolishly, it would help to read some books. Goodluck!

P.S: calling everyone you disagree with a 'kid' seems to shed some light on whom you might actually be.

:lol: nah your definitely kid and to make it worse your a noob on military affairs too.

You have given utterly zero proof to show how the Afghan terrorists 'defeated' Russia.

The only thing these Jihadist mass murderers knows is suicide bombings and terrorism and that's certainly not going to 'defeat' military powerhouses like Russia.

To say Afghanistan 'defeated' the Russian military is not only laughable but it's utterly delusional.

But since your a Pakistani, I can excuse you because I wouldn't expect you to know what military victories looks like since your country has lost every single war you've ever fought :lol:

Try harder, much much harder :coffee:

The war the Americans fought in Vietnam was one of the most brutal in the world history, and the superpower America lost the war. In contrast, the war with China in 1979 was just like a walk in a park.

Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

America says it is the first ever defeat in their history. The world sees the same. Only Chinese have different opinion.
There are 10,000 of books, movies and articles about the war. You may read some of them, besides CCP books. The definition of a military defeat is not only the one you described.

I don´t comment the rest of your rant. full of low IQ, warmongering and idiotic bs, as usual.





So you're trying to convince me that Vietnam 'defeated' the US by showing some books written to make money? :lol:

In no way, shape or form did Vietnam 'defeat' the US.

The US military crushed your country, they crushed you in ruthless and uncompromising fashion by carpet bombing every Vietnamese City into rubble, dropped depleted uranium causing deformed babies, raped your women.

How is that a military 'defeat' for the US? :lol:
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:lol: nah your definitely kid and to make it worse your a noob on military affairs too.

You have given utterly zero proof to show how the Afghan terrorists 'defeated' Russia.

The only thing these Islamic mass murderers knows is suicide bombings and terrorism and that's certainly not going to 'defeat' military powerhouses like Russia.

To say Afghanistan 'defeated' the Russian military is not only laughable but it's utterly delusional.

But since your a Pakistani, I can excuse you because I wouldn't expect you to know what military victories looks like since your country has lost every single war you've ever fought :lol:

Try harder, much much harder :coffee:

The old USSR did indeed get it's butt kicked out of Afghanistan by the Mujahadeen, equipped with US stinger missiles. The Soviet Union lost that war largely due to two factors:

1. Stingers ended air dominance in support of ground ops.

2. The USSR popular was fed up with the draft and so many sons and daughters being wasted, killed, in Afghanistan.

The USSR was on it's last legs economically.

Conclusion is that the USSR was indeed defeated in and literally, formally, on worldwide TV and related media, is recorded as tucking their tails and getting out!

The Communist regime, puppet, left behind, folded after the USSR forces left.

Trouble was and is the vacuum was filled by a return to old tribal squabbling, with extremist religious nut cases like Osama bin Laden and the Taliban filling the vacuum.

President Karzahi was in the Cabinet of the Taliban national government before he fled to the US, where he still owns about six Pappa John Pizza Parlors in the Atlanta area. I have never liked nor trusted Karzai, he is a paid for opportunist.

The innocent, backward people of Afghanistan need a true and honest leader, free public schools, better health care, and creation of a jobs growth economy, not a return to growing poppy for opium, which is where things now stand.
The old USSR did indeed get it's butt kicked out of Afghanistan by the Mujahadeen, equipped with US stinger missiles. The Soviet Union lost that war largely due to two factors:

1. Stingers ended air dominance in support of ground ops.

2. The USSR popular was fed up with the draft and so many sons and daughters being wasted, killed, in Afghanistan.

The USSR was on it's last legs economically.

Conclusion is that the USSR was indeed defeated in and literally, formally, on worldwide TV and related media, is recorded as tucking their tails and getting out!

The Communist regime, puppet, left behind, folded after the USSR forces left.

Trouble was and is the vacuum was filled by a return to old tribal squabbling, with extremist religious nut cases like Osama bin Laden and the Taliban filling the vacuum.

President Karzahi was in the Cabinet of the Taliban national government before he fled to the US, where he still owns about six Pappa John Pizza Parlors in the Atlanta area. I have never liked nor trusted Karzai, he is a paid for opportunist.

The innocent, backward people of Afghanistan need a true and honest leader, free public schools, better health care, and creation of a jobs growth economy, not a return to growing poppy for opium, which is where things now stand.

Show me proof with reliable sources where Russia was 'defeated'? :lol:

And no, propaganda mouthpieces of the mass murdering Yankee regime doesn't count as 'sources'. They are propaganda for the consumption of the Yankee sheeple.

In no way, shape or form did the Russian military lose to Afghanistan. This is an utterly laughable claim to say Afghans 'defeated' the Russian military.

A military defeat is like what happened in the Korean War when the murderous Yankee military was utterly humiliated by the Chinese Volunteer Army (PVA). The Yankees were at the Yalu river before China entered the war and by the end of the war the Yankees were kicked out of North Korea.

Now that's not just a military defeat, that's a straight up thumping of the highest order delivered by a volunteer army to the most overrated and overhyped military.
Many in the press say that on Ukraine matter the US plays poker, the Russkies play chess while the Chinese play Weiqi.


The Chinese play Weiqi, right. The Russians play only reactionary Chess, while the US is playing good and old Divide & Conquer on top of primitve poker bluffing, as always.

The "strategy" of the US and the UK has ALWAYS been simple Divide and Conquer since eons - seems that the Romans have left an eternal psychological and physical trauma on Anglo-Saxens that has lasted 1000s of years. :lol:

The "strategy" of the WhiteHouse and its neocon/neolib masters, further strenghthened in the recent decades by Kissinger's amateurish "real politik" initially learned from Mao, can be generalised in one sentense:

Stir the pot as hard as you can and F#$k everyone alse (Ukraine, Russia, ME, the EU, China, ASEAN, etc) involved.

it worked in ME, it worked in N Africa, it works on Diaoyu islands, it works on South China Sea, and it will work on Ukraine... The Ukraine `strategy` was blantantly obvious since the very start using the own words of Victoria Nuland "F*#$k the EU, you know".

It is because no matter how matters pan out, good or bad, they will almost always work for the maximum benefit of Anglo-Saxens in terms of `realpolitik`, which is to weaken the abilities of all others. When everyone else are busy at messy endless problem-solvings that could have been avoided in the first place, the US ( and also the UK) then can legitly come out and claim

1. moral standard,

2. honest broker,

3. arms sales, and

4. world´s financial hubs monopoly ( via insider pre-knowledge on the events-troubles that they will create), and

5, ultimately undisputed leader of NWO.

So, it is the simple strategy of Divide and Conquer.
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China's ex-premier Wen Jiabao was responsible for this.

But the old man's days are numbered, Xi Jinping will soon arrest his family.
For real or speculation?

I must beg to ask what have you been smoking.. please oblige and tell us all.

As far as history teaches us, the 'mickey mouse poofter country' (your words) of Vietnam actually defeated the world superpower the United States. And another 'mickey mouse poofter country' called Afghanistan defeated the other world super power, the Russians.

I strongly suggest you should visit your local library.

Doesn't matter who it was. China owns $1.5trillion in mortgage backed securities and other bonds of the US govt; they will never accept massive financial losses on their investments just because the Russians asked them to. Its simple economics.

Vietcong won the war thanks to China and Russia. Learn history before you brag about VN's "victory". USA did not lose in Afghanistan as they installed a puppet regime in Karzai for geopolitical purposes and probably control the poppy fields for $$$ . When the Russians fought Afghanistan, the US was aiding Talibans with US weapons. When US fought Talibans, no one aided the Talibans.
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Not only that, why would china want an extra 70million uneducated to semi-educated mouths to feed?
you troll...first, Vietnam population has reached 90ml last year. And second, Vietnam exports en masse foods because we produce foods in abundance. In Vietnam nobody must be hungry.

I´m afraid we are going off-topic...before we get infraction, I suggest we all should return to the thread.

Here, a gift from Mr Putin to Vietnam. I don´t know what Vietnam has done for him in Ukraine, but today he thanks us with $500ml :D

US$500 million for atomic energy research centre | VOV Online Newspaper
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We export rice to China, Han Chinese feed you with Vietnamese rice for you open big mouth to troll for 5 cent.

I said we kicked you many time to run back home.
That is called trade, you know what that means right?
We export rice to China, Han Chinese feed you with Vietnamese rice for you open big mouth to troll for 5 cent.

I said we kicked you many time to run back home.

China produces almost all of its own food. Please, you were under Chinese civilization projects for 1,000 years and still needed Chinese help to get independence.
:lol: nah your definitely kid and to make it worse your a noob on military affairs too.

You have given utterly zero proof to show how the Afghan terrorists 'defeated' Russia.

The only thing these Jihadist mass murderers knows is suicide bombings and terrorism and that's certainly not going to 'defeat' military powerhouses like Russia.

To say Afghanistan 'defeated' the Russian military is not only laughable but it's utterly delusional.

But since your a Pakistani, I can excuse you because I wouldn't expect you to know what military victories looks like since your country has lost every single war you've ever fought :lol:

Try harder, much much harder :coffee:

You know what they say about people like you claiming to be 'experts' while all other are 'noobs' to you.. I'm not going to elaborate. The wiser folks on this forum can draw their conclusions from your petting rants as to who you really are and how much you really know. :)

A sad excuse to pretend to be Chinese when you are actually an Indian.

Vietcong won the war thanks to China and Russia. Learn history before you brag about VN's "victory". USA did not lose in Afghanistan as they installed a puppet regime in Karzai for geopolitical purposes and probably control the poppy fields for $$$ . When the Russians fought Afghanistan, the US was aiding Talibans with US weapons. When US fought Talibans, no one aided the Talibans.

You obviously don't know what I was talking about, yet you feel the need to jump in to the discussion and make assumptions as to what I was saying. I was referring to America's war in Vietnam, and USSR's war in Afghanistan. You got it all wrong.

And by the way, there were NO Taliban until the 1990s. Read some books and expand your knowledge.
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