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Syria using Iranian snipers as violent crackdown continues

Friend, these r pretty hard word u put up there, do u know anything about this regime and how it treated its ppl and a very small sect has been ruling the majoriy with brutality. Let me tell u an info most of muslims in the world r against this regime. It has only one ally that is iran nothing else.

Those r our brothers and sisterrs getting killed and have u seen how the kids have been also shot at? Their protests r peaceful.


Their regime is no worse than any other dictatorship or monarchy in the middle east, just that they went crazy earlier. Saudi Arabia allows crusaders to occupy the holy sites and being unable to even speak out against Israel. So why not protest them?

Iran should be the model of the middle east, not some corrupt oil shieks.
So u approve of shooting the unarmed protestors?


Nope but it happens all the time everywhere. All governments will shoot if you press them too hard; dictatorships just shoot earlier while good governments try appeasing first, then they'll shoot.
So if u agree he is a dictator then the ppl have the right to protest why u say iran should send more sniper rifles? why iran gets itself involve in this situation

So if u agree he is a dictator then the ppl have the right to protest why u say iran should send more sniper rifles? why iran gets itself involve in this situation


Because it fits with Iran's national interest and Syria's national interest to suppress the protests. It is also in China's interests to maintain stability, that is, no national wars in the middle east. Iran also is an important supplier of petroleum to Pakistan that's not hostile to Pakistan. It is in Pakistan's interests that Iran doesn't become too weak.
So if u agree he is a dictator then the ppl have the right to protest why u say iran should send more sniper rifles? why iran gets itself involve in this situation


oy wahabi, show me the video (or pics) of these mystical and invisible Iranian snipers.

Read the post carefully then ask.
and what is wahabi? if it is a personnal attack then u i wont respond to u

oy wahabi, show me the video (or pics) of these mystical and invisible Iranian snipers.

You are probably the most hot headed person on this forum mate:lol:, turn it down a notch, you post here for a day and end up getting 7 days ban.

On topic, if Bahrain can hire soldiers/police from Pakistan and from Saudi Arabi to stifle protests in their country, why can't Syria from Iran?
Because it fits with Iran's national interest and Syria's national interest to suppress the protests. It is also in China's interests to maintain stability, that is, no national wars in the middle east. Iran also is an important supplier of petroleum to Pakistan that's not hostile to Pakistan. It is in Pakistan's interests that Iran doesn't become too weak.

I don't see how syria can maintain its national interest by killing its ppl? i dont want strong iran or free petrolium at the expense of blood of poor syrians ( my opinion)

I don't see how syria can maintain its national interest by killing its ppl? i dont want strong iran or free petrolium at the expense of blood of poor syrians ( my opinion)


How do you know they are innocent protesters? No one knows how innocent they are. I'll reserve judgment for this.
How do you know they are innocent protesters? No one knows how innocent they are. I'll reserve judgment for this.

Gr8 question, there r many videos on utube show me where protestors have armed men among them and i will show u many videos where unarmed protestors being shot at fair enough?

You are probably the most hot headed person on this forum mate:lol:, turn it down a notch, you post here for a day and end up getting 7 days ban.

On topic, if Bahrain can hire soldiers/police from Pakistan and from Saudi Arabi to stifle protests in their country, why can't Syria from Iran?

this is the only language that wahabis and saudis understand
They think that because we have problems with the US, they can take advantage of the situation and lie through their teeth.
They say there are Iranian snipers in Syria, well WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?
I've been all over youtube trying to find one Syrian soldier that is speaking Persian or looks remotely Iranian and there is nothing. During the 2009 elections, many Iranians living outside of Iran were claiming that there are Lebanese soldiers in Iran. They were basing this on here say from people on the ground. It's been 2-3 years since and we still haven't seen the proof. Don't get me wrong, I hate both the Iranian regime and that SOB Assad, but both sides have enough loyalists to invade Greece. These days, 9/10 reports that you read about Iran are pure propeganda. If you don't respond to these propeganda people will start taking them as facts.

Read the post carefully then ask.
and what is wahabi? if it is a personnal attack then u i wont respond to u


1) It's not my first day here. You support KSA more than even Pakistan.

2) What's your view about shias?

3) Do you think iran is sending men to syria?
oy wahabi, show me the video (or pics) of these mystical and invisible Iranian snipers.

Can you please stop with insults... :hitwall: I don't know what saudis did or didn't do... but the saudi guy in this thread is very civilized as compared to you... please dont give bad impression to Iran in this thread.
Can you please stop with insults... :hitwall: I don't know what saudis did or didn't do... but the saudi guy in this thread is very civilized as compared to you... please dont give bad impression to Iran in this thread.

civilized my azz
he's accusing Iran of sending snipers to another country and then tells me to go on youtube and find the videos. I ask him for the evidence and he comes back with a video of some arab talking in front of a camera!!!!! And this isn't a book club. I'm being very "civilized" by not going to town on his wahabi behind.

btw, since when is wahabi an insult? It's their religion.
Instead of trying to lecture me, contribute to the thread. If you have nothing to say regarding the original post then why are you here?
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