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Syria and the Consequences for the Region

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You racist ungrateful person! There are Arabs living in Iran and they to fought and died to protect their country against Saddam! I would rather choose to stay away from conversation with people like you who support terrorist attacks but your ungratefull and racist comments are too much.

I can't believe people thanked your comment...
When i say we destroyed Arab thugs who wanted to enslave my country which part is racist ?
Fact : Arab shameless thugs invaded Iran but we responded with an iron fist in 1982 took back all our territories while the new government of Iran was under so much pressure and sanctions while the Arab thugs got broad international support.
If there is a kurdish spring then sure there will be a turkish spring in iran , along with a sunni arab spring , jundallah , kurdish spring in iran , Turkmen spring
ok you proved that you have no idea about tabriz if any springs is about to happen be sure we will add azerbayjan and part of your country to our beloved iran .
You racist ungrateful person! There are Arabs living in Iran and they to fought and died to protect their country against Saddam! I would rather choose to stay away from conversation with people like you who support terrorist attacks but your ungratefull and racist comments are too much.

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blah blah blah we all know what he said .our arabs know too.ok wow now should i say shame on iranzamin ?
ok get lost now liberal turk go dance with your jew friends behind the scenes.
blah blah blah we all know what he said .our arabs know too.ok wow now should i say shame on iranzamin ok get lost now liberal turk go dance with your jew friends behind the scenes.

Does that count for sophisticated answer in your natural enviroment? I can understand that you are not very bright person and victim of propaganda as you see being friends with Jewish people as something to be ashamed of or something bad. It is really sad that seeing one of the most sophisticated nations downgraded to this degree...
Does that count for sophisticated answer in your natural enviroment? I can understand that you are not very bright person and victim of propaganda as you see being friends with Jewish people as something to be ashamed of or something bad. It is really sad that seeing one of the most sophisticated nations downgraded to this degree...
Nations are not downgraded with 1 or 2 internet forumers.Just like I don't judge whole Turkish nation with 1 or 2 trolls.
Does that count for sophisticated answer in your natural enviroment? I can understand that you are not very bright person and victim of propaganda as you see being friends with Jewish people as something to be ashamed of or something bad. It is really sad that seeing one of the most sophisticated nations downgraded to this degree...
i dont need you sadness .you work on your relation with US and Israel.
me propaganda ok use our way of calling lost people like you on ourselves .
keep being sad while we will crush your friends(israel) for second time.
I personally apologize for the few Turkish members who keeps on insulting Iran and Iranians, i hope there are some responsible Iranians who will do the same. Guys let us be pragmatic here, i urge people to ignore the troll/insult posts, if you do not take them seriously they will vanish by themselves.
The uprising in Syria is making the Sunni Iraqi tribals bolder in their opposition against Pro-Iran government and soon the after effect could spill into Ahwaz. This is going to be a serious butchering of Iranian influence from Iraq to Lebanon!
The uprising in Syria is making the Sunni Iraqi tribals bolder in their opposition against Pro-Iran government and soon the after effect could spill into Ahwaz. This is going to be a serious butchering of Iranian influence from Iraq to Lebanon!
unlike iraq all arabs in iran are shia we have 300000 shia Arab from your country.unlike your kingdoms we are not nationalist iran is based on ideology .just like the way our prophet said im from Arabs but Arabs are not from me.
this is what i feel angry for you know , us sticking up for these ungrateful people.


we should have let them get sanction to the max instead of saying no to sanctions.
you see being friends with Jewish people as something to be ashamed of

I think he means it is hypocritical for Turkey which *claims* to be a Muslim country supporting militant jews Israel so much when Israel is occupying Palestine and crushing Palestinians women and children like ants. Also, Turkey fueling Al-Qaeda in Syria (with Israeli help) does nothing to bolster its image. It's really a shame.

this is what i feel angry for you know , us sticking up for these ungrateful people.


we should have let them get sanction to the max instead of saying no to sanctions.

Then you would have to put Donner Kebab in your cars, instead of gas, to drive around.
Cooperation between Turkey and Iran is imperative for both countries. We have been neighbors for centuries and we will hopefully continue being that, we should learn to get along and be friendly to each other. For the betterment of the whole region Iran and Turkey should start cooperating on Syria. Iran is juts doing a huge mistake by supporting Asad. I know sensible Iranians are aware of this fact, you can never support a psycopath who wages war against his own people. Why is Iranian politicians closing her eyes to this? We MUST be on the same page with Iran on Syria crises, or Iran will be totally isolated in the region, gaining the anger of both Turkey and all the Arab countries sorrounding it.
I personally apologize for the few Turkish members who keeps on insulting Iran and Iranians, i hope there are some responsible Iranians who will do the same. Guys let us be pragmatic here, i urge people to ignore the troll/insult posts, if you do not take them seriously they will vanish by themselves.

Thank you. I was hoping that someone with a Turkish flag would have some common sense. They've been on a destructive rampage and I've had to answer them.

Peace to you and yours.
this is what i feel angry for you know , us sticking up for these ungrateful people.


we should have let them get sanction to the max instead of saying no to sanctions.
its not because of us its because of your,we dont care cut it and we cut,its mutual benefit.we will see the result.if it was easy for you to cut with everybody including iran then you have to buy gas and oil from russia also your airforce gonna be sukhoi instead of f35
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