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Syria and the Consequences for the Region

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Thank you. I was hoping that someone with a Turkish flag would have some common sense. They've been on a destructive rampage and I've had to answer them.

Peace to you and yours.

^ Did he just thank him? :rofl:
Cooperation between Turkey and Iran is imperative for both countries. We have been neighbors for centuries and we will hopefully continue being that, we should learn to get along and be friendly to each other. For the betterment of the whole region Iran and Turkey should start cooperating on Syria. Iran is juts doing a huge mistake by supporting Asad. I know sensible Iranians are aware of this fact, you can never support a psycopath who wages war against his own people. Why is Iranian politicians closing her eyes to this? We MUST be on the same page with Iran on Syria crises, or Iran will be totally isolated in the region, gaining the anger of both Turkey and all the Arab countries sorrounding it.
your politicion closed their eyes when they dicide to act as US force then we all know there wont be any good out of this mess syria with or without assad for turkey
if there would be with assad they will hate you
and without him you are gonna be just like Pakistan having bin laden.forget your great relation with iran syria iraq russia 80% problem with surrounding countries good luck with Greece
in other hand those who you callem people are the ones that kill people you can call anyone anything you can call assad supporter the way US call'em thugs drug dealer dictator supporter but the fact is way different than what US says
just look saudi arabia supported who? mubarak and other dictator US the same you had good realation with all of them back then
now saudi arabia is against assad US hate him you had problems all the time.

also saudi arabia never fought against israel for her token island US supported them U didn't do anything important for you people that killed by them

plus this fight in syria is not good syria against bad syria
its saudi arabia qatar US turkey officers terrorist all around globe plus some fools that dont how when and where to act for good of islam and people how brainwashed enough to think killing another muslim that you can call'em shia is right and actually good you will certainly go to paradise . just look how funny is that there is no where in quran that call muslim and its branch fighting good and there is lots of time that call jews worst enemies of muslims and yet these idiots fighting israel battle.
I think he means it is hypocritical for Turkey which *claims* to be a Muslim country supporting militant jews Israel so much when Israel is occupying Palestine and crushing Palestinians women and children like ants. Also, Turkey fueling Al-Qaeda in Syria (with Israeli help) does nothing to bolster its image. It's really a shame.

Then you would have to put Donner Kebab in your cars, instead of gas, to drive around.

yes it would be better , because then we will cut oil from you and sanction you even further.

Iran's economy is marked by an inefficient state sector, reliance on the oil sector, which provides the majority of government revenues, and statist policies, which create major distortions throughout the system. Private sector activity is typically limited to small-scale workshops, farming, and services. Price controls, subsidies, and other rigidities weigh down the economy, undermining the potential for private-sector-led growth. Significant informal market activity flourishes and corruption is widespread. Tehran since the early 1990s has recognized the need to reduce these inefficiencies, and in December 2010 the legislature passed President Mahmud AHMADI-NEJAD''s Targeted Subsidies Law (TSL) to reduce state subsidies on food and energy. The bill over a five-year period will phase out subsidies that previously cost Tehran $60-$100 billion annually and benefited Iran''s upper and middle classes most. Direct cash payouts of $45 per person to more than 90% of Iranian households have mitigated initial widespread resistance to the TSL program, though this acceptance remains vulnerable to rising inflation. This is the most extensive economic reform since the government implemented gasoline rationing in 2007. The continued rise in world oil prices in the last calendar year increased Iran''s oil export revenue by roughly $28 billion over 2010, easing some of the financial impact of international sanctions. However, expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, government mismanagement, the sanctions, and a depreciating currency are fueling inflation, and GDP growth remains stagnant. Iran also continues to suffer from double-digit unemployment and underemployment. Underemployment among Iran''s educated youth has convinced many to seek jobs overseas, resulting in a significant "brain drain."

Iran Unemployment 15.30%
i would love to have logical discussion with Iranians in this forum. But the few turkish/iranian trolls ruins it. Therefore i can't write any lengthy serious answer, and i regret that. Just know that they do not represent Turkey as i know yours do not represent Iran. Therefore no need to get emotional about these
i would love to have logical discussion with Iranians in this forum. But the few turkish/iranian trolls ruins it. Therefore i can't write any lengthy serious answer, and i regret that. Just know that they do not represent Turkey as i know yours do not represent Iran. Therefore no need to get emotional about these
I'm gonna post a peace thread of Iran-Turkey.I hope everyone act in favor of it and also I hope Mods support it and ban everyone who act against it.You are right,because of some trolls and provocative posts and threads,we are doing nothing except insulting each other and pissing each other off.We haven't had any healthy discussion about both countries in a long while.
We have every right to oppose each other,but with respect.But most of us are just provoking each other,nothing more.It may seem unimportant,but these insults and fights,can change people's view completely toward the other country forever.Do you support such thread?All Turkish and Iranian members who are eager to have true and healthy discussions,can join it.
I'm gonna post a peace thread of Iran-Turkey.I hope everyone act in favor of it and also I hope Mods support it and ban everyone who act against it.You are right,because of some trolls and provocative posts and threads,we are doing nothing except insulting each other and pissing each other off.We haven't had any healthy discussion about both countries in a long while.
We have every right to oppose each other,but with respect.But most of us are just provoking each other,nothing more.It may seem unimportant,but these insults and fights,can change people's view completely toward the other country forever.Do you support such thread?All Turkish and Iranian members who are eager to have true and healthy discussions,can join it.

That is a good initiative mate, i support it fully. We may witness a new era in Turkey-Iran relations in pdf :D
The problem is the few Turkish members who are active here does not act very maturely. We have had many good mature intelligent members but they have mostly left or are inactive. I would love to know the Iranians who are like you that we can have a good conversation with. I look forward to that:tup:
I'm gonna post a peace thread of Iran-Turkey.I hope everyone act in favor of it and also I hope Mods support it and ban everyone who act against it.You are right,because of some trolls and provocative posts and threads,we are doing nothing except insulting each other and pissing each other off.We haven't had any healthy discussion about both countries in a long while.
We have every right to oppose each other,but with respect.But most of us are just provoking each other,nothing more.It may seem unimportant,but these insults and fights,can change people's view completely toward the other country forever.Do you support such thread?All Turkish and Iranian members who are eager to have true and healthy discussions,can join it.

people like you are stopping this , when we state historical facts you start fighting and when there is nothing about turks you say something bad about us.

i would love to have logical discussion with Iranians in this forum. But the few turkish/iranian trolls ruins it. Therefore i can't write any lengthy serious answer, and i regret that. Just know that they do not represent Turkey as i know yours do not represent Iran. Therefore no need to get emotional about these

sorry but we represent turkey more than you.

I'm gonna post a peace thread of Iran-Turkey.I hope everyone act in favor of it and also I hope Mods support it and ban everyone who act against it.You are right,because of some trolls and provocative posts and threads,we are doing nothing except insulting each other and pissing each other off.We haven't had any healthy discussion about both countries in a long while.
We have every right to oppose each other,but with respect.But most of us are just provoking each other,nothing more.It may seem unimportant,but these insults and fights,can change people's view completely toward the other country forever.Do you support such thread?All Turkish and Iranian members who are eager to have true and healthy discussions,can join it.

im always for a proper discussion but not with people like troll soheil , PGK , shahin vatani , and tabraz azari with a fake name.
people like you are stopping this , when we state historical facts you start fighting and when there is nothing about turks you say something bad about us.

sorry but we represent turkey more than you.

im always for a proper discussion but not with people like troll soheil , PGK , shahin vatani , and tabraz azari with a fake name.
One of the trolls I was referring to was you.I have never seen you post historical facts,just provocative posts.

I think he represent Turkey more than you.He is sane,logical and commited to his beliefs,but you just attack other beliefs and and sensitive matters.Even some Turkish members understand what your intentions are.We had like you in Iranian members too.I will make this thread and I will ask mods,if you or everyone else,once again,starts provocative and flaming threads or posts,get appropriate punishment that can be a permanent ban.So just choose your words carefully from now on.

Era what do you say about this
You can simply ignore him or report him.As I said,everyone,I mean everyone will get proper action for his words.I'm not defending just one side here.
Stop with the personal attacks and discuss on the content of the topic. Those who dont refrain from abusing each other will get banned.
Problem is the consequences for the region are turning out to be dire.

No one with any humanity thinks the shelling of Syrian civilians is a good thing, problem is no one really seems to have a solution.

Ok assad has to go for any chance of peace but who takes over. The moderates that may have had a chance to negotiate a peace are fleeing leaving a hard core of the old regiem that the rebels dont trust.

assad cant beat the rebels, there are after all plenty of threads here about trying to defeat insurgents with fire power.
the rebels dont have the equipment to defeat a modern army in the open so are stuck fighting from the cities.
Neither side ends up controling Syria and the turmoil give a chance for terrorists and criminals to move in and create even more havoc and misery for the Syrian people.

If it drags out to 15years of civil war like Lebanon it will be a problem for everyone not just for the Syrians.

No one seems to want to equip the rebels with any thing that counts or do any thing to get assad to negotiate.

For those with a love of movies it reminds me a little of a problem that happened once before when a young Prince Fiasal wanted some help.

Dryden: Are you really going to give them artillery, sir?
Brighton: I was wondering that, sir. Might be deuce difficult to get it back again.
Dryden: Give them artillery and you've made them independent.
Allenby: Then I can't give them artillery, can I?
If you have something to talk about so-called genocide claims which belongs to past century, then go to Turkish Section

Turkey has spent nearly $150 million on lawyers to avoid talking about Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian claims about genocide. So, if I go to the "Turkish section" you will talk about it there? :azn: You should work for your government to step up and publicly discuss these claims. That's the way to responsibly deal with it.
That's hilarious. .. So, if I go to the "Turkish section" you will talk about it there.....

You should go back to the Syrians capture iranians thread and tell us all why you said that goofy thing about the porno. WTF was THAT all about ? That was weird, man !!! Why are you running away from that ? :rofl:
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