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Syed.Ali.Haider and Murtaza


You are out of touch with reality.

The rule of law doesn't exist here. Do wake me up when justice is served to your perished friends under this fascist nizaam.

Under this system THE STATE kills over a dozen citizens including women at point blank range and not even an FIR is registered.

There will be NO JUSTICE given to the many dead, including your friends and thousands of others who were slain, untill this nizam is revamped and restructured.
The Sunni Extremist following this path are the enemy of Pakistan and a blight on the faced of Islam.


Sir Sunni word is inappropriate ,there are some extremist group who can't be sunni,Ahmedi or shia not even muslim. They want to destabilize Pakistan as Syria or Iran.
@Syed.Ali.Haider , I had tear in my eyes when I heard of Dr. Ali Haider and his son. Today again I have tears in my eyes.

I understand your pain if you knew either him or Dr. Faisal, or both. It also explains deep skepticism that is your hallmark by now. I might be like that too, had I been in your shoes.

The differences between Shias and Sunnis are there, but they need not be made into mountains. A little respect and accommodation goes very far. That is how it was for many years, until Iranians thought that exporting their revolution was somehow a good idea and we had Zia ruling Pakistan.

I do wish Shias would stop tabarra, and that Sunnis would stop calling Shias Kafirs. Both are linked in a deadly dynamic, which can only go one way in a country like Pakistan, much to the detriment of Shias and Pakistan itself. It is insane that groups like SSP, ASWJ, etc... are so open in expressing and enacting their hatred. I have witnessed at least one ASWJ protest against the police in Lahore, and Police were reluctant to take on about 2 dozen madrassah students who had shut down a major intersection.

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All the instability in Pakistan that I see currently is making the police gutless in taking on these preachers of hate. When are we going to do anything about ASWJ when PM and CM are busy fending off attacks from various quarters? IMV SS could actually do something about these people, if he feels secure enough. But I do not see anything happening against them for quite sometime. What a loss!

LETS get one thing straight Sunnis aren't the ones killing Shias or calling them kafir ,Wahhabis are as they also call Sunnis kafir. ASWJ,LJ and other terrorist groups are protected by a PML-N and given police protection.

I really like reading post from people who support these policies , but are "against" it at the same time.

You are out of touch with reality.

The rule of law doesn't exist here. Do wake me up when justice is served to your perished friends under this fascist nizaam.

Under this system THE STATE kills over a dozen citizens including women at point blank range and not even an FIR is registered.

There will be NO JUSTICE given to the many dead, including your friends and thousands of others who were slain, untill this nizam is revamped and restructured.

The sad part is that you do not realize that things will be just the same if and even when the "restructuring" that you so enthusiastically espouse comes true. It is you who are out of touch with reality. I only know it far too well.
On Topic. Its a sad reality all kinds of Pakistanis be shia, sunni. Muslim Non-Muslim have fallen prey to this politics by all sides be they shia, sunni, Muslim, Non Muslim.

you just can not single out one community. The need of the hour is spreading and advocating choice for a moderate path. Currently we are faced with two extremes as i always say i.e Neo Liberal Extremists Vs Conservative Extremists

You quoted me like four times. But you didn't tell me why you were quoting me?? When people out of frustration and without logic start cursing you out when you expect facts from them and the admins don't do jack to them as they are either owners of this forum or are senior big deals....what do you do? At some point, you'll show the other person that you very well know how to respond to stupidity. The rules of the forum should be enforced and no one should be allowed to disrespect others.
But if that's not happening and you'll continue on doing that, TRUST ME, you'll hear from the party you are trying to verbally assault.
Similarly, there is no room for abusive language when two civil people talk and negotiate (something missing hugely from IK and Mullah's demeanor and acts). Threatening and violence don't get you ahead. Communication and mutual respect do. And that's needed.
No you want to play both side of the coin.

No, you guys want to play only your preferred side of the coin, not realizing there is another side to the coin too. Fairness is an alien concept it seems. Imagine that.

You quoted me like four times. But you didn't tell me why you were quoting me?? When people out of frustration and without logic start cursing you out when you expect facts from them and the admins don't do jack to them as they are either owners of this forum or are senior big deals....what do you do? At some point, you'll show the other person that you very well know how to respond to stupidity. The rules of the forum should be enforced and no one should be allowed to disrespect others.
But if that's not happening and you'll continue on doing that, TRUST ME, you'll hear from the party you are trying to verbally assault.
Similarly, there is no room for abusive language when two civil people talk and negotiate (something missing hugely from IK and Mullah's demeanor and acts). Threatening and violence don't get you ahead. Communication and mutual respect do. And that's needed.

Calm down dude. This is how the above-the-rules selected underlings bait the undesirables to be banned. Don't play this game for you will lose.
@Chak Bamu

ASWJ is loyal to PMLN, along with its terrorist wing LeJ

Im not sure how you expect Sharifs to turn against their own terrorist wing.

Bhai jaan, LeJ is a full fledged fighting force. Its also known as the Punjabi Taliban.

I'm on record saying that Shia Killings will happen and escelate right after Nawaz Sharif brought his takfeeri dogs on the street to protest for him.

Every single time ASWJ aka SSP aka LeJ aka Punjabi Taliban have been given political space throughout 90s, they have sought a free hand to kill shias, sunnis and non Muslim minorities i.e Qadiyanis.

They trade their street power for impunity to kill what they call, Murtid, Kafir grave worshippers!

Bhai jaan, LeJ is a full fledged fighting force. Its also known as the Punjabi Taliban.

I'm on record saying that Shia Killings will happen and escelate right after Nawaz Sharif brought his takfeeri dogs on the street to protest for him.

Every single time ASWJ aka SSP aka LeJ aka Punjabi Taliban have been given political space throughout 90s, they have sought a free hand to kill shias, sunnis and non Muslim minorities i.e Qadiyanis.

They trade their street power for impunity to kill what they call, Murtid, Kafir grave worshippers!

There are many other similar full fledged fighting forces too, in addition to the LeJ.
="Syed.Ali.Haider, post: 6119176, member: 32635"]No, you guys want to play only your preferred side of the coin, not realizing there is another side to the coin too. Fairness is an alien concept it seems. Imagine that.

LAHORE: Malik Ishaq enjoyed Punjab government’s financial assistance ever since the Sharif’s came to power in 2008, officials on condition of anonymity told The Express Tribune. The accused terror kingpin belonging to banned Sunni outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), nominated in 44 cases in which 70 people were killed, allegedly received a monthly stipend, during imprisonment, from the Punjab government. Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah confirmed the disbursement but clarified that it was given to Ishaq’s family, not him, as per orders of the court. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that nor was there any such disbursements during former president Musharraf’s tenure, nor was there any court order pertaining to the matter. REFERENCE: LeJ’s Malik received monthly stipend from Punjab govt By Asad Kharal Published:

Only in pakistan Terrorist are given police protection. Same police thats suppose to protect the people from terrorist is protecting terrorist.

Terrorize people and get paid while in jail

Fight the army tooth and nail so no action is taken against the terrorist.
Only in pakistan Terrorist are given police protection. Same police thats suppose to protect the people from terrorist is protecting terrorist.

And then people object when Pakistan is rightfully described as a state sponsor of terrorism?

None of which seek to butcher Shias in return for political space, nor any of them have full finance and protection from a sitting 'democratic' govt.
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