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Syed.Ali.Haider and Murtaza

My condolences to the departed. This is the blight of what this country faces.
My dear Ali: Many still miss you and all that you represented. Rest in peace, my dear friend. May God bless you. ______.

Murtaza Haider is dead, does anyone care? - Blogs - DAWN.COM


He was only 12-years old, full of life and promise. But that was on Sunday. Monday morning Murtaza Haider and his father, Dr Syed Ali Haider, were shot dead in a targeted attack by militants in an elite neighbourhood of Lahore.

Dr Ali Haider was a professor and the chair of the Ophthalmology Department at Lahore General Hospital. He was shot six times in the face, head, and other parts of his body. The learned doctor and his family had no enemies, yet the father and son were guilty of a cardinal sin in Pakistan. They were Shias.

Dr Haider was driving Murtaza to school Monday morning when two armed militants intercepted their vehicle and sprayed it with bullets. The police believe that their unprovoked murders were carried out by sectarian extremists.

This is what has become of Pakistan: Shia doctors, lawyers, parliamentarians, and children are being hunted down in the streets of large urban centres like Lahore, Karachi, and Peshawar. At the same time, Shia labourers, daily wage earners, street hawkers, and pilgrims travelling to Iran are taken off buses and shot in cold blood. And then there is indiscriminate bombings of Shia mosques and other gathering places.

In Quetta’s Hazara town, fear rules the streets. Mothers do not want their children to leave homes. Wives dread the thought of their husbands becoming another statistic in the never ending sectarian warfare declared on Shia Hazaras. I spoke with my cousin in Hazara Town and asked about how people were coping. He told me of a community under siege and numb by fear and pain.

Those who work for the government and live in Hazara Town do not go to work anymore. They are confined to their homes. The admin staff drops files at their homes in the morning and collects the same files later in the afternoon. Hazara Town has in fact become an open prison for many. The less fortunate ones still have to venture out of the town and risk death at every corner.

Needless to say, Pakistan can use some doctors, especially surgeons. Every doctor counts in Pakistan where there is less than one doctor per 1,000 people. Thus, killing them in cold blood does not make much sense for the welfare of ordinary Pakistanis. Dr Ali Haider was a renowned eye surgeon whose skilled and compassionate hands had restored the vision of countless patients. Dr Ali Haider had an unrivalled medical pedigree. He was the only son of another renowned surgeon and a professor of King Edward Medical University (KEMU), Dr Syed Zafar Haider. Dr Tahira Haider, his mother, also taught at KEMU, and his sister is also a medical doctor and an academic.

Dr Zafar Haider in his old age has to mourn the death of his son and grandson. While some may try to create doubts about the motives of the killers, Dr. Zafar Haider has no doubts. “My son has been killed for being a Shia and a dedicated follower of the Holy Prophet,” the grieving doctor told Dawn.

Earlier in the week, I wrote in the same space urging Shias of Quetta and Peshawar to either relocate to Lahore and Karachi, or better to seek asylum abroad. Many in their comments on Dawn’s website disagreed and accused me of caving in to the terrorists. Many expressed their commitment to strike back at the sectarian murderers. I am neither that naive nor that brave. The murder of Dr Haider and young Murtaza in fact further reinforces my belief that the life and property of Shias in Pakistan is no longer safe.

I also know that the State apparatus, including the police, intelligence agencies, and the courts, is incapable of arresting and convicting those involved in the guerilla warfare against the State using Shias as a target. Even when they are arrested, the courts failed to convict the sectarian terrorists. And while valiant police officers, such as SSP Ashraf Marth, laid their lives in pursuing militants, the courts could still not convict the alleged. Why? The three key eye witnesses in SSP Marth’s case, all police officers, recanted their earlier statements that implicated the accused. It is therefore, no surprise that some elements of the State have capitulated and were subsidising the families of the alleged sectarian militants while they were under arrest.

A few hours earlier at Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square, I joined a few dozen protesters who had gathered yet again to protest the recent murder of Shia Hazaras in Quetta. It was only last month that a similar impromptu protest brought several hundred Pakistanis in Toronto to the same place where they protested the death of Shia Hazaras who were killed on January 10. Unlike the last time, the crowd in Toronto was much smaller and the sloganeering had a distinct defeatist tone. It appears that many had resigned to the fact that sectarian terrorism cannot be stopped in Pakistan.

Dr Syed Ali Haider spent his life restoring vision to those who could not see. In the end, he and his son, Murtaza Haider, were murdered by those blinded by sectarian hatred. Now it is up to the State to prove that it can deliver justice to the grieving family. Otherwise, the Haider family has no reason to stay in Pakistan and cure the very people who want to murder them.
It is unfortunate but situation is little better for past two months no major blast and killings but it would take time to wipe out target killers
@Aeronaut @Hyperion @admins If this idiot calls me what he just did and he doesn't get banned, I'll have no mercy. I'll put him back into the place where he came from years ago. So PLEASE enforce some *****ing regulations. This is the tenth time I've reported stuff to you and you guys keep giving preferential treatment to others.

I want this dude BANNED from this thread or this forum will lose respect. This has become a biased place where you guys favor the ones you like. People should have the MANLINESS and Balls big enough to deal with the opposite opinion. Its not my way or the highway.

Indeed. its not your way or the highway either .

Back to this root moron, you have no knowledge of your country and you have no *****ing clue about me. IK's supported Talibans for a long time. You have an issue with the reality, go fuc*k yourself. Beyond that, you have another issue with Mullah Greedy, you can go fu*ck yourself for the second time.

"People should have the MANLINESS and Balls big enough to deal with the opposite opinion"

You cuss me out here ONE more time, and the admins don't take an action, before I finally depart, the words you'll hear from me, will remain with you for a LONG time. This is a warning. You control how the others respond to you. You cross the line, don't be upset at the retaliation.

"People should have the MANLINESS and Balls big enough to deal with the opposite opinion"


On Topic.
Its a sad reality all kinds of Pakistanis be shia, sunni. Muslim Non-Muslim have fallen prey to this politics by all sides be they shia, sunni, Muslim, Non Muslim.

you just can not single out one community. The need of the hour is spreading and advocating choice for a moderate path. Currently we are faced with two extremes as i always say i.e Neo Liberal Extremists Vs Conservative Extremists
@Syed.Ali.Haider you personally new faisal and other doctors ?

Recently i having a conversation with my facebook friends and realized its not only shia doctors but ahmadis as well . I forgot but one ahmadi of Pakistani origin( who practiced in US) was in Pakistan to serve the people and extremists killed him too .
Inna lillahi wa inna elehi rajion-

whats up with talibunies and doctors?-

They target the money. Both sides have lists of donors that are targeted. Donors are mostly professionals on the Shia and other minority side and business owners on the taliban side. Till now only one side takes these to a brutal level which includes killing of families along with their targets.
My deep condolence to the family of murtaza.
Government should take some appropriate measures to stop this sectarian clashes.
And kudos to Pak army who is killing these filthy terrorists from northern sides of Pakistan but I think Pak army should launch operation through out the country against these foreign aided terrorists, because they have penetrated every where in Pakistan especially in balochistan and I hope Pak army kills each and every Taliban and foreign aided terrorists from our home land.
RIP all the innocent victims of mindless sectarian violence.
Targeting Minorities or Groups just on the basis of their beliefs cannot be justified/halal/kosher, but.........
Any Nation that allows its young to be murdered; needs to think whether it can justify its very existence.
@Syed.Ali.Haider , I had tear in my eyes when I heard of Dr. Ali Haider and his son. Today again I have tears in my eyes.

I understand your pain if you knew either him or Dr. Faisal, or both. It also explains deep skepticism that is your hallmark by now. I might be like that too, had I been in your shoes.

The differences between Shias and Sunnis are there, but they need not be made into mountains. A little respect and accommodation goes very far. That is how it was for many years, until Iranians thought that exporting their revolution was somehow a good idea and we had Zia ruling Pakistan.

I do wish Shias would stop tabarra, and that Sunnis would stop calling Shias Kafirs. Both are linked in a deadly dynamic, which can only go one way in a country like Pakistan, much to the detriment of Shias and Pakistan itself. It is insane that groups like SSP, ASWJ, etc... are so open in expressing and enacting their hatred. I have witnessed at least one ASWJ protest against the police in Lahore, and Police were reluctant to take on about 2 dozen madrassah students who had shut down a major intersection.

ASWJ Lahore.jpg

All the instability in Pakistan that I see currently is making the police gutless in taking on these preachers of hate. When are we going to do anything about ASWJ when PM and CM are busy fending off attacks from various quarters? IMV SS could actually do something about these people, if he feels secure enough. But I do not see anything happening against them for quite sometime. What a loss!
@Syed.Ali.Haider you personally new faisal and other doctors ?

Recently i having a conversation with my facebook friends and realized its not only shia doctors but ahmadis as well . I forgot but one ahmadi of Pakistani origin( who practiced in US) was in Pakistan to serve the people and extremists killed him too .

My account here is a tribute to my dear friend Ali. That is all I can say.

@Syed.Ali.Haider , I had tear in my eyes when I heard of Dr. Ali Haider and his son. Today again I have tears in my eyes.
I understand your pain if you knew either him or Dr. Faisal, or both. It also explains deep skepticism that is your hallmark by now. I might be like that too, had I been in your shoes.
The differences between Shias and Sunnis are there, but they need not be made into mountains. A little respect and accommodation goes very far. That is how it was for many years, until Iranians thought that exporting their revolution was somehow a good idea and we had Zia ruling Pakistan.

There was a time when life was not like this at all. We all lived together in harmony.

Then things started to change. I still remember when rioters burned down the home of my friend who was an Ahmadi, and his anguish when he wondered why. Over the years several of my friends and their children have been killed in cold blood and a certain kind of madness has spread throughout wider society.

And yet people insist on trying to prove that we are on some kind of a rosy path leading us all to heaven, when in fact we are sleep walking ourselves to hell. Those who know better have either left or are forced to keep quiet. Those who are leading this rush to madness strut about unchallenged, including here on PDF.

I have so much to say, but it will be too bluntly truthful and hurtful to people here, for we cannot handle the truth. That is all.

Yet you defend the grand dady of LeJ and SSP.


Do you refer to the "glorious" Pak Army that raised these snakes? It is people like you defend them them blindly, not me. I call out those who are responsible fairly.
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deepest condolences to the affectees
and the remaining part...why you guys are so much against orangzaib? i mean its pretty much evident that its the sheer bias out of which he is treated. its a public forum and everyone has the right of expression. and this swearing thing...i can bet it wont be so in case theres a face to face argument. so keep it real, calm down....respect and get respected.

Army maybe protecting Afghan Taliban, but LeJ...comeon, that shit is too hot for anyone to believe.

LeJ is a mercenery Army of PMLN, the same party you vehemently defend.

LeJ's political face ASWJ aka SSP, marched through Ayub Chowk Jhang on the 20th of August....they were carrying PMLN's flags, AKs, masks and were chanting 'pro Nawaz' slogans.

You need soul searching my friend. The man you defend is the man who runs the terrorist enterprise which killed your friends.

Its the naked truth.

Army maybe protecting Afghan Taliban, but LeJ...comeon, that shit is too hot for anyone to believe.

LeJ is a mercenery Army of PMLN, the same party you vehemently defend.

LeJ's political face ASWJ aka SSP, marched through Ayub Chowk Jhang on the 20th of August....they were carrying PMLN's flags, AKs, masks and were chanting 'pro Nawaz' slogans.

You need soul searching my friend. The man you defend is the man who runs the terrorist enterprise which killed your friends.

Its the naked truth.

Please understand this clearly: I defend only the rule of law, not any party, not PMLN, and not PTI either.
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