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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

Seriously where are you people living most of the anti Pakistan elements are non pakhtoon former northern alliance who is abdullah abdullah most of the pakhtoon are behind Afghan Taliban the only pro Pakistan faction in Afghanistan despite what Musharraf did to them you are just a pakhtoon hater and the real threat to Pakistan's unity.

Guys, stop responding to Cliftonite and Halfmoon, they are Indian Hindus.


Taliban are starting offensives everywhere in Afghanistan. Few weeks ago Helmand and now Kandahar. Expect thousands of refugees.

Actually that will help refugees go back. Peace and security is what Afghanistan needs.

Somebody ask Loy bar Afghan lot that what they have to say about this? Someone ask this to Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir

Lar aw bar Pakhtona.

75% Pukhtoons of the world are in Pakistan. Afghanistan culturally and historically always follows Pakistan, for this reason.

I was PERFECTLY FINE with Afghans as both muslim brothers and our neighbors, I was perfectly fine with helping them even to our own costs

Then I woke up, I realised that the afghans did not even recognise PAKISTAN in 1947

I realised the afghans , repeatedly tried to instigate Insurgency in PAKISTAN during the 50s, 60s and 70s

i realised that even when we took in Millions of afghans during the Soviet invasion, they hated us and plotted against us

i realised those rock headed idiots have been the main source of terrorism within PAKISTAN

The emergence of PTM scums
Lar or Bar brigade
We don't speak Urdu brigade
we don't recognize durrand line idiots
Accusations of state terrorism by these trash


How much longer do we have to put up with these gadeh

Seal the border
Treat the afghans here like the trash they are
Force them out one way or the other

UMMAH chumma dosent work with afghans, the moment the afghans sided with india is the moment our relationship with them was smashed

You are conflating a niche client Kabul political class which has a history selling out to British, Russians, Americans, Indians, and Iranians with the Afghan masses, who have mostly been loyal and friendly towards Pakistan.

Afghanistan as a country cannot be essentialized to only Kabulie or Northern Alliance remnants.

The biggest problem with Afghans is the fact they think they are superior to all other ethnicities. They can't digest the fact that Pakistan is so successful and progressive compared to them which has the majority of Punjabi Population. Their vendetta against Punjabis has no limits, it is their inferiority complex which motivates them to go against our countries interests.

A particular class of Afghan clients to foreign powers think this way. They are trying to brainwash Afghans. US/NATO, Indian propaganda always promotes anti-Pakistanism.

We have no choice but to deal with Afghanistan, otherwise wait for another TTP terror wave.

Let me say this


syrians, afghans, Yemeni are dying like dogs
Indian Muslims are waking up to a hindutva extremist state that Jinnah always warned would materialize

Problems around the world

Yet we have our PAKISTAN

A thin line separates PAKISTAN from success or destruction

That thin line is PAKISTANI patriots whether they be in the military, politics or society

Look at the amount of selfish near enough ghaddars in our country
A world full.of enemies
A hindutva extremist shithole next door
Yet we have Lar or Bar afghans
sindhi nationalism
baloch clowns trying to kill soldiers
political parties like PPP or PmLn who have no love for PAKISTAN and just want power to.loot and rule, who would be happy to drag PAKISTAN in the mud for their own gain
Liberals who want to trash PAKISTAN in every tweet, news article or platform around the world

The only thing that stands in their way is our peoples love for PAKISTAN

We need to be stronger, harsher and more aggressive against our enemies

Arabs, Europeans, they don't value weakness and if we don't stand up for our interests then no one else will

if we don't stand up for PAKISTAN then no one else will

The afghans are one of the enemies that we need to be firm with, their pathetic condition should not lull us into sympathy, they are snakes who want PAKISTAN torn apart so they can take half our land
How are they different to the bakhts

You are painting a broad brush. I think you need to be careful.

Not all Afghans are our enemy, and many are our friends.
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@AgNoStiC MuSliM @waz @The Eagle @LeGenD

Can we do something about these Indian false-flaggers trying to create animosity between Punjabis and Pukhtoons on PDF?

It is absolutely ridiculous as we have excellent relations in Pakistan and intermarry quite often.

Indian falseflaggers should have Indian flags to reflect their allegiance to their state.

That will help prevent sectarian and ethnic/racial trouble among PDF Pakistanis.
Yes mods. Please clear out some people's misunderstandings (read:delusions). I'm getting sick of reiterating that I'm not Indian rofl.

Apparently talking about Afghan Pashtuns' obvious hatred towards Pakistan is tantamount to cReAtiNg aNiMoSitY bEtWeEN pAsHtUnS aNd pUnJaBiS on PDF.

Anybody who has interacted with Afghan Pashtuns outside of Pakistan knows how much they hate our country. They even call our language Hindi
Yes mods. Please clear out some people's misunderstandings (read:delusions). I'm getting sick of reiterating that I'm not Indian rofl.

Apparently talking about Afghan Pashtuns' obvious hatred towards Pakistan is tantamount to cReAtiNg aNiMoSitY bEtWeEN pAsHtUnS aNd pUnJaBiS on PDF.

Anybody who has interacted with Afghan Pashtuns outside of Pakistan knows how much they hate our country. They even call our language Hindi

Sab Indians hain bhai....

Pata nahi itna pyaar kion hain inlogon ko Afghan Pashtuns se. Bombings our bacha bazi se lagta hai pait nahi bhara inlogon ka... Lagta our chahiyeh inhein...

Also , Afghan Taliban are unanimous in not accepting durand line along with remaining Afghan Pashtun... Northern Alliance and other ethnicities are willing to accept durand line as permanent border.

Also , name me one hazara Shia that has blown up himself in Pakistan despite undergoing massacres.
Arey bhai... No one is saying every Afghan Pashtun is bad. But over-whelming majority of problems are coming from them...

emotion ko hata kar , dimagh use karo.

Bro, half my Khandan is Pukhtoon, and I take particular offense to your implications.

I have told you before not to go down this route.

Do not let this Indian deceive you. Check the screenshot I posted above.

Moderation is aware and watching him, he will be dealt with soon.
It all depends on how people consider themselves.

See @Ladyuk 's post here. Also many Pushtuns in Punjab consider themselves as Punjabhis.

Punjabis have never been in majority. I so wished that Punjabis were in over-whelming majority because that would have brought a lot of stability to the country.

The fact is , other ethnicities feel insecure about themselves when they compare themselves to Punjabis. They hate the fact that Punjabis are ahead of them in every metric. Instead of bettering themselves , they shit on Punjab. Sort of like how every ill is because of jews , not because you are lazy , weak and incompetent.

Not having a clear cut majority of any ethnicity in Pakistan is one of the reasons why it is unstable. People consider diversity as strength but I think its opposite.

FYI , I am an urdu speaking muhajir.
Bro, half my Khandan is Pukhtoon, and I take particular offense to your implications.

I have told you before not to go down this route.

Do not let this Indian deceive you. Check the screenshot I posted above.

Moderation is aware and watching him, he will be dealt with soon.

Har cheez ko personal nahi liya karo..

MQM urdu speakers ki party hai magar I openly admit that they had been doing terrorism in Pakistan until they were booted by rangers.

Problems ko accept nahi karoge to solution kese nikalo ge...
Guys, stop responding to Cliftonite and Halfmoon, they are Indian Hindus.

View attachment 684885

Yar ab yeh konsa evidence hai ... woh bhi 2001 ka

Mods ko bolo keh IP trace kar lein . Pata chal jaega..

Wese I am 99.9% sure Cliftonite is from Pakistan..
Wonder where your Muslim brotherhood goes when you say racist sh!t about Bengalis and Muhajirs. Hypocrite much?
Did I step on your Muhajir tail? Ouch ...

Ps. There is nothing you can do about this. Go cry a Ganga. Geography and our shared ethnic history will prevail. Khyber Pakhtunkwa will benefit enormously from trade with Afghanistan and even further into Central Asia as used to be before the British threw up that artificial border called Durand Line. Durrani empire included most of Pakistan and Afghanistan. We wil have Durrani Empire v-02 *inshallah*

Bro, half my Khandan is Pukhtoon, and I take particular offense to your implications.
My wife is a Pathan from Lahore, her maternal side left Afghanistan in the 80ies during the Soviet invasion and settled in Punjab. I can feel you brother.

What I don't understand is: people will find excuses for Hindu minorities, Christian minorities, Islamophobe white people, Western politicians hating on Muslims and will have a inferioty-complex ridden attitude to every Non-Muslim, but when it comes to Afghans they become real Nazis.

Afghans here in the West have no issues with us Pakistanis, we inter-marry, we speak the same language (it's funny, every Afghan I know speaks better Urdu than me :D) and share the same religion. The Kabuli homos don't represent the real Afghanistan. It's like Westerenes saying that Afghanistan was so modern in the late 60ies because women wore miniskirts in Kabul (yeah, let's focus on a corrupt elite and ignore the rest of the country).

Of course there are problems with some Afghans, but those idiots are like our idiots. They forget their Muslim identity and start worshipping their Clans and random birthplaces. And at the same time they complain that the Ummah is dead. I know right?
Har cheez ko personal nahi liya karo..

MQM urdu speakers ki party hai magar I openly admit that they had been doing terrorism in Pakistan until they were booted by rangers.

Problems ko accept nahi karoge to solution kese nikalo ge...

Yar ab yeh konsa evidence hai ... woh bhi 2001 ka

Mods ko bolo keh IP trace kar lein . Pata chal jaega..

Wese I am 99.9% sure Cliftonite is from Pakistan..

Defend karo Indians ko.

I see you prefer Indians over your Pukhtoon Pakistani brothers.

I have been witness to your racist rants against Pukhtoons before.

I won't allow a small group of people to post racist tirades against my Pukhtoon blood.

To me, all Pakistanis are equal, be they Punjabi, Pukhtoon, Urdu speaker, Sunni, Shia, Ahle Hadees, etc.

Regarding the Indian false-flagger, explain the above screenshot which I posted. I think it speaks for itself.

Not only is this ID Islamophobic, it is racist against Punjabis and Pukhtoons, and tries to create ethnic tension between Urdu speakers and others by passing off as a Pakistani.

All tell tale signs of Indian false-flagger.
My wife is a Pathan from Lahore, her maternal side left Afghanistan in the 80ies during the Soviet invasion and settled in Punjab. I can feel you brother.

What I don't understand is: people will find excuses for Hindu minorities, Christian minorities, Islamophobe white people, Western politicians hating on Muslims and will have a inferioty-complex ridden attitude to every Non-Muslim, but when it comes to Afghans they become real Nazis.

Afghans here in the West have no issues with us Pakistanis, we inter-marry, we speak the same language (it's funny, every Afghan I know speaks better Urdu than me :D) and share the same religion. The Kabuli homos don't represent the real Afghanistan. It's like Westerenes saying that Afghanistan was so modern in the late 60ies because women wore miniskirts in Kabul (yeah, let's focus on a corrupt elite and ignore the rest of the country).

Of course there are problems with some Afghans, but those idiots are like our idiots. They forget their Muslim identity and start worshipping their Clans and random birthplaces. And at the same time they complain that the Ummah is dead. I know right?

Wrora, te senga ye?

We are Pakistanis, proud patriots, we recognize the sacrifices Pukhtoons made for our country in every war and every conflict.

We pay homage to our brave people of KP and Northern Balochistan who faced the brunt of Indian funded TTP terror wave.

We pray for Pukhtoon youth specifically targeted and slaughtered twice in Pakhawar, first APS and then in the recent madrassa attack by the Indians.

What Indians fear most is good relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan, because they can no longer distract Pakistan on the Western front.

They know once Afghan mess is sorted. The Taliban will go all in to support Pakistan in any war which we have with India. The scenario where battle-hardened lashkars flood Kashmir during wartime is so frightening for Hindu Indians that they have come on this forum to dissuade us from this eventuality.

Fact is, this is bound to happen regardless of what they do.

This ID had been banned previously for his Islamophobic posts and for replying to every one of my posts on Afghan-Pakistan relations by calling me 'Taliban.'

He has just come back from a ban of several months, so let everyone ponder on that.
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