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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

If Afghans do not see us as fellow muslims, Pakistan is under no obligation to reciprocate.

they rejected the largest muslim nation at a time when its population was being systematically massacred and furthermore sided with India and even Russia to break Pakistan. This cannot be forgotten. You can read all correspondence of british, US and Pakistani officials from 47 to late 60s.

Look at Nepal and Myanmar. Did they create the problem which Afghans created for Pakistan? Why?

Islam does not stop from being proud of you culture, but if you become ethnocentric that is a problem and Afghans are ethnocentric supremacists.
In principle I agree with you but if Pakistan doesn't help Afghanistan or provide it with aid, then a lot of innocent Afghans will start suffering and dying.

Simple and effective solution to poverty is if you cant afford to raise your children then dont breed. That goes to Pakistan as well which must have 10 children per family even if they have to sell a few just for sake of it.
If Afghans do not see us as fellow muslims, Pakistan is under no obligation to reciprocate.

they rejected the largest muslim nation at a time when its population was being systematically massacred and furthermore sided with India and even Russia to break Pakistan. This cannot be forgotten. You can read all correspondence of british, US and Pakistani officials from 47 to late 60s.

Look at Nepal and Myanmar. Did they create the problem which Afghans created for Pakistan? Why?

Islam does not stop from being proud of you culture, but if you become ethnocentric that is a problem and Afghans are ethnocentric supremacists.

There is a hadith which pretty much says if you are poor and arrogant then you are worst kind of a human being.
Thanks for the corrections. But my points remain

1) Punjabhis will still be a majority

2) There is no threat from the Pushtuns. PMIK is living example of what Pushtuns can do to Pakistan.

Can you explain how Punjabis would remain in majority? If South Punjab province is created the population of Punjab would get divided into two, with almost equal number of citizens in both provinces, this will help get rid of Punjabi dominance phenomenon if at all exists.

South Punjab people are saraiki speaking and are ethnically Baloch.
We should concentrate on those who are already here.

In sha Allah, we can do projects in Afghanistan to promote jobs for them in their home country, eventually.

Repatriation of Afghans back to their country should begin, as many of them will promote and have interests for a secure Afghanistan.
There is no Punjabi-Pashtun tensions, we have lived peacefully with each other for a very long time. In my area, there is no distinction between us.

Childish rubbish like "pakistanis r dalkhors" or "kick all afgandus out" is overwhelmingly limited to no-life jingoists on the internet.

Quite hypocritical isn't it.

Guy you are replying to us an Indian.

I grew up with Afghan refugees in Central Punjab, we have no problems.

Pakistan Punjab population is 110 million...

You are replying to another Indian.
Can you explain how Punjabis would remain in majority? If South Punjab province is created the population of Punjab would get divided into two, with almost equal number of citizens in both provinces, this will help get rid of Punjabi dominance phenomenon if at all exists.

South Punjab people are saraiki speaking and are ethnically Baloch.

It all depends on how people consider themselves.

See @Ladyuk 's post here. Also many Pushtuns in Punjab consider themselves as Punjabhis.

Thanks for the corrections. But my points remain

1) Punjabhis will still be a majority

2) There is no threat from the Pushtuns. PMIK is living example of what Pushtuns can do to Pakistan.
IK is not a Pashtun, his father was a Punjabi, lineage is derived by the father, atleast where i am from....
They don't want to integrate. We'll have a Pashtun Punjabi civil war on our hands. The level of hate Afghani Pashtuns have for Punjabis is too much.

Better bet would be to support the Tajik and Hazara factions of Afghanistan.

They don't want to break our country at least.

Racists don't look nice giving preachy statements.

Wonder where your Muslim brotherhood goes when you say racist sh!t about Bengalis and Muhajirs. Hypocrite much?
Seriously where are you people living most of the anti Pakistan elements are non pakhtoon former northern alliance who is abdullah abdullah most of the pakhtoon are behind Afghan Taliban the only pro Pakistan faction in Afghanistan despite what Musharraf did to them you are just a pakhtoon hater and the real threat to Pakistan's unity.
Seriously where are you people living most of the anti Pakistan elements are non pakhtoon former northern alliance who is abdullah abdullah most of the pakhtoon are behind Afghan Taliban the only pro Pakistan faction in Afghanistan despite what Musharraf did to them you are just a pakhtoon hater and the real threat to Pakistan's unity.

Not the first time I'm hearing n0rThErN alLiAnCe iS tHe rEAl eNeMy on PDF

Take a little time to understand Afghanistan's history. All the Pashtunistan claims and interference in Pakistan came from Afghan Pashtuns.

The Hazaras and Tajiks were brutally persecuted under Taliban rule and they opposed Pakistan because of its support to Taliban.

Besides that, they have no issue with Pakistan or the Durand Line. You will never hear a Hazara, Tajik or Uzbek calling Pakistan Punjabistan or napakistan. That all comes from the Afghan Pashtuns.

Seriously do yourself a favor and read some history before parroting the same old points.
You should go to a PTM rally sometimes if you think that we're exaggerating. Jab Lar o Bar yow Afghan aur Punjabi daalkhor ke naaro sunno ge tou pata chal jaye ga.

Honestly people on PDF live in their echo chamber. You guys keep saying Northern Alliance is the enemy when everybody who has interacted with Afghans know that it's Afghan Pashtuns who hate our guts.

Correct on both counts. It is Afghan Pashtuns that have been a problem. Northern Alliance have been unnecessarily vilified.

I will take Shia Hazaras over these hardcore and radical Afghan Pashtun. Brace for more bombings , bacha bazi and rapes.

Not the first time I'm hearing n0rThErN alLiAnCe iS tHe rEAl eNeMy on PDF

Take a little time to understand Afghanistan's history. All the Pashtunistan claims and interference in Pakistan came from Afghan Pashtuns.

The Hazaras and Tajiks were brutally persecuted under Taliban rule and they opposed Pakistan because of its support to Taliban.

Besides that, they have no issue with Pakistan or the Durand Line. You will never hear a Hazara, Tajik or Uzbek calling Pakistan Punjabistan or napakistan. That all comes from the Afghan Pashtuns.

Seriously do yourself a favor and read some history before parroting the same old points.
You are talking about a nationalist minority which are present in Pakistan too and not just in pakhtoons but in all nationalities you don't know anything about the ground reality. Who are Afghan Taliban
Who really defeated usa the only force we are supporting and can rely on in Afghanistan
all the others are useless opportunists.
Correct on both counts. It is Afghan Pashtuns that have been a problem. Northern Alliance have been unnecessarily vilified.

I will take Shia Hazaras over these hardcore and radical Afghan Pashtun. Brace for more bombings , bacha bazi and rapes.
Koi establishment ka narrative follow karne waalo ko yeh baat samjha de bhai
You are talking about a nationalist minority which are present in Pakistan too and not just in pakhtoons but in all nationalities you don't know anything about the ground reality. Who are Afghan Taliban
Who really defeated usa the only force we are supporting and can rely on in Afghanistan
all the others are useless opportunists.
You're so foolish to think Afghan Pashtuns all follow Taliban. Some of the strongest opponents of Taliban are Afghan Pashtuns.

Who do you think endorses PTM? Its Afghan Pashtuns. Not Tajik or Hazaras.

And the others aren't useless opportunists. Ahmed Shah Massoud and his Jamat e Islami was pro Pakistan until we made a huge blunder of supporting Gulbuddin Hekmetyar.

Ask any Hazara, they are pro Pakistan. We alienated them by supporting their oppressors.

Keep making blunders. You'll only keep suffering. Even the Taliban refused to accept the Durand Line when they came in power.

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