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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

Punjabis were never in the majority; if you were to exclude Pothoharis (9% of the population) and Seraikis (10%); both of whom do not identify as Punjabis, then the Punjabi population is only around 35%.

You're acting like PTM is some mainstream party, all ethnic groups have ethno-nationalist parties.

I have grown up with them, never once have I felt that they hated us; hell, there was no concept of "us" and "them" between us. They overwhelmingly identify as Pakistani, especially the ones that were born and raised here.
The person you are addressing sir is known false flagger. He keeps showing up at these threads to spew ethno racist bullshit. First it was Punjabi-Sindhi tensions to Punjabi-Karachi to Punjabi-Balochi to this.
These diaspora kids who have probably never set foot in Pakistan
I was born and raised in Pakistan, never set a foot outside Pakistan and I want all of these Afghanis out.
We already have enough snakes here, don't need anymore.
People who don't live in Pakistan should have no say in deciding the future of Pakistan. Afghanis have all been hostile towards us and our armed forces and I don't see them changing their attitude towards us anytime soon.
Somebody ask Loy bar Afghan lot that what they have to say about this? Someone ask this to Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir
I was PERFECTLY FINE with Afghans as both muslim brothers and our neighbors, I was perfectly fine with helping them even to our own costs

Then I woke up, I realised that the afghans did not even recognise PAKISTAN in 1947

I realised the afghans , repeatedly tried to instigate Insurgency in PAKISTAN during the 50s, 60s and 70s

i realised that even when we took in Millions of afghans during the Soviet invasion, they hated us and plotted against us

i realised those rock headed idiots have been the main source of terrorism within PAKISTAN

The emergence of PTM scums
Lar or Bar brigade
We don't speak Urdu brigade
we don't recognize durrand line idiots
Accusations of state terrorism by these trash


How much longer do we have to put up with these gadeh

Seal the border
Treat the afghans here like the trash they are
Force them out one way or the other

UMMAH chumma dosent work with afghans, the moment the afghans sided with india is the moment our relationship with them was smashed
You should go to a PTM rally sometimes if you think that we're exaggerating. Jab Lar o Bar yow Afghan aur Punjabi daalkhor ke naaro sunno ge tou pata chal jaye ga.

Honestly people on PDF live in their echo chamber. You guys keep saying Northern Alliance is the enemy when everybody who has interacted with Afghans know that it's Afghan Pashtuns who hate our guts.

As you are an indian, what PTM or ANY other rally have you been to in Pakistan?......... :azn:
As an indian, WHAT do you know about the ground realities inside Pakistan?..........:azn:
its based on Ummah Chumma criteria while Pakistan gets a shovel shoved up its @ss by their brothers.

Sad but true.
I was PERFECTLY FINE with Afghans as both muslim brothers and our neighbors, I was perfectly fine with helping them even to our own costs

Then I woke up, I realised that the afghans did not even recognise PAKISTAN in 1947

I realised the afghans , repeatedly tried to instigate Insurgency in PAKISTAN during the 50s, 60s and 70s

i realised that even when we took in Millions of afghans during the Soviet invasion, they hated us and plotted against us

i realised those rock headed idiots have been the main source of terrorism within PAKISTAN

The emergence of PTM scums
Lar or Bar brigade
We don't speak Urdu brigade
we don't recognize durrand line idiots
Accusations of state terrorism by these trash


How much longer do we have to put up with these gadeh

Seal the border
Treat the afghans here like the trash they are
Force them out one way or the other

UMMAH chumma dosent work with afghans, the moment the afghans sided with india is the moment our relationship with them was smashed

In principle I agree with you but if Pakistan doesn't help Afghanistan or provide it with aid, then a lot of innocent Afghans will start suffering and dying.
I was PERFECTLY FINE with Afghans as both muslim brothers and our neighbors, I was perfectly fine with helping them even to our own costs

Then I woke up, I realised that the afghans did not even recognise PAKISTAN in 1947

I realised the afghans , repeatedly tried to instigate Insurgency in PAKISTAN during the 50s, 60s and 70s

i realised that even when we took in Millions of afghans during the Soviet invasion, they hated us and plotted against us
You're conflating Afghan Governments with the Afghan people; the two have always been at odds, the current and previous civil wars are a testament to that.
In principle I agree with you but if Pakistan doesn't help Afghanistan or provide it with aid, then a lot of innocent Afghans will start suffering and dying.

If we do help them and let them in, then alot of innocent Pakistani will start suffering and dying

For once let's be selfish and think of ourselves

Let the afghans go to India
The biggest problem with Afghans is the fact they think they are superior to all other ethnicities. They can't digest the fact that Pakistan is so successful and progressive compared to them which has the majority of Punjabi Population. Their vendetta against Punjabis has no limits, it is their inferiority complex which motivates them to go against our countries interests.
Let me say this


syrians, afghans, Yemeni are dying like dogs
Indian Muslims are waking up to a hindutva extremist state that Jinnah always warned would materialize

Problems around the world

Yet we have our PAKISTAN

A thin line separates PAKISTAN from success or destruction

That thin line is PAKISTANI patriots whether they be in the military, politics or society

Look at the amount of selfish near enough ghaddars in our country
A world full.of enemies
A hindutva extremist shithole next door
Yet we have Lar or Bar afghans
sindhi nationalism
baloch clowns trying to kill soldiers
political parties like PPP or PmLn who have no love for PAKISTAN and just want power to.loot and rule, who would be happy to drag PAKISTAN in the mud for their own gain
Liberals who want to trash PAKISTAN in every tweet, news article or platform around the world

The only thing that stands in their way is our peoples love for PAKISTAN

We need to be stronger, harsher and more aggressive against our enemies

Arabs, Europeans, they don't value weakness and if we don't stand up for our interests then no one else will

if we don't stand up for PAKISTAN then no one else will

The afghans are one of the enemies that we need to be firm with, their pathetic condition should not lull us into sympathy, they are snakes who want PAKISTAN torn apart so they can take half our land
How are they different to the bakhts
Let me say this


syrians, afghans, Yemeni are dying like dogs
Indian Muslims are waking up to a hindutva extremist state that Jinnah always warned would materialize

Problems around the world

Yet we have our PAKISTAN

A thin line separates PAKISTAN from success or destruction

That thin line is PAKISTANI patriots whether they be in the military, politics or society

Look at the amount of selfish near enough ghaddars in our country
A world full.of enemies
A hindutva extremist shithole next door
Yet we have Lar or Bar afghans
sindhi nationalism
baloch clowns trying to kill soldiers
political parties like PPP or PmLn who have no love for PAKISTAN and just want power to.loot and rule, who would be happy to drag PAKISTAN in the mud for their own gain
Liberals who want to trash PAKISTAN in every tweet, news article or platform around the world

The only thing that stands in their way is our peoples love for PAKISTAN

We need to be stronger, harsher and more aggressive against our enemies

Arabs, Europeans, they don't value weakness and if we don't stand up for our interests then no one else will

if we don't stand up for PAKISTAN then no one else will

The afghans are one of the enemies that we need to be firm with, their pathetic condition should not lull us into sympathy, they are snakes who want PAKISTAN torn apart so they can take half our land
How are they different to the bakhts


As Pakistanis we are indeed very lucky!

But even from your own analysis do you believe that the traitors within Pakistan are a bigger threat to us than external forces?
Punjabis were never in the majority; if you were to exclude Pothoharis (9% of the population) and Seraikis (10%); both of whom do not identify as Punjabis, then the Punjabi population is only around 35%.

You're acting like PTM is some mainstream party, all ethnic groups have ethno-nationalist parties.

I have grown up with them, never once have I felt that they hated us; hell, there was no concept of "us" and "them" between us. They overwhelmingly identify as Pakistani, especially the ones that were born and raised here.

Who are you to speak for pothwari speaking punjabis? My maternal side is pothwari speaking and my paternal side is hindiko speakers both have always identified as Punjabi, it's not just language we descend from the same clans that are found all over punjab like awan, jat etc. Some of my extended family come from azad Kashmir and like vast majority of azad kashmiris speak pothwari dialect of Punjabi come from common clans like malik, jat, chaudhury, rajputs etc. As far as south punjab is concerned apart from baloch and pashtun heritage people the rest are all Punjabi, seraiki is a dialectof Punjabi.

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