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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

Pakistan ka matlab kya "La Ilaha Ilal la" which means Pakistan is a Islamic state.

Moreover Pakistan was created because Muslims were persecuted and so it has been created as a safe haven for muslims of subcontinent and neighbouring areas. So why don't you provide safety to Rohingya or Afghans?

I've already explained to you it was only ever intended for the muslims of north west Indian sub continent I.e pakistan. When later the bengalis wanted to join the movement initially baba jinnah was reluctant . There are over 1 billion muslims practically speaking the all can't live in pakistan and it was never intended to be a homeland for all muslims to start with.
Pakistan ka matlab kya "La Ilaha Ilal la" which means Pakistan is a Islamic state.

Moreover Pakistan was created because Muslims were persecuted and so it has been created as a safe haven for muslims of subcontinent and neighbouring areas. So why don't you provide safety to Rohingya or Afghans?

It was in 1947

We are a Islamic Republic but only for PAKISTANI citizens

Everyone else has to apply for a valid visa

PAKISTAN through the ISI has a active program to help people gain azaadi in their own lands
The Rakhigarhi (India) sample this article is based on is from Western Ganges. The article claims she has Iranian DNA apart from lots of native black DNA, but she cannot be called IVC as her remains were not found in Indus valley. You can claim her all you want.
After many years of interaction with Indians I have concluded that most are afflicted with severe form of inferiorty complex. This is exposed by how they have literally deluded themselves that India and Indus basin are analogous and the same. It's akin to all of Africa suckling Nile River so that they can catch the glitter of the Ancient Egypt civilization. And pathetically use the "Indian" as the basis of this claim.

Can South Africa claim all of Africa because it's name has "Africa" in it? Or can Americans [USA] claim South America, Central America as theirs also because of the name "America"? Or can the modern Roman-ians claim Rome as theirs and not Italian because their name is Romania today?


Moreover Pakistan was created because Muslims were persecuted
India was created by a British trading company. So where does this leave India with?
Pakistan ka matlab kya "La Ilaha Ilal la" which means Pakistan is a Islamic state.

Moreover Pakistan was created because Muslims were persecuted and so it has been created as a safe haven for muslims of subcontinent and neighbouring areas. So why don't you provide safety to Rohingya or Afghans?
Pakistan was created for Pakistanis - people that wanted to get away from the state in what we see India in today. Jinnah could clearly see the chaos that would and has prevailed.
Pakistan has taken in more refugees than any other nation in the world from Afghanistan and is continuing to take the burden on.
Your attempt to bring Rohingya refugees into this thread shows us your ability to troll. You are unable to hide your intention to soft troll. Why don’t you open a separate thread so you don’t veer us off topic?
Now tell and share - what’s your obsession with Islam and Pakistan? Do you have such inadequacy in your religion and life that you wake up every morning and hunt for bad news about our religion or country and then launch your vomit on here? Do you think we don’t know your intention? You stance is a pathetic one and an embarrassment for all that are associated with you
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buddhistforlife = little weiner for life:

Pakistan was created for Pakistanis - people that wanted to get away from the state in what we see India in today. Jinnah could clearly see the chaos that would and has prevailed.
Pakistan has taken in more refugees than any other nation in the world from Afghanistan and is continuing to take the burden on.
Your attempt to bring Rohingya refugees into this thread shows us your ability to troll. You are unable to hide your intention to soft troll. Why don’t you open a separate thread so you don’t veer us off topic?
Now tell and share - what’s your obsession with Islam and Pakistan? Do you have such inadequacy in your religion and life that you wake up every morning and hunt for bad news about our religion or country and then launch your vomit on here? Do you think we don’t know your intention? You stance is a pathetic one and an embarrassment for all that are associated with you

This is the reason for his obsession with Pakistan:

After many years of interaction with Indians I have concluded that most are afflicted with severe form of inferiorty complex. This is exposed by how they have literally deluded themselves that India and Indus basin are analogous and the same. It's akin to all of Africa suckling Nile River so that they can catch the glitter of the Ancient Egypt civilization. And pathetically use the "Indian" as the basis of this claim.

Can South Africa claim all of Africa because it's name has "Africa" in it? Or can Americans [USA] claim South America, Central America as theirs also because of the name "America"? Or can the modern Roman-ians claim Rome as theirs and not Italian because their name is Romania today?

View attachment 689457
India was created by a British trading company. So where does this leave India with?

Just "the trading" company".
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Under no circumstances we should allow these people in the Country- Enough is enough !!! The biggest thankless race on Planet Earth.

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