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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

Exactly bro, i could not have said it better myself.

Kalash are a gentle and noble culture, who have their place in Pakistani history. They represent our religious beliefs before Islam, and are an important link to our past.

In what world do Kalash even look like Indians... lol....


In fact even Indian Muslims despite their different religion are more similar to Hindus than Kalash. Find me ONE Kalash who wears shabby sheets like sari/dhoti to wrap their bodies and shit in the open like Indians and I will change my mind. A poor Kalash is much better dressed and behaved than the richest of Indians. They are simply worlds apart.
Flourishing markets?
You mean guns and drugs?

There used to be guns, when guns were required by Pakistan to be transported to mujahideen. Remember biggest gun markets are all inside Pakistan. Do visit dara adam khel and ull know. Drugs? Yes some weed is sold but thats not an issue. Torkham was a thriving business area, dry fruits and pomegranates coming frm Afghanistan alomg with fruits, while we sold them sugar, cement, construction material, paper, plasric, sanitry stuff, medicine and much more. If u dont know about something, its better u research rather than talk crap that indians do. What business u have with india that u spent billions on kartarpur???
What business u have with india that u spent billions on kartarpur???

Kartarpur is a knife wound for India and should be fully utilised

I am hardly a fan of any non muslim especially Indians but compare the Sikhs and afghans and who is trying more to harm PAKISTAN
Confusing. Visas for a country they verbally hate so much.....

Exactly and this is what's so angering

Day and night they abuse PAKISTAN, accuse PAKISTAN
Are utterly thankless for millions of afghans here
Will trash PAKISTAN on every platform

Yet they line up to try and get in

It can't happen, we can't allow snakes into PAKISTAN and expect that they won't bite us

All they will do is link up to the haramis we already have here like PTM

They will willingly join terrorists groups and if we hit them out comes the slogans of 'state killed pashteens'

Build the border right across the west
Border posts
Strict visa policy
Ensure police pick up anyone without a valid visa or citizenship in PAKISTAN

All I am saying is let them live and die in Afghanistan,,

PAKISTAN is a poor county we can't constantly be burdened with Afghans who never learn

We need to detach ourselves from Afghanistan

Let them live or die just let them do it in Afghanistan so we are not affected by them in any way

I say this for all


Any clown who has no loyalty to our country can go fcuk off somewhere else
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I'm a Pashtun. And we Pashtuns love Pakistan. Do not put Afghan "Loy" Pashtuns in the same boat as Pakistani Pashtuns. Always separate the two when making statements.
If you see my posts, you'll note that I've never pointed fingers on Pakistani Pashtuns.

In fact, I don't even make blanket statements about all Afghan refugees in Pakistan. I used to see them all negatively as a whole, but I had the good sense to realize that many of them are pro-Pakistan.

Sorry but I cannot extend the same sentiment to Afghan Pashtuns. Anyone who is advocating that we should just merge the two countries right away is calling for the Balkanization of Pakistan. It won't take long for ehtnonationalist Afghan Pashtuns to play Pakistani Pashtuns against Punjabis, playing up on manufactured grievances.
If you see my posts, you'll note that I've never pointed fingers on Pakistani Pashtuns.

In fact, I don't even make blanket statements about all Afghan refugees in Pakistan. I used to see them all negatively as a whole, but I had the good sense to realize that many of them are pro-Pakistan.

Sorry but I cannot extend the same sentiment to Afghan Pashtuns. Anyone who is advocating that we should just merge the two countries right away is calling for the Balkanization of Pakistan. It won't take long for ehtnonationalist Afghan Pashtuns to play Pakistani Pashtuns against Punjabis, playing up on manufactured grievances.

During my time in Pakistan I found all Pashtoons from Pakistan very patriotic and true Pakistanis, I could see they had mixed feeling when this topic was brought up. There are many Afghans that I know who are thankful to Pakistan and for what it has done to help Afghanistan in its need, it is also true there are many Afghans who are not of the same view.

Idiots exists everywhere they have some, you have some, even we here have some in the form of EDL and BNP.

Point is that Afghan image was damaged for the likes of you because the security and law making institutions did not apprehend and put a stop to Afghan led criminal activities including terrorism.
I lived in Multan for a while and met many Afghans there in the heart of Punjab making good honest living, I also met those who peddled in drugs and pediophilia.

It is a reality now that these nations exists as separate entity (blame the Brits or fate), I cannot comprehend how over sectarian and tribal grounds a lot of users here argue for unification of these lands. Still trying to understand how this narrative works.
Why? Pakistan is known as the natural homeland of all muslims. Why are you now hesitating to give citizenship to your own muslim brothers?

Incorrect pakistan was meant as a homeland for the muslims who live here and happen to be the majority. Read some correspondence between baba jinnah and Allama iqbal where baba jinnah mentions punjab, sindh, balochistan, Nwfp aka kpk and Kashmir because these happen to be muslim majority regions which he envisioned as a nation state.
Why? Pakistan is known as the natural homeland of all muslims. Why are you now hesitating to give citizenship to your own muslim brothers?

PAKISTAN is only for Pakistani citizens, it is not 1947

If others want countries they can make them in their own space

Indian Muslims are 200 million plus now let them Partition India to create a state

Afghans have Afghanistan

PAKISTAN must only be for Pakistani
PAKISTAN is only for Pakistani citizens, it is not 1947

If others want countries they can make them in their own space

Indian Muslims are 200 million plus now let them Partition India to create a state

Afghans have Afghanistan

PAKISTAN must only be for Pakistani
The ideology of 1947 is still active bro. By denying citizenship to Afghans, Rohingya, and muslim refugees of other ethnicities you are contradicting the views of Muhammad Ali Jinnah who founded Pakistan to provide shelter to any persecuted muslims. Its not 1947 I get it but you cannot change the ideology.
The ideology of 1947 is still active bro. By denying citizenship to Afghans, Rohingya, and muslim refugees of other ethnicities you are contradicting the views of Muhammad Ali Jinnah who founded Pakistan to provide shelter to any persecuted muslims. Its not 1947 I get it but you cannot change the ideology.

Yes you can, Pakistan was formed to create a state where everyone in British india could call its home and have equal freedom and liberties as enshrined in Pakistan's Law. That ideology was applicable to the people at that time, many chose not to move during 1947 and as such made their choices.

Pakistan as it stands, is for it's people, and they have a unique national identity. They are not Indians or Bengali they are Pakistani.

By your logic we should still be drowning people in Thames if they practice magic.
The ideology of 1947 is still active bro. By denying citizenship to Afghans, Rohingya, and muslim refugees of other ethnicities you are contradicting the views of Muhammad Ali Jinnah who founded Pakistan to provide shelter to any persecuted muslims. Its not 1947 I get it but you cannot change the ideology.

😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 What????

We are a sovereign state

Times have moved on, we are answerable only to PAKISTANI citizens

Only PAKISTANI citizens are allowed to remain, EVERYone else has to go through the usual visa regime

Rohingya are from Burma and the east or Bangla or India

Afghans are from Afghanistan

These people have their own states and land

We can help them.get independence, support their struggles and groups

But PAKISTAN is only for our own people
😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 What????

We are a sovereign state

Times have moved on, we are answerable only to PAKISTANI citizens

Only PAKISTANI citizens are allowed to remain, EVERYone else has to go through the usual visa regime

Rohingya are from Burma and the east or Bangla or India

Afghans are from Afghanistan

These people have their own states and land

We can help them.get independence, support their struggles and groups

But PAKISTAN is only for our own people
Pakistan ka matlab kya "La Ilaha Ilal la" which means Pakistan is a Islamic state.

Moreover Pakistan was created because Muslims were persecuted and so it has been created as a safe haven for muslims of subcontinent and neighbouring areas. So why don't you provide safety to Rohingya or Afghans?

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