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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

Honestly if those people acted like Muslims

Were thankful for the space we have given to millions of them
Space to work
Space to live

Access to our country

Even though it would cost PAKISTAN I would be willing to help them as a Muslim and neighbour

But the whole afghan schtick is some sort of ethnocentric lar aur bar bullshit where PAKISTAN gets the blame for everything that goes wrong in Afghanistan and to afghans
Rather then embracing PAKISTAN they seek to find a way to attack it, shout out against it and eventually break it

Afghans kill each other in Kabul and the afghans are trying to pin it in PAKISTAN

So why the hell would we want more of these idiots in PAKISTAN

If they aren't acting like Muslims why should we have any mercy for them

They are a useless people and We need them out of the country

We need to transform Pakistan into a successful state away from shit like PTM, PPP,PMLN, transform the economy for our own sake

We can't endlessly have this Afghani burden on us

Enough is enough

AGEEED. But my point is, that there are SO MANY Afghans in Pakistan now that some of them are LITERALLY claiming that Pakistan is their own territory. But these SAME people have no intention of ever returning back to Afghanistan either........... :disagree:

PS the ENDLESS Afghan burden on Pakistan is not a discussion or a conjecture. It is ALREADY a reality and is in Pakistan right NOW.
Really the above should have been enough but since you are insisting on more -
A great bath where people would go for ritual purity and priestly people reside within/nearby, one of main centers of mohenjodaro. Seeing the current emphasis on ritual purity through baths in Indian culture, the many holy rivers isn't it proof enough?
A culture of deity worship with water based ritual purity that's as Indian as it gets.
Also latest genetic studies also put the genetics being as those of the Indian people groups - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/scie...lexities-little-known-civilization-180973053/
Now tell me what Pakistan's got except for the few who sadly share our genetic ancestry?
Please don't get worked up by the "kala" comments, lol. Them dusky village girls from BD are some of the most gorgeous in the world :D
I let Christian bible kick you back to the Ganga where you belong.

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his ox, nor his as*s, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." Now add "nor his heritage"
So you are a Christian Pakistani? Must be tough for you there, try to avoid being force converted by mullahs and avoid getting your daughters abducted while you are at it before throwing bible quotes as an arguement!
IVC has nothing to do with Indians geographically or genetically. It was started by people who were genetically like Baloch, it started in Balochistan and spread to Punjab and Sindh.

IVC people buried their dead instead of cremating. They had nothing to do with Hinduism, which came with Aryans during the Iron age. Everyone in those age worshipped animals, and many Africans and Native Americans still do, so that's not a basis to claim IVC heritage.

However the Hinduism of Aryans is not the same as the Brahministic religion you practice. It was more like the religion of Kalash. Your Brahministic religion was birthed in Western Gangetic plains much later by mixed Aryan - native black Indian people.
Okay so fact check hindus also have communities that bury their dead, your arguement proves nothing, religions do mould over time but the connections remain undeniable. Feel free to research more on this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antyesti
I'm not a fool to go claim an African culture when I'm in the subcontinent. I claim the civ cause we are the same people with the same culture which you guys are not.
Read this for dna evidence - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/scie...lexities-little-known-civilization-180973053/
The religion the kalash adhere to is already widely credited to be a form of proto hinduism https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjASegQIFBAB&usg=AOvVaw0kmx4CEMg4ehlLx39gMnBU, just because the people of subcontinent follow a more modern form of hinduism doesn't change anything, it's not night and day difference like between islam and ivc religion. Like I said before the history of India is that of various migrations of people groups. We cherish the influences of all the people groups that influenced what we are today and so we have all the right to claim what is ours! Both ivc(dravidian) and ancient vedic aryan culture has shaped us into what we are today. Just because random Pakistanis in the net think differently doesn't change a damn thing!
Please don't get worked up by the "kala" comments, lol. Them dusky village girls from BD are some of the most gorgeous in the world :D
Kudos to you mate they are.
I just wanted to give a reality check to Pakistanis about their false pride :lol:
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They don't want to integrate. We'll have a Pashtun Punjabi civil war on our hands. The level of hate Afghani Pashtuns have for Punjabis is too much.

Better bet would be to support the Tajik and Hazara factions of Afghanistan.

They don't want to break our country at least.

Racists don't look nice giving preachy statements.

Wonder where your Muslim brotherhood goes when you say racist sh!t about Bengalis and Muhajirs. Hypocrite much?

I'm a Pashtun. And we Pashtuns love Pakistan. Do not put Afghan "Loy" Pashtuns in the same boat as Pakistani Pashtuns. Always separate the two when making statements.
If the afghans can be donkeys

We can be ostriches

The afghans have rocks in their heads they can't be changed, they will kill each other regardless and we need to be free of their Jahilat so we can move on

Let them do whatever they want, success or failure or destruction just do it in Afghanistan and seal the border so they can't bring their endless fassad into PAKISTAN
We have suffered enough from these useless ignorant people

We need to act like a nation state not some UMMAH charity that the afghans get to abuse over and over again

You are stuck on the anti-Afghan guitar riff and it is getting old.

You never answered by statement when I asked you what do you think of a large percentage of Pakistanis being of Afghan origin?

You are using a small group of anti-Pakistan Afghans to paint a whole nation of 25 million people, it is disingenuous.

Islam teaches us to take care of the widows, the orphans, the refugees, and the impoverished. We are doing our fara'id which Allah swt has asked of us.

If you think doing good to someone is wrong, I am seriously concerned about your spiritual state.

IVC has nothing to do with Indians geographically or genetically. It was started by people who were genetically like Baloch, it started in Balochistan and spread to Punjab and Sindh.

IVC people buried their dead instead of cremating. They had nothing to do with Hinduism, which came with Aryans during the Iron age. Everyone in those age worshipped animals, and many Africans and Native Americans still do, so that's not a basis to claim IVC heritage.

However the Hinduism of Aryans is not the same as the Brahministic religion you practice. It was more like the religion of Kalash. Your Brahministic religion was birthed in Western Gangetic plains much later by mixed Aryan - native black Indian people.

He refuses to provide proof (as none exists,) so i have begun reporting his posts. I encourage you all to do the same. Let us return to the topic.

AGEEED. But my point is, that there are SO MANY Afghans in Pakistan now that some of them are LITERALLY claiming that Pakistan is their own territory. But these SAME people have no intention of ever returning back to Afghanistan either........... :disagree:

PS the ENDLESS Afghan burden on Pakistan is not a discussion or a conjecture. It is ALREADY a reality and is in Pakistan right NOW.

Pakistan cannot choose to separate itself from Afghanistan, we have been united for most of history. This is an issue that we have to learn to live with and make the best of.

Kindness towards our Muslim brothers will be repaid by Allah swt, we are already seeing the end result as anti-Pakistanism is dying in Afghanistan.

Those vehemently anti-Pakistan groups like NA, ANA< NDS, Kabul government are the biggest losers in the new Afghanistan which is forming.

Our relations will reach new heights and amalgamation too may be on the horizon.

I'm a Pashtun. And we Pashtuns love Pakistan. Do not put Afghan "Loy" Pashtuns in the same boat as Pakistani Pashtuns. Always separate the two when making statements.

Yes brother, you are right. That ID is an Indian Hindu, so you can understand his mindset.

As for Afghans too, they are not all the same. We need to be clear about that.

Afghanistan is our brotherly nation, which shares culture, language, race, religion, history, and the future with us.

Pakistani military and government is doing the correct thing by keeping their hand open to Afghans.

Ofcourse more can always be done in Pakistan to go after criminals from all backgrounds.
You are stuck on the anti-Afghan guitar riff and it is getting old.

You never answered by statement when I asked you what do you think of a large percentage of Pakistanis being of Afghan origin?

You are using a small group of anti-Pakistan Afghans to paint a whole nation of 25 million people, it is disingenuous.

Islam teaches us to take care of the widows, the orphans, the refugees, and the impoverished. We are doing our fara'id which Allah swt has asked of us.

If you think doing good to someone is wrong, I am seriously concerned about your spiritual state.

He refuses to provide proof (as none exists,) so i have begun reporting his posts. I encourage you all to do the same. Let us return to the topic.

Pakistan cannot choose to separate itself from Afghanistan, we have been united for most of history. This is an issue that we have to learn to live with and make the best of.

Kindness towards our Muslim brothers will be repaid by Allah swt, we are already seeing the end result as anti-Pakistanism is dying in Afghanistan.

Those vehemently anti-Pakistan groups like NA, ANA< NDS, Kabul government are the biggest losers in the new Afghanistan which is forming.

Our relations will reach new heights and amalgamation too may be on the horizon.

Yes brother, you are right. That ID is an Indian Hindu, so you can understand his mindset.

As for Afghans too, they are not all the same. We need to be clear about that.

Afghanistan is our brotherly nation, which shares culture, language, race, religion, history, and the future with us.

Pakistani military and government is doing the correct thing by keeping their hand open to Afghans.

Ofcourse more can always be done in Pakistan to go after criminals from all backgrounds.

AGREED brother. Which means that because there are so many Afghans already in Pakistan and there is so much intermarrying and intermixing between Pakistanis and Afghans, the only way forward that avoids conflict, suffering and hardship is for both Pakistan and Afghanistan to merge like their were for many a millenia before the British Empire. There is no other viable solution.
AGREED brother. Which means that because there are so many Afghans already in Pakistan and there is so much intermarrying and intermixing between Pakistanis and Afghans, the only way forward that avoids conflict, suffering and hardship is for both Pakistan and Afghanistan to merge like their were for many a millenia before the British Empire. There is no other viable solution.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are one country, it has always been so.

If the Afghan kingdom had its act together at the time of partition, we would have joined with them instead of creating a separate country. However they were British cronies who had no problem surrendering land to the British for monthly stipends to feed their glamorous lives.

Pakistan had to create a newly independent state, where loyalty to Islam and Muslims was paramount. There was no ruling family or ruling tribe here (unlike Barakzai of Afghanistan.)

Islam had to emerge in the world again anew, in its pure form, unsullied by dynastic policies and historical empires.
Afghanistan and Pakistan are one country, it has always been so.

If the Afghan kingdom had its act together at the time of partition, we would have joined with them instead of creating a separate country. However they were British cronies who had no problem surrendering land to the British for monthly stipends to feed their glamorous lives.

Pakistan had to create a newly independent state, where loyalty to Islam and Muslims was paramount. There was no ruling family or ruling tribe here (unlike Barakzai of Afghanistan.)

Biggest problem from Afghanistan is the northern alliance and their cronies. They are the indian stooges who hate Pakistan a lot. They need to be liquidated.
Honestly if those people acted like Muslims

Were thankful for the space we have given to millions of them
Space to work
Space to live

Access to our country

Even though it would cost PAKISTAN I would be willing to help them as a Muslim and neighbour

But the whole afghan schtick is some sort of ethnocentric lar aur bar bullshit where PAKISTAN gets the blame for everything that goes wrong in Afghanistan and to afghans
Rather then embracing PAKISTAN they seek to find a way to attack it, shout out against it and eventually break it

Afghans kill each other in Kabul and the afghans are trying to pin it in PAKISTAN

So why the hell would we want more of these idiots in PAKISTAN

If they aren't acting like Muslims why should we have any mercy for them

They are a useless people and We need them out of the country

We need to transform Pakistan into a successful state away from shit like PTM, PPP,PMLN, transform the economy for our own sake

We can't endlessly have this Afghani burden on us

Enough is enough
And to be honest as we all know most afghans are genetically no longer afghans ,they all have Soviet and american blood running in their veins. They are just afghans on paper by citizenship or just because they were born on that cursed land. So exactly what Muslim brotherhood are we talking about?
Biggest problem from Afghanistan is the northern alliance and their cronies. They are the indian stooges who hate Pakistan a lot. They need to be liquidated.

Their end is coming soon. That is why Abdullah 2, Hikmatyar, and other leaders of Kabul regime were in Pakistan, basically pleading and begging Pakistan to save their lives.
They are definitely aware of the inevitable.

For most of history, Afghanistan and Pakistan were united as one region/country. Here is historical proof.

IVC (estimated 3300 BC - 1300 BC)

Indo-Greek Kingdom (180 BC - 10 AD)


Sakastan (150 BC – 400 AD)


White Huns/Hunas (440 AD – 710 AD)


Ghaznavi (977–1186)


Ghori (879–1215)


Dilli Sultanat (1206-1526)


Mughals (1525-1540; 1555-1857)


Durrani Empire/Ahmad Shah Abdali (1747–1826)

For most of history, Afghanistan and Pakistan were united as one region/country. Here is historical proof.

IVC (estimated 3300 BC - 1300 BC)

Indo-Greek Kingdom (180 BC - 10 AD)


Sakastan (150 BC – 400 AD)


White Huns/Hunas (440 AD – 710 AD)


Ghaznavi (977–1186)


Ghori (879–1215)


Dilli Sultanat (1206-1526)


Mughals (1525-1540; 1555-1857)


Durrani Empire/Ahmad Shah Abdali (1747–1826)



Pakistan and Afghanistan as 2 seperate nations is only a recent phenomenon.
So you are a Christian Pakistani?
No, agnostic. Going back to our heritage please lay off. You sound like those Negros in USA who use "Africa" to try and appropriate Nile Egptian civilization. They even have have a name for these junglee Africans trying to pinch the heritage of the Nile which everyone knows is Misr.

Similiary you guys use the "Indian" card to do your Gangacentrism. Junglee Gangas trying to eye up majestic civilized Indus 1,000 miles to the west in what is today Pakistan. Have some pride in your own land and your own forefathers.
If the afghans can be donkeys

We can be ostriches

The afghans have rocks in their heads they can't be changed, they will kill each other regardless and we need to be free of their Jahilat so we can move on

Let them do whatever they want, success or failure or destruction just do it in Afghanistan and seal the border so they can't bring their endless fassad into PAKISTAN
We have suffered enough from these useless ignorant people

We need to act like a nation state not some UMMAH charity that the afghans get to abuse over and over again

If I see your post about Muslims, Ummah and related, you will be called for it.

It seems you have a racial bias against people of Afghanistan
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