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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

Pakistan was not a crime free country before taking in a million or two refugees. Do you know the population of Pakistan?

furthermore this Pakistan first mantra was introduced by Musharraf who had no foresight to deal with political situation arising from WoT in Afghanistan. The dictator further complicated the matter by not taking political measures to ensure integration of the refugees nor made provisions for their socio economic needs leaving them at the mercy of already burdened Pakistani Muslims.

it is a governance matter if refugees are being used for criminal activities. government is toothless against political protection such crime attracts in Pakistan.

Great, AFGHANISTAN is a paradise now

So they can all go home
Why are you here then..? Hypoc
Definitely not to claim you sorry but true :lol: Indians come here for fun /discussions since we have a rivalry not for ancestral nostalgia related to any people group, see I want friendly relations between us any day, it's good business, but thinking we are somehow dying to claim Pakistani people is just plain wrong
The Egyptians are now Muslims
The Vikings are now Christians
The Greeks are now Christians
The people of the Indus civilization are now Muslims

We embraced Islam as a people

What did you think we would carry on worshipping monkeys and idols like some sort of jahils🤪🤪😂😂😂

We killed 3 million Hindu in Bangla to ensure Bangla remained a Muslim state as per partition

India currently is a utter hindutva extremist communal shithole

This is Pak zameen, a Hindu has less aukad then a dog here

Maybe it's because of all the lar aur bar shit, bombs, extremism, anti PAKISTAN activity

What exactly do you want us to do?
And the Indians/IVC people are still majority Hindus, speaks greatly to how magnificent our culture is to preserve it despite multiple invasions and attempts to erase it while other ancient cultures fell.
Disrespecting the very people/culture you claim to be the torch bearers of? Sorry but you seem to be a lost case can't argue anymore, good day to you.
you guys (the ones with Indian genes) lost the right to ivc claim when you bowed down to foreign powers and their foreign religion and you guys have the gall of talking big infront of us who stood up to the sword and refused to give up our culture :disagree:, so please stick to the foreign culture and heritage instead of claiming ours you'll just get mocked at.
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IVC religion was not Hinduism.

You austronesian Indians never left the Ganges valley, and you look roughly the same as your ancestors.

@Talwar e Pakistan

Why are you here then..? Hypoc

Pakistan obsession. If he won't provide facts when asked for, then there is no use replying to him.

They are PAKISTANI citizens

Why should we tolerate endlessly this nonsense from Afghanistan

My family are mostly from Azad Kashmir, but if Kashmiri were constantly causing fassad and terrorism I would fully support PAKISTAN in dealing with the problem

How can the country be held hostage

You are mixing up Kabul govt with all Afghans. Are you aware that Taliban is on control over most of Afghanistan now?

Maybe it's because of all the lar aur bar shit, bombs, extremism, anti PAKISTAN activity

What exactly do you want us to do?

Again only a small group of NA and Kabul regime cronies
Iran has made sure that paradise never see the sun again

That's Iran's problem and Afghanistans problem

Why are we dealing with the problem

Again I would be more understanding if the Afghans were actually thankful to Pakistan for housing millions of their people

But they seem utterly devoid of any sympathy for PAKISTAN whatsoever

If a tree falls over in Afghanistan they will blame PAKISTAN and ISI
Furthermore they are ethnocentric retards and are intent on trying to create instability in PAKISTAN by trying to instigate ethnocentric afghan wannabes in PAKISTAN in places like Waziristan

So not only do we get stuck trying to bring development to populations in backwaters like Waziristan where they create fassad and get support from Afghanistan

We get stuck trying to bring more donkeys over to support the PTM because their country is a utter shithole

It makes no sense,
We have to be reasonable and treat the afghans as foreigners

This means SEALING the border
Border fortifications

Strict visa policy

A return of Refugees who give PAKISTAN nothing but trouble and betrayal

Unless the afghanis are willing to learn we can't help them
Definitely not to claim you sorry but true :lol: Indians come here for fun /discussions since we have a rivalry not for ancestral nostalgia related to any people group, see I want friendly relations between us any day, it's good business, but thinking we are somehow dying to claim Pakistani people is just plain wrong

And the Indians/IVC people are still majority Hindus, speaks greatly to how magnificent our culture is to preserve it despite multiple invasions and attempts to erase it while other ancient cultures fell.
Disrespecting the very people/culture you claim to be the torch bearers of? Sorry but you seem to be a lost case can't argue anymore, good day to you.
you guys (the ones with Indian genes) lost the right to ivc claim when you bowed down to foreign powers and their foreign religion and you guys have the gall of talking big infront of us who stood up to the sword and refused to give up our culture :disagree:, so please stick to the foreign culture and heritage instead of claiming ours you'll just get mocked at.


The IVC people are Muslims now

You Indians have nothing to do with the people of this Pak zameen or our history

You would be better seeking local junglee from your own areas to glorify rather then trying to co-opt the history of PAKISTAN

Hinduism was disgusting and worthless to us

Your ugly gods and freaky idols made us vomit

We gladly dumped Hinduism for a superior system in Islam

This dosent erase our people's history

This dosent allow some jungle dwellers from the east to try and steal that history from us

Just like Egyptians, Greeks, Norwegians we don't lose our history because our people chose a superior path and you can't steal our history just because your pagans who live near to our ancient lands
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And some Dalits from Ganga do? Please find something in your country instead of looking abroad as your heritage. Be proud of who you are and not some other land far rom where you are.
Yes Dalits from the gangetic plain do. If that truth gives you indigestion go take a hike!!
IVC religion was not Hinduism.

You austronesian Indians never left the Ganges valley, and you look roughly the same as your ancestors.

@Talwar e Pakistan

Pakistan obsession. If he won't provide facts when asked for, then there is no use replying to him.

You are mixing up Kabul govt with all Afghans. Are you aware that Taliban is on control over most of Afghanistan now?

Again only a small group of NA and Kabul regime cronies
Sure IVC was not hinduism, it was actually a monotheistic religion early form of islam that just accidentally happened to worship deities and animals, prefect! Now strap this into your text books! :police:
Please make up your mind whether we are austronesian or Gangetic people :lol: fact check - austronesian as the name suggests are not from this part of the world.
Pakistan obsession? That's the last thing I would like to be associated with please spare me! ,I'd rather accept defeat in my arguement than being labled that my passport might get revoked. Let me quietly take my leave now:lol: you guys continue with you afghan bashings
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I have seen how business flourished in markets on torkham border, and recently i have again seen how deserted it is. I dont understand our pakistani mindset, what is wrong in issuing proper legal visas? Its not like they are getting citizenship, its just a 6 months visa. Mostly come for medical treatment and business. This all increses economic activity and soft power. It gives us leverage, a portion of their economy would depend on us. The same people criticise other countries for visa restrictions and yet vouch for border closure. Just ONE country in the world wants our visa and Pakistanis here become cocky and want bans, seriously? Its ok to waste billions on kartarpur for indian visitors, an enemy we accuse afghanis of supporting, but should ban muslims who mostly wants medical treatment? Seriously something very serious wrong with brains of our ppl. Its like suddenly our pakistanis become like sanghis.
Flourishing markets?
You mean guns and drugs?
I let Christian bible kick you back to the Ganga where you belong.

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his ox, nor his as*s, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." Now add "nor his heritage"
Because we are humans not ostrich

If the afghans can be donkeys

We can be ostriches

The afghans have rocks in their heads they can't be changed, they will kill each other regardless and we need to be free of their Jahilat so we can move on

Let them do whatever they want, success or failure or destruction just do it in Afghanistan and seal the border so they can't bring their endless fassad into PAKISTAN
We have suffered enough from these useless ignorant people

We need to act like a nation state not some UMMAH charity that the afghans get to abuse over and over again
If the afghans can be donkeys

We can be ostriches

The afghans have rocks in their heads they can't be changed, they will kill each other regardless and we need to be free of their Jahilat so we can move on

Let them do whatever they want, success or failure or destruction just do it in Afghanistan and seal the border so they can't bring their endless fassad into PAKISTAN
We have suffered enough from these useless ignorant people

We need to act like a nation state not some UMMAH charity that the afghans get to abuse over and over again

A few months ago I even stated on PDF that MORE afghans are now coming to Pakistan than during the Soviet invasion of the 1970s. The number of legal AND illegal afghans in Pakistan may be over 10 million. They are EVERYWHERE in Pakistan.
IVC has nothing to do with Indians geographically or genetically. It was started by people who were genetically like Baloch, it started in Balochistan and spread to Punjab and Sindh.

IVC people buried their dead instead of cremating. They had nothing to do with Hinduism, which came with Aryans during the Iron age. Everyone in those age worshipped animals, and many Africans and Native Americans still do, so that's not a basis to claim IVC heritage.

However the Hinduism of Aryans is not the same as the Brahministic religion you practice. It was more like the religion of Kalash. Your Brahministic religion was birthed in Western Gangetic plains much later by mixed Aryan - native black Indian people.
A few months ago I even stated on PDF that MORE afghans are now coming to Pakistan than during the Soviet invasion of the 1970s. The number of legal AND illegal afghans in Pakistan may be over 10 million. They are EVERYWHERE in Pakistan.

Honestly if those people acted like Muslims

Were thankful for the space we have given to millions of them
Space to work
Space to live

Access to our country

Even though it would cost PAKISTAN I would be willing to help them as a Muslim and neighbour

But the whole afghan schtick is some sort of ethnocentric lar aur bar bullshit where PAKISTAN gets the blame for everything that goes wrong in Afghanistan and to afghans
Rather then embracing PAKISTAN they seek to find a way to attack it, shout out against it and eventually break it

Afghans kill each other in Kabul and the afghans are trying to pin it in PAKISTAN

So why the hell would we want more of these idiots in PAKISTAN

If they aren't acting like Muslims why should we have any mercy for them

They are a useless people and We need them out of the country

We need to transform Pakistan into a successful state away from shit like PTM, PPP,PMLN, transform the economy for our own sake

We can't endlessly have this Afghani burden on us

Enough is enough
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