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Featured Surge of afghans requesting for Pakistani visas, Afghan Govt asks for Pakistani Embassy's help

Firstly Indus valley is not only limited to Pakistan
The Indus Valley Civilization was largely concentrated in Pakistan, it did extend into North-West India (which comprises around 2-3% of the Indian population) and Afghanistan up to the Oxus; hence we have no issue with peoples of these specific regions claiming the Indus Valley Civilization as well.

wherever the current state of Pakistan is located has got nothing to do with the original people inhabiting these lands.
Debunked by genetics and cultural-archeological analysis.


it's widely accepted that the Indus valley people got pushed further inwards toward mainland India probably towards the south
Uh no, that is not the consensus at all. That is just one theory which has no basis.


And what is gangadesh really? The correct term for ancient northern india is Aryavarta
Gangadesh is a term used by some Pakistanis for North India; specifically the "Land of the Ganges".
Wow just wow, it's that what's being taught in Pakistani schools now? Firstly Indus valley is not only limited to Pakistan and wherever the current state of Pakistan is located has got nothing to do with the original people inhabiting these lands. The history of the subcontinent is that of multiple migrations and it's widely accepted that the Indus valley people got pushed further inwards toward mainland India probably towards the south, New people groups simply occupied the same territory eventually.
And what is gangadesh really? The correct term for ancient northern india is Aryavarta
Also just for the record I find your fascist idiology on skin color disgusting. But didn't expect better from people enjoying the fact that an invader killed so many of a certain religion, many whom might be related to the ones slain.

Indus valley civilization was almost entirely within the borders of Modern Pakistan

The people of Indus are still here
The Kashmiri are still here
The Punjabi are still here
The Sindhi are still here
The Baloch are still here
The Pashtun are still here

This is our ancient land, people and home

We have gone NOWHERE

Gangadesh is basically India or the people of the Ganga basin as opposed to people of the Indus

There never was a India
India isnt a country it's just a geographical area like central Africa for example with multiple people's often with very little connection to each other
A Punjabi, Kashmiri or Baloch has next to nothing to do with someone from Odisha, or Tamil Nadu etc

It's just Indian and Hindu delusions that think everything here should be akhand Bharat or some other deluded shit, Pakistani are comfortable with our identity
Afghans are our Islamic brothers. We need to support and integrate them.

PMIK and COAS Bajwa will ensure that Afghanistan becomes 6th province of Pakistan.
Insha’Allah and for Afghans no more visa problems win win for all.
The Indus Valley Civilization was largely concentrated in Pakistan, it did extend into North-West India (which comprises around 2-3% of the Indian population) and Afghanistan up to the Oxus; hence we have no issue with peoples of these specific regions claiming the Indus Valley Civilization as well.

Debunked by genetics and cultural-archeological analysis.

View attachment 685292

Uh no, that is not the consensus at all. That is just one theory which has no basis.


Gangadesh is a term used by some Pakistanis for North India; specifically the "Land of the Ganges".
How did you make that graph?
Do provide source for the graph, but thinking it's sole successors are Pakistani people is naive at best as can be seen by many posters here.
The source of the graph is the Genoplot 25 database; it is a massive database of genetic samples including those that date back to thousands of years ago, it's an excellent tool to compare ancient and modern sample groups.
only a simpleton would think IVC has got nothing to do with Indian culture.
I would love to know what IVC has anything to do with Indian culture.
Lol such animosity towards afghans, here I held the thought that all Pakistanis see themselves as successors of the Durrani empire, aur banao abdali missile :lol:

We are our own people and don't see ourselves as successors to any other empire. It is stupid to build your country on an ethnicity because they are temporary. One day their will be no Punjabi or Sindhi. Just like their are no Ballerics, Parthians or Romans. Only Islam is for ever. Even if their is no one left practicing it, Islam will always be the truth. That is why our country is based on Islam and not race.
Lol such animosity towards afghans, here I held the thought that all Pakistanis see themselves as successors of the Durrani empire, aur banao abdali missile :lol:


Coming from you lot this is hilarious... we all know about your hate towards Muslim in your own country

what’s in a name.? We still have hospitals named like GanGa Ram...yet we have no issues wacking India
Passport and biometric should be a requirement for every afghan who enters and leave Pakistan. I seriously dont understand this policy of giving visa free entry without any documents like its Aba G ka ghar for these people. This is a must for our internal security. So many afghan come and then they dont even bother to leave crowding our cities snatching jobs from locals. We should become generous when we got rid of poverty in our land untill then keep a check on number of afghans.
We are our own people and don't see ourselves as successors to any other empire. It is stupid to build your country on an ethnicity because they are temporary. One day their will be no Punjabi or Sindhi. Just like their are no Ballerics, Parthians or Romans. Only Islam is for ever. Even if their is no one left practicing it, Islam will always be the truth. That is why our country is based on Islam and not race.

Correct brother. When the soil turns dry and crops fail, everyone will run from that land.

That is the fallacy of using soil as a basis for nationalism, and the problem with the basis of nation-states post-European enlightenment.

The ancient Aryans ran from their homes in Central Asia to escape famines, warring tribes, and find a home in the modern Pakistani region.

The reason why Indians reject Iranian, Afghan, and Pakistanis as Aryans is because they do not believe in the commonly accepted Aryan migration theory, and instead have invented a fallacious out of India theory.

Somehow Aryans came out of Dravidians like Aborigines?

Indians.... so deluded.
Close gates. We aren't their forefathers. These afghans gives abuses to Pakistan on border and burn Pakistani flag. Let them die. I don't even feel pain for Kabul University attack. Nds was involved in attacks on our schools and universities. No sympathy no mercy. My sympathy only for afghan talibans.

Afghan women, children, elderly, and civilians have no stake in this proxy war.

let us not lose focus.. Afghanistan is our brotherly nation and there are many there who genuinely love us.

Our common enemy are India and Iran. We should work together to decrease their influence in both our countries.
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Shiva Pashupati seals for example
I asked what the IVC has anything to do with Indian culture and you showed me a seal whose interpreted (among many theories) connection to a deity (that developed thousands of years later) is purely theoretical and heavily criticized by many prominent Indologists.

Do you have anything more than a speculative connection through a seal?

What has current Pakistan to do with animal and deity worshipping people?
I will address that once you answer my question above.
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I asked what the IVC has anything to do with Indian culture and you showed me a seal whose interpreted (among many theories) connection to a deity (that developed thousands of years later) is purely theoretical and heavily criticized by many prominent Indologists.

Do you have anything more than a speculative connection through a seal?
What do Hindus in Pakistan worship?
I asked what the IVC has anything to do with Indian culture and you showed me a seal whose interpreted (among many theories) connection to a deity (that developed thousands of years later) is purely theoretical and heavily criticized by many prominent Indologists.

Do you have anything more than a speculative connection through a seal?

I will address that once you answer my question above.
Really the above should have been enough but since you are insisting on more -
A great bath where people would go for ritual purity and priestly people reside within/nearby, one of main centers of mohenjodaro. Seeing the current emphasis on ritual purity through baths in Indian culture, the many holy rivers isn't it proof enough?
A culture of deity worship with water based ritual purity that's as Indian as it gets.
Also latest genetic studies also put the genetics being as those of the Indian people groups - https://www.smithsonianmag.com/scie...lexities-little-known-civilization-180973053/
Now tell me what Pakistan's got except for the few who sadly share our genetic ancestry?
All ancient civilizations, like Babylonia, Greeks, Romans, Persians, had baths and water rituals.

Move on...

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