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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

Yes, it's considered a very dirty word in polite circles in India. I personally don't use it. I don't even use ch***a or many other gutter words.

And certainly using it to refer to our Father of the Nation is very hostile and disrespectful. It's not a question of whether or not you can use such words to describe a figure we revere so much. It's a question of whether you should do it.

I only had a problem with a user abusing Mahatma Gandhi with a dirty word that refers to human genitalia. That's unacceptable!

If you and other indians left PDF you wouldn't have to put up with insults to ghandi. You can't expect Pakistanis on a Pakistani forum to respect and be polite about the founder of a nation that has a deep rooted visceral hatred towards Pakistan, Pakistanis and Muslims.
Yes, it's considered a very dirty word in polite circles in India. I personally don't use it. I don't even use ch***a or many other gutter words.

And certainly using it to refer to our Father of the Nation is very hostile and disrespectful. It's not a question of whether or not you can use such words to describe a figure we revere so much. It's a question of whether you should do it.

I only had a problem with a user abusing Mahatma Gandhi with a dirty word that refers to human genitalia. That's unacceptable!

You are blowing it out of proportion.

Fair enough....have all the beef you want. We can discuss all the figures.

But referring to Mahatma Gandhi with a word synonymous with human genitalia is unacceptable to us, and against the friendly spirit of this forum.

If your forum has a policy of not allowing any Indian posters, then you can say whatever you want. But your site admins welcome us, and why should we be expected to tolerate abuse of Bapu?

You can criticize him pertaining to Pakistan in a diplomatic manner on the issues of interest...without gutter level vocabulary.

Or are you simply incapable of that? I needn't know

I cannot stand the verval abuse of Mahatma Gandhi. I don't care if you ban me for that. I will teach this gutter worm called @Verve enough manners so that he will not dare abuse Bapu in his dreams.

We are not capable of respecting a man like Gandhi. No true full-blooded Pakistan would have anything positive to say about that snake of a man.

For us Pakistanis, we blame him and Nehru for the bloodshed and mess in Punjab and Kashmir.

They tried to stop Pakistan in its infancy, while making it look to others that they only wanted peace.
Go to South Africa - read up on it - people don’t have positive things to say about some of life - you can’t hide history - some people thought he was racist and his sexual advances are questioned with reliable sources - I won’t mention but google it if you are that naive and don’t believe me

As I said, Mahatma Gandhi had a million enemies in his lifetime, especially the Hindutvadis but also the British.

So a lot of lies about him were spun in his lifetime. Today's Modi's India is same: many Hindutvadis hate Mahatma Gandhi so they also talk about the same bs.

But he's still our national icon on the same lines as Quaid e Azam in Pakistan. That is a political fact which cannot be changed.
I am telling you to calm down. Do not insult.

And trust me on this. I am a man of action.

Thank you, Sir. We don't have too many demands but just basic respect of national icons of ALL countries.

This is my last post on this thread. I trust your superior judgment.
You are blowing it out of proportion.

We are not capable of respecting a man like Gandhi. No true full-blooded Pakistan would have anything positive to say about that snake of a man.

For us Pakistanis, we blame him and Nehru for the bloodshed and mess in Punjab and Kashmir.

They tried to stop Pakistan in its infancy, while making to look to the British that they only wanted peace.

And this Supremacist Scum wants his statue in Lahore ... this is what he said in the other thread!
I cannot stand the verbal abuse of Mahatma Gandhi. I don't care if you ban me for that. I will teach this gutter worm called @Verve enough manners so that he will not dare abuse Bapu in his dreams.

You need to calm down I believe religion is the only thing that shouldn’t be abused . People relating to history are open game. Gahbdi maybe your icon but to millions he certainly wasn’t - you can’t stop people calling him how they find him - you going down a dead end with this one
Thank you, Sir. We don't have too many demands but just basic respect of national icons of ALL countries.

This is my last post on this thread. I trust your superior judgment.
Now do not resort to insulting.

People are not perfect. Constructive criticism should be fine.
Fair enough....have all the beef you want. We can discuss all the figures.

But referring to Mahatma Gandhi with a word synonymous with human genitalia is unacceptable to us, and against the friendly spirit of this forum.

If your forum has a policy of not allowing any Indian posters, then you can say whatever you want. But your site admins welcome us, and why should we be expected to tolerate abuse of Bapu?

You can criticize him pertaining to Pakistan in a diplomatic manner on the issues of interest...without gutter level vocabulary.

Or are you simply incapable of that? I needn't know

I cannot stand the verbal abuse of Mahatma Gandhi. I don't care if you ban me for that. I will teach this gutter worm called @Verve enough manners so that he will not dare abuse Bapu in his dreams.

Then permanently leave PDF. You are PRECISELY proving why Pakistanis and indians can NEVER EVER coexist and live peacefully together.

Go to an indian forum that reveres ghandi. That is your best solution.
Constructive criticism is acceptable.

However, do not break rules of the forum. This is how conversations turn ugly.
If your forum has a policy of not allowing any Indian posters, then you can say whatever you want. But your site admins welcome us, and why should we be expected to tolerate abuse of Bapu?

No one has requested or forced you to join this forum. You joined this forum on your own interest.

Pakistanis are magnanimous and tolerate Indians on this forum.

Don't take our kindness as weakness and start putting forward demands on what Pakistanis could do or how they have to behave. Forum Administration already has well defined rules. Every should adhere to those instead of expecting any special treatment for yourselves.
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