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Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

I agree it's our joint responsibility to stick to the code of conduct. Henceforth, I propose a small amendment to iur code.

Any Pakistani poster that tries to derail Indian internal threads with irrelevant nonsense will be named here. 1-2 irrelevant posts are fine, but consistent derailment as done by @Verve are unacceptable to us.

No action will be taken against them/no report button for posts that follow forum rules because we are guests here.

But these posters will need to be reminded that they're acting against the brotherly/friendly spirit by derailing important discussions which are useful for us Indians. Especially where Pakistan is not even mentioned one.

It's like foreign tourists come to Pakistan and you want to peek into their bedrooms to see what they're doing. Not cool! I am sure none of you do that - why can't we have the same etiquette here.

No bad blood against ANY Pakistani brothers here, including the ones for whom I have hit the IGNORE button. I have no animosity towards you. Just chill. This is a great forum, and we all love it equally.

Apparently he's a Pakistani troll posting under Indian flags. I have put him on IGNORE for his consistently annoying derailments.

Too simplistic. Please open a new thread on that (as long as there is no flaming). I will be happy to respond.

Every thread will have Pakistani input and our point of view. This is PDF.

You cannot expect us not to comment on the only forum for Pakistanis on the web to discuss politics and defence.
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Congress are worse, they want to kick the ball down the lane to our descendants, hoping they are weaker than us.

Modi RSS types want to settle the question, her and now, even if they lose everything.

I prefer open enemy to a two faced hidden one.

Oh I agree. These Gandhuites and Nehruites are far more dangerous.
Very thread will have Pakistani input and our point of view. This is PDF.

You cannot expect us not to comment on the only forum for Pakistanis on the web to discuss politics and defence.

Fair enough but there should be a decorum. How is a comment on Rahul Gandhi siding with the Pakistanis in imaginary fitna prediction constructive or relevant to a thread where we are discussing his abilities as an Indian politician?

One or two snide remarks from a Pakistani perspective are OK, and I even laugh at them. But consistent derailment is in very hostile/unfriendly spirit.

I never interfere in Pakistan related threads except with constructive comments. As a forum user, it's my right to demand trolling-free environment from the site admins and mod's.

You better teach this Verve some manners first before preaching to me.

Also, in response to your other allegation, Mahatma Gandhi had/has a MILLION enemies...during his lifetime, as well as now in Modi's India. So lots of lies and half-baked ideas are circulating about him on the Internet. It's not your place to comment on a dead man, especially who is our national icon.
Gandhi would have let it go. He literally was killed because he went on a hunger strike to ensure Govt. Of India released 55 crore to Pakistan. If some Pakistanis choose not to respect Gandhi, that's a reflection on them not on Gandhi.

Forget Gandhi, the Pakistanis even dubbed Fatima Jinnah as an Indian agent at some point.

BJP does the same now here. We are concerned the lunatics have taken over the asylum here. I hope that concern has been present in Pak since half a century.

The crying continues! 'My sentiments are hurt because he insulted Gandhi' ... oh the hyper-sensitive Gandhiite can't handle it. 'Respect Gandhi, put his statue in Lahore' ... what a load of BS you've been talking!

Forum rules over-rule this CoC of yours! Gandhi, Nehru, Modi - all the same and we will not be muted, no matter how much you are offended by what we say about these fascists!

Don't equate home guests to forum guests. You are not going to get the same treatment! In fact you lot are intruders here! We are at war, including Hybrid war, with you so zero compassion for you lot! Get it past you thick skin!

Moderators will decide if I am derailing, not pesky intruders like you!

He can be as incited as he desires. Bakhts feel the same when we sing 'praises' of Modi!

Same breed!

This guy pretends that he is very tolerant and liberal, but he is not. He was abusing me with Taliban label only because I have a positive opinion of Afghans, and Pukhtoons in general. He even asked me to be less religious, lol.

They want to stifle our right to openly express our own views.

It is obvious.

Joe, Nilgiri, and less so Shantanu are the real problem with this forum from Indian side. I am ok with open Hindutva trolls, atleast we know what they think and their drama is very sub-par. These Congress supporters are the real dramabaz.

If you see Shashi Tharoor speak, they all act like him. That condescending superiority complex, putting down anyone who disagrees, appropriate all historical and political truth to themselves.

These are cancers, no wonder India ran into the arms of RSS.

RSS is actually lesser of two evils!
Congress are worse, they want to kick the ball down the lane to our descendants, hoping they are weaker than us.

Modi RSS types want to settle the question, here and now, even if they lose everything.

I prefer open enemy to a two faced hidden one.

This guy pretends that he is very tolerant and liberal, but he is not. He was abusing me with Taliban label only because I have a positive opinion of Afghans, and Pukhtoons in general. He even asked me to be less religious, lol.


Have I done the above thing again after I gave you my word that I will not do it? Why? Because you don't like it?

You told me once, and I listened.

Our Code of Conduct (CoC) is an enlightened one.
Fair enough but there should be a decorum. How is a comment on Rahul Gandhi siding with the Pakistanis in imaginary fitna prediction constructive or relevant to a thread where we are discussing his abilities as an Indian politician?

One or two snide remarks from a Pakistani perspective are OK, and I even laugh at them. But consistent derailment is in very hostile/unfriendly spirit.

I never interfere in Pakistan related threads except with constructive comments. As a forum user, it's my right to demand trolling-free environment from the site admins and mod's.

You better teach this Verve some manners first before preaching to me.

Also, in response to your other allegation, Mahatma Gandhi had/has a MILLION enemies...during his lifetime, as well as now in Modi's India. So lots of lies and half-baked ideas are circulating about him on the Internet. It's not your place to comment on a dead man, especially who is our national icon.

I will say anything I like about Gandhi, whenever I want. No one can stop me or @Verve
Fair enough but there should be a decorum. How is a comment on Rahul Gandhi siding with the Pakistanis in imaginary fitna prediction constructive or relevant to a thread where we are discussing his abilities as an Indian politician?


How many times have we seen Indians opening threads to show their crocodile tears for Pakistan and how CPEC is going make us a slave of China?

This is an open forum. Deal with it.
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