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Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

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Pak Shaeen

Regarding about 2nd batch of Thunders getting an upgrade.

We need to see the first batch ie the first 50 enter service (This alone will take til 2012) as per ACM tanvirs post in Air force monthly 2008. And since we stil have no date for IOC/FOC for the current 8 prototypes today that date could slip to 2013.

As for MLU the reason IAF is getting MLU after the first 105 mki is primarliy the benefits of India being involved financially in the FGFA PAK FA programme. The new radar smart skins and weapons upgrade for mki is coming off the 5 generation fighter project.

My question who is going to give away 5 gen tech to Thunder and when ??? for what price $$$$
As of now PAF don't have an AWAC, The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has ordered five Erieye radar system !
JF-17: ~100 km
Erieye : ~ 350 km

su-30mki :350 km search range.
phalcon: 600km+ / 500km+ (?)

Tell me who has got the better advantage of AWAC ?
Nobody, the 4 Erieye and 4 KJ-200 is perfectly adequate for the PAF's needs. BTW, try posting facts. The picture you posted is Saab 340 Erieye, not Saab 2000 Erieye which the PAF is receiving. It is stated to have a maximum range of 450 km, not 350 km. phalcon's maximum range is also stated to be 450 km as far as I know, unless you can provide evidence of "500-600+ km". I read a recent post by Gambit where he states that the Erieye radar should have greater range than the phalcon because of the difference in antenna configurations.

Which 5th generation short range missile are you talking about ? .honest
We don't know yet. IRIS-T was touted as the candidate in 2006. MICA was stated to be a strong possibility in 2007/2008. Other options are the Chinese PL-ASR, South African A-darter.
Hj786 whilst i acknowledge chinease air air missle tech and radars/ jamming tech is getting excellent dare i say russian/ western level you stil have not mentioned one single major advantage that Thunder has over mki

Name one peice of tech/ that gives thunder the edge

In contrast i can give 5 at least

Greater speed and accleration.
Greater angles of attack tanks to TVC/cannards
Far greater range and fuel. 2 pilots to share workload
Radars twice the range(pesa radar)
Carries twice as many BVR/WVR missles.. far bigger range of weapons
Bro Hj786... I don't think that the JF17 was ever intended to be a useless aircraft. In its final configuration, it will certainly be a capable aircraft. However it is not fair to say that while the JF17 will be evolving, the MKI will be static. It has its own upgrade program in the pipeline and will benefit from SU35 and Pak-Fa derived technology.

I said it was "developed to be capable of defeating it." An example of some of the modifications made to the design in light of such threats are the radar jammer in the tail fin.

Bro the frontline aircraft of the PAF is the F16 and going forward, the J10B. The JF17 was intended to replace the PAF's aging fleet of F-7's, Mirages and A-5's. Similarly the frontline aircraft for the IAF is the MKI. Capability will only be judged on the battlefield, where anything is possible, both ways.

Additionally can we discuss this once the JF17 has evolved? Around 2014-15 when Blk 3 will be ready assuming there is no delay.

I think this can be easily explained: you know very little to nothing about the JF-17. You are blinded to the facts by national pride, whereas I'm insisting they should be taken into account.

Well, not much is known about the JF17's final configuration by anyone. There have been claims and counter claims about engines, radar, avionics, weapons, etc. Lets take a call once an order has been placed. The aircraft available with the PAF now is 8 in number in its basic form with a Chinese radar and avionics.

Here you go:
The JF-17 Thunder: A hefty punch at an affordable price.
The JF-17 Thunder: A hefty punch at an affordable price
Usman Ansari gives a project update on the Sino-Pakistani JF-17, which will be entering full production next year.
An edited version of the above article appeared in Vol:8 No.4 of Combat Aircraft

A link to the publisher's website:
Combat Aircraft Magazine | Back Issues | Volume 8
Thunder Storm - Usman Ansari details the JF-17 'Thunder' fighter developed jointly by China and Pakistan, as it enters service with the Pakistan AF

Interesting article. The title is self explanatory. It says "A hefty punch at an affordable price." The hefty punch is in relativity to the price and not to the MKI. Don't get me wrong, the article itself is informative.

No you haven't because none of your points counter the following:

The JF-17 has tactical data-links to interface with other platforms such as AWACS aircraft, so it would always be aware of an opposing aircraft's position. The radar warning receiver systems would also help here. It has BVR AAMs and a radar with around 100 km range against even fairly small targets - which the mki isn't. For close range combat it will have 5th generation short range missiles with TVC and infra-red imaging seekers, capable of manoeuvring at around 50g, which the mki can't. These missiles will be slaved to a helmet-mounted sights/display system, and the mki is not invisible so JF-17 pilots can see it and designate it for their missiles. It has a missile approach warning system which is integrated with not only UV/IR sensors giving 360 degree coverage, but also the radar warning receiver and electronic warfare systems (radar jammer housed in the rectangular fairing at the tip of the vertical tail fin). The mki's missiles are also not invisible to UV/IR sensors, unless they don't have rocket motors. According to a Chinese article, the onboard radar jammer is capable of focusing all its jamming power in any direction. There are sources for all of this.

1)The MKI also has a datalink to AWACS and can additionally be used as a Mini-AWACS as well due to its powerful NIIP N011M Bars (Panther) radar. It also has a RWR and additionally the OLS-30, a combined FLIR/IRST/LR system.

2) The JF17 is currently fitted with the Chinese KLJ-7 radar. The radar can reportedly manage up to 40 targets, monitor up to 10 of them in track-while-scan (TWS) mode and simultaneously fire on two BVR targets. The detection range for targets with a radar cross-section of 5 square meters is stated to be ≥105 km (≥85 km in look-down mode).

In comparison the SU30 MKI has the NIIP N011M Bars (Panther) radar. N011M has a 350 km search range and a maximum 200 km tracking range, and 60 km in the rear hemisphere. In the air to air mode the N011M Bars offers a true look down, shoot down capability with a detection range of 140 km against a target with a Radar cross section (RCS) of 2 m2. Up to 15 air targets can be tracked at once in track-while-scan mode with 4 of these engaged at once.

3) As for all the other stated facts, the answers are given in the links provided. Regards avionics, speed, weapons load, T/W ratio, etc, the SU30 MKI either matches or exceeds those of the JF17.

See bro. In no way am I saying that PAF is stupid and the JF17 is crap. The PAF is working under immense Geo-Political and Budgetary constraints and are doing the best they can in their circumstances. The PAF's doctrine is not offensive but is to deny the IAF air superiority in the event of a conflict. Also a country with a defense budget 25% of the other will not be able to match it conventionally, hence the nuclear button.

Anyways I think these Vs threads are useless cause in a conflict there are always too many external factors in play. Hope you take my post in good spirit. :cheers:

KLJ-7 Radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bars radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sukhoi Su-30MKI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
JF-17 Thunder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is problem... Everytime it is a VS threat Indian friends always compare Tomorrow's IAF with current PAF. Well how come you think that IAF will go for MLU and PAF will not react. Wait for 2nd batch of Thunders you will see a lot more improvement there as well.

I am not saying after these Thunder will become a MKI killer or something like that but point is improvement is a constant process in every AF and PAF is no exception in this regard.

Bro sorry but its always the other way around. Lets compare the current JF17 with KLJ 7 radar and not the prospective Blk 3 with the SU30MKI, not MLU'ed as well. BTW Storm Force is not an Indian Friend. Lol
Nobody, the 4 Erieye and 4 KJ-200 is perfectly adequate for the PAF's needs. BTW, try posting facts. The picture you posted is Saab 340 Erieye, not Saab 2000 Erieye which the PAF is receiving. It is stated to have a maximum range of 450 km, not 350 km. phalcon's maximum range is also stated to be 450 km as far as I know, unless you can provide evidence of "500-600+ km". I read a recent post by Gambit where he states that the Erieye radar should have greater range than the phalcon because of the difference in antenna configurations.

The Erieye:

Erieye detects and tracks air and sea targets out to the horizon (and beyond due to anomalous propagation)—instrumented range has been measured at 450 km. Typical detection range against fighter-sized targets is approximately 350 km, in a 150° broadside sector, both sides of the aircraft. Outside these sectors, performance is reduced in forward and aft directions. It is understood that Erieye has some ability to detect aircraft in the 30° sectors fore and aft of the aircraft heading, but has no track capability in this sector. Therefore the Erieye is not complete 360 degrees platform.

BTW the article mentioned by Gambit clearly states the blind spots on the Erieye Radar.

The Phalcon:

Instead of using a rotodome, a moving radar found on some AEW&C aircraft, the Phalcon uses the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA), an active phased array radar. AESA radars have very short to instantaneous scanning rates, which makes them difficult to detect. The radar can be mounted on the an aircraft's fuselage or on the top inside a small dome. Either position gives the radar 360 degree coverage. The phased array radar allows positions of aircraft on operator screens to be updated every 2-4 seconds, rather than every 20-40 seconds as is the case on the rotodome AWACS. The Range of the Phalcon is 500 km for fighter size targets and 200 km for smaller platforms such as cruise missiles, etc.)

Adittionally the IL76 aircraft on which the system is mounted is faster and can stay up for a longer period when compared to the turboprop Erieye.

Articles #1347 , The Value of the Phalcon AWACS for India
EL/M-2075 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Erieye radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Phalcon:

Instead of using a rotodome, a moving radar found on some AEW&C aircraft, the Phalcon uses the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA), an active phased array radar. AESA radars have very short to instantaneous scanning rates, which makes them difficult to detect. The radar can be mounted on the an aircraft's fuselage or on the top inside a small dome. Either position gives the radar 360 degree coverage. The phased array radar allows positions of aircraft on operator screens to be updated every 2-4 seconds, rather than every 20-40 seconds as is the case on the rotodome AWACS. The Range of the Phalcon is 500 km for fighter size targets and 200 km for smaller platforms such as cruise missiles, etc.)

BTW, Erieye is also an AESA and same advantage goes to there as well.
What is range of Phalcon against a ship?
BTW, Erieye is also an AESA and same advantage goes to there as well.
What is range of Phalcon against a ship?

Yes, both platforms have an AESA radars. The advantage of the Phalcon against the Erieye is with respect to its range and time at station/ speed. In terms of the radar itself, I don't know if there is a difference between the two in terms of targets tracked etc.

I have no info regarding its range against surface ships. I would expect it to be more or less the same or higher as ships are larger targets than aircraft, having a higher RCS and free of Ground clutter. May be wrong though.
Pak Shaeen

As for MLU the reason IAF is getting MLU after the first 105 mki is primarliy the benefits of India being involved financially in the FGFA PAK FA programme. The new radar smart skins and weapons upgrade for mki is coming off the 5 generation fighter project.

My question who is going to give away 5 gen tech to Thunder and when ??? for what price $$$$

i would like to point to some things here the MKI upgrade is an IRKUT product and not a KNAPPO one like the su35bm and pakfa
although its the same parent company sukhoi corporation under UAC
you need to understand in detail about how russia/sukhoi functions its not the same as you think the MKI upgrades are different from the PAKFA or the SU35bm
the confirmed su30mki upgrades can the jf-17 match up to them in technical specs

the confirmed upgrade for the new radars are here

'Bars's chief designer Tamerlan Bekirbayev says the capability for simultaneously detecting, tracking and engaging several aerial targets with one ground target already exists on the serial 'Bars' radars. During next step of upgrading :

- The air detection range will be more, than doubled!
- The number of tracked and egaged targets will be increased 1.5-2 times (from current 20 & 8 figures).
- The mapping performance in terms of target detection range and resolution will be doubled!
- The number of tracked ground targets will be doubled too.
- Some new operation modes will be added, particularly Meteo and Active Countermeasures modes.
- Interaction with other avionic systems (ECM, EO targeting) will be expanded.
- The range of weapon use will be extended.
- Formation mission capabilities will be enhanced.

After the completing this stage of upgrade, the next step will be equipping 'Bars' radar with AESA antenna. If so, it could be the first world AESA radar with additional gimbals mechanism. Even after AESA variant go for serial production, NIIP chiefs believe PESA radars will remain a low cost solution for many customers worldwide.
As of now PAF don't have an AWAC, The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has ordered five Erieye radar system !


JF-17: ~100 km

Erieye : ~ 350 km



su-30mki :350 km search range.

phalcon: 600km+ / 500km+ (?)


Tell me who has got the better advantage of AWAC ?

Which 5th generation short range missile are you talking about ? .honest :what:

anywazz...gud nyte ! :wave:

Erieye radar system is not as good as KJ-200, i am sure~ no doubt, pakstain has already ordered KJ-200.:woot:
After all this is people still believe that JF-17 can still take on MKI,its just innocence.

Ignoring the tranche 3 upgrades and considering MKI as of today similar to JF-17,

MKI is a heavy and multirole air dominance fighter.It persuaded that critics.and is known as a the best air dominance fighter in the world only after Raptor.

And comparing that with a light weight point defence fighter like JF-17 is really really absurd.One MKI with 10+ BVR AAM`s can take on atleast 7+ JF-17 at a time without letting JF-17 know that MKI is coming after them.period

Fight with MKI is a fight with weaponised AWACS.Period
After all this is people still believe that JF-17 can still take on MKI,its just innocence.

Ignoring the tranche 3 upgrades and considering MKI as of today similar to JF-17,

MKI is a heavy and multirole air dominance fighter.It persuaded that critics.and is known as a the best air dominance fighter in the world only after Raptor.

And comparing that with a light weight point defence fighter like JF-17 is really really absurd.One MKI with 10+ BVR AAM`s can take on atleast 7+ JF-17 at a time without letting JF-17 know that MKI is coming after them.period

Fight with MKI is a fight with weaponised AWACS.Period

I think you meant 17 JF-17s.:disagree:
Su-30MKI performs maneuver "Culbit" on MAKS-2005

Watch this video people and then try to compare the jf-17 with the MKI, please there is no comparison, The MKI is truly a masterful jet. The jf-17 is good but comparing it with an MKI is a joke , next someone will start comparing the JF-17 with the F-22, and I am 100% sure that some JF-17 fanboy can even pull that off lol
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